
260+ Verbs That Start with L | Definitions and Examples Included

Do you know how important it is for our vocabulary bank to have verbs that start with L in it? And why they are so important for us to be aware of?

The answer to your question is quite simple, when you are sending a business proposal, writing a formal letter or just writing a blog or an article, there will appear a time when you will be forced to bring these verbs that start with L to use.

And if you are not well aware of them then there are high chances of you messing up.

That’s why my hard-working team has made sure to include as many verbs that start with L in this list as possible. Different types of verbs beginning with L are mentioned here and do not worry, they are not alone.

We have these action words that start with L explained with the help of most accurate definition, unique synonyms as well as creative sentences for your better understanding. Let’s get started now, shall we?

Most Common Verbs That Start with L

We are going to start our premium list of verbs starting with L, with the topic verbs that start with L on regular basis. There exists infinite number of verbs but it is better if you take slow and nice approach towards learning rather than taking a full bite at once.

1. Love

  • Definition: to have a deep feeling of affection towards the other person
  • Synonyms: adore, cherish
  • Example: A mother loves all her children equally.

2. Live

  • Definition: to reside in a place
  • Synonyms: reside, stay
  • Example: He is still living in his parent’s house even after marriage.

3. Look

  • Definition: to direct your eyes to see something or someone
  • Synonyms: gaze, stare
  • Example: John looks at Jessica with so much love.

4. Like

  • Definition: to take pleasure or seek liking out of something
  • Synonyms: fancy, admire
  • Example: My mother likes our home to be neat and clean all the time.

5. Loan

  • Definition: to give someone money or item of property for a temporary period of time
  • Synonyms: lend, advance
  • Example: Theo loaned me his car.

6. Lack

  • Definition: to have an inadequate or less than expected amount of something
  • Synonyms: miss, require
  • Example: The flood victims lack food at the moment.

7. Leak

  • Definition: to intentionally disclose a private information about something to someone  
  • Synonyms: disclose, divulge
  • Example: Amanda was the one who leaked his secrets to the principal.

8. Lure

  • Definition: to convince someone of something by offering them something exciting in return
  • Synonyms: tempt, entice
  • Example: The goons tried to lure the kid to their van but failed.

9. Lower

  • Definition: to bring something down from higher position
  • Synonyms: down
  • Example: He lowered his son’s coffin to the grave with a heavy heart.

10. Link

  • Definition: to create a bond between two things or people
  • Synonyms: associate, relate
  • Example: These two people are linked with each other.

Verbs That Start with L – Beginner Level

The type of vocabulary a person uses in his conversation speaks louder about the type of content he consumes. We believe that a vast knowledge about verbs beginning with L will help you a lot in this matter. Some of the beginner friendly verb words that start with L are here.

1. Lag

  • Definition: to make progress in your field slowly as compared to other people
  • Synonyms: dawdle, linger
  • Example: Ali will start to lag behind in his studies if he didn’t give up on his careless attitude any time soon.

2. Lick

  • Definition: to move your tongue across the surface of anything
  • Synonyms: wet, moisten
  • Example: The kid got splinters in his tongue from licking the wood piece.

3. Lengthen

  • Definition: to extend the length of something, to elongate
  • Synonyms: expand, widen
  • Example: I have already lengthened the skirt two times by now.

4. Lessen

  • Definition: to reduce the size of something
  • Synonyms: reduce, minimize
  • Example: Morning walks can lessen the chances of depression by 30%.

5. Lighten

  • Definition: to make something bright
  • Synonyms: relieve, alleviate
  • Example: They have lightened the chandeliers in the hall room per my request.

6. Lull

  • Definition: to make someone calm enough that they sleep
  • Synonyms: soothe, hush
  • Example: The classic music always lulls me to sleep.

7. Labor

  • Definition: to do a lot a hard work especially using physical strength
  • Synonyms: toil, work
  • Example: He labors very hard every single day.

8. Limp

  • Definition: to walk with difficulty because of an injury
  • Synonyms: halt, hobble
  • Example: He started to limp after falling to the ground.

9. Loosen

  • Definition: to not fix a thing tightly in its place
  • Synonyms: unstick, unfasten
  • Example: I was finally able to loosen the tight wire.

10. Lunch

  • Definition: to eat your daytime meal
  • Synonyms: eat
  • Example: I will lunch with you tomorrow.

Verbs That Start with L – Medium Level

In this section, we are going to discuss about verbs starting with letter L at length. These ten words are used by common people habitually. So, let’s talk about them now, shall we?

1. Loom

  • Definition: to appear in the form of an unclear and frightening shape
  • Synonyms: emerge, hover
  • Example: Dark storm clouds loomed before the horizon.

2. Long

  • Definition: to have a desire for something for a long period of time
  • Synonyms: want, yearn
  • Example: Even after years of breaking up, I still long for his presence around me.

3. Leash

  • Definition: to tie-up (a dog)
  • Synonyms: tether, secure
  • Example: Elijah was frightened to leash the animal.

4. Localize

  • Definition: to put boundaries over something and limit it to a certain area
  • Synonyms: limit, restrict
  • Example: The government should localize the use of drugs for teenagers.

5. Lease

  • Definition: to let someone use your property for a certain period of time in exchange for money
  • Synonyms: hire, rent
  • Example: I leased a van for my picnic with friends.

6. Levy

  • Definition: (of a government or organization) to demand money in the form of tax
  • Synonyms: charge, exact
  • Example: The government has now levied the drugs and alcohol too.

7. Languish

  • Definition: to be stuck in an unpleasant area without your will
  • Synonyms: rot, decay
  • Example: He did not languish in prison for a longer period of time.

8. Lavish

  • Definition: to praise something because of its extraordinary qualities
  • Synonyms: heap, shower
  • Example: The social media couldn’t lavish enough admiration on the film.

9. Linger

  • Definition: to take a long period of time for quitting something
  • Synonyms: crawl, loiter
  • Example: Mike shamelessly let his eyes linger on Amanda’s face.

10. Laminate

  • Definition: to cover up a flat surface with a layer of plastic or protective materials
  • Synonyms: cover, overlay
  • Example: They will laminate your photographs in clear plastic.

Verbs That Start with L – Hard Level

For the latest section of verbs that begin with L, which people uses on daily basis out of habit, we have decided these ten hard level verbs. Let’s get into this section without any further ado. 

1. Lather

  • Definition: to rub something to the point that it creates foam
  • Synonyms: scrub, sponge
  • Example: It is unlikely for soap to lather in hard water.

2. Loll

  • Definition: to let your body relax by lying or sitting lazily
  • Synonyms: lounge, sprawl
  • Example: He was lolling in his office chair and his boss saw him.

3. Log

  • Definition: to cut down trees in order to use them for different types of wood uses
  • Synonyms: cut down, trim
  • Example: The forests are being logged to a great extent these days.

4. Lime

  • Definition: to use lime with soil in order to reduce its acidity and improve its fertility rate and oxygen levels
  • Synonyms: add, treat
  • Example: They lime lakes full of acid twice each year.

5. Lade

  • Definition: to ship off goods as in cargo
  • Synonyms: load, carry
  • Example: The spare products must be laden on board the containers.

6. Lubricate

  • Definition: to make a machine run without any difficulty
  • Synonyms: oil, grease
  • Example: He lubricates and cleans all the machines at his factory after every six months.

7. Loathe

  • Definition: to have a sheer hatred towards someone
  • Synonyms: abhor, detest
  • Example: I loathe her poor personality.

8. Lambast

  • Definition: to taunt someone in a very brutal manner
  • Synonyms: criticize, chastise
  • Example: Grey never leaves any opportunity to lambast my boutique.

9. Luxuriate

  • Definition: to enjoy the luxuries without complaining
  • Synonyms: revel, bask
  • Example: She loves to luxuriate in a hot bath after a tiring day.

10. Lounge

  • Definition: to sit or lie down relaxingly
  • Synonyms: relax, rest
  • Example: It is unprofessional to lounge in your office during work hours.

Verbs That Start with L – Expert Level

It is impossible for all the verbs that start with the letter L to perfectly fit in every situation and that is the only reason we are also preparing other lists of verbs with different alphabets for your ease. For now, take a look at these L verbs.

1. Leg

  • Definition: to escape from a situation
  • Synonyms: march, trek
  • Example: The goons legged from the street’s corner when they saw police approaching them.

2. Lampoon

  • Definition: to criticize a public figure openly
  • Synonyms: satirize, mock
  • Example: She hates this one actor so much that she is always lampooning him on twitter.

3. Lope

  • Definition: to run with a long bounding stride
  • Synonyms: stride, run
  • Example: I saw a big animal loping along the side of the fence.

4. Levitate

  • Definition: to make anything rise or float in air without any physical support
  • Synonyms: float, rise
  • Example: I wish I was able to levitate something in the first try.

5. Latinize

  • Definition: to give a Latin form to any word
  • Synonyms: transform, translate
  • Example: Couple of English poets had latinized some of their poems.

6. Lord

  • Definition: to behave like you are the boss and knows about things better than anyone else
  • Synonyms: domineer, dominate
  • Example: My elder brother loves to lord over me.

7. Lisp

  • Definition: to speak with difficulty, to speak with a lisp
  • Synonyms: sputter, stutter
  • Example: Do not make fun of people who lisp, that is mean.

8. Lacquer

  • Definition: to paint a wood piece with a varnishing liquid
  • Synonyms: varnish, cover
  • Example: He lacquered all of his acrylic paintings.

9. Lard

  • Definition: to insert fat strips in meat before cooking it
  • Synonyms: grease, oil
  • Example: The chef advised him to use pig fat to lard the boned chicken.

10. Lamb

  • Definition: to give birth to lambs
  • Synonyms: produce, bud
  • Example: He will lamb a flock of 20 ewes for his neighbor.

Positive Verbs That Start with L

There is no harm in learning new things and words that are not included in your course books. The extra learning will always benefit you in multiple ways just like if you have positive verbs that start with L in your vocabulary bank, you will be able to write much more creatively than your fellows.

1. Laugh

  • Definition: to make happy sounds and smile pleasantly
  • Synonyms: cackle, chortle
  • Example: He laughs at every silly thing.

2. Lecture

  • Definition: to give educational talk to the students of any institution
  • Synonyms: teach, speak
  • Example: The artist will lecture us all on Spanish art today.

3. Legitimize

  • Definition: to normalize the use of something by making it legal
  • Synonyms: validate, permit
  • Example: Movies showing the true side of Armed forces have finally been legitimized.

4. Liberalize

  • Definition: to make flexible laws, systems, or opinions for everyone
  • Synonyms: modify, change
  • Example: The government has issued new rules in order to liberalize prison rules.

5. Leapfrog

  • Definition: to progress further as if in leapfrog
  • Synonyms: plunge, rise
  • Example: Their intention to allow London to leapfrog its rivals into a leading position was not backed up by anyone.

6. Lustrate

  • Definition: to purify something of sins according to the rituals and by having washing ceremony
  • Synonyms: baptize, cleanse
  • Example: When someone is converting to Christianity his soul is meant to be lustrated in the baptismal waters.

7. Lullaby

  • Definition: to sing someone a calm song so that they can go to sleep
  • Synonyms: sing, hush
  • Example: I lullaby to my sister’s kids every night.

8. Lionize

  • Definition: to glorify someone to the point they become famous
  • Synonyms: celebrate, fete
  • Example: The press lionized the new actress with great enthusiasm.

9. Liken

  • Definition: to say that the other person has a set of comparable qualities
  • Synonyms: compare, relate
  • Example: Theo is likened to do multi-tasking just like his elder sister.

10. Liberate

  • Definition: to help someone to escape or become free
  • Synonyms: free, release
  • Example: They failed to do anything to liberate the palace slaves.

Action Verbs That Start with L

If you are also one of those people who are thirsty for knowledge and is always ready to learn different things then you are in the right hands. Action verbs that start with L are unique to learn and creative to use in writings.

1. List

  • Definition: to include all the things you need on a paper by numbering them
  • Synonyms: record, register
  • Example: List all these names in an alphabetical order.

2. Load

  • Definition: to fill a container with a huge amount of something
  • Synonyms: pack, stuff
  • Example: They loaded the truck with expensive champagne and cheap beer.

3. Launch

  • Definition: to introduce a new product in front of a large group of people
  • Synonyms: start, begin
  • Example: They are expecting to launch a new skincare product by the end of this year.

4. Lift

  • Definition: to move something up to a higher position
  • Synonyms: raise, hoist
  • Example: He and his little brother both helped me in lifting the wooden furniture to my room.

5. Label

  • Definition: to put a tag on something
  • Synonyms: mark, ticket
  • Example: Label your new collection with something catchy yet simple.

6. Lace

  • Definition: to secretly add alcohol or mix drugs in the beverages
  • Synonyms: mix, amalgamate
  • Example: Despite several warnings from the doctor he still laces his coffee with beer.

7. Latch

  • Definition: to secure something with the help of a latch
  • Synonyms: fasten, secure
  • Example: Do not forget to latch the main door before you leave for office.

8. Lacerate

  • Definition: to cut flesh or any other thing
  • Synonyms: cut, slash
  • Example: Finn’s leg was lacerated by the wooden splinters.

9. Lynch

  • Definition: to illegally put someone to death as in mob action
  • Synonyms: execute, kill
  • Example: The street men brutally lynched the innocent Christian worker yesterday.

10. Lance

  • Definition: to cut something open (an abscess or boil) with a sharp and pointed thing
  • Synonyms: peck, pierce
  • Example: The meat was lanced by the butcher.

Irregular Verbs That Start with L

This section covers up some of the irregular verbs that start with L, which are a bit different from the regular verbs but are definitely very important to be known and learned by heart.

1. Leave

  • Definition: to abandon a place or a person for either a long period of time or short period of time
  • Synonyms: go away, quit
  • Example: He has left the apartment.

2. Lend

  • Definition: to let someone use your personal possessions on promise of them returning it to you at the agreed time
  • Synonyms: offer, grant
  • Example: He has lent him his car because of his reckless driving.

3. Leap

  • Definition: to make a sudden, large jump from one place to another
  • Synonyms: jump, vault over
  • Example: He leapt to my defense.

4. Lead

  • Definition: to be in a full control of dealing with any situation or guiding people
  • Synonyms: show, guide
  • Example: Rebekah led the tourists to the mosque.

5. Light

  • Definition: to burn a thing
  • Synonyms: torch, fire
  • Example: The house was lit on fire.

6. Lie

  • Definition: to stay in a specified state for quite some time
  • Synonyms: rest, sprawl
  • Example: He lay there for 20 minutes.

7. Let

  • Definition: to allow something to happen
  • Synonyms: permit, enable
  • Example: My parents never let me swim in the river when I was a kid.

8. Lose

  • Definition: to cease to continue having something
  • Synonyms: miss, forfeit
  • Example: He lost his job again.

9. Learn

  • Definition: to acquire knowledge or master up a skill
  • Synonyms: acquire, grasp
  • Example: She learnt Spanish with ease.

10. Lay

  • Definition: to put something down with great care
  • Synonyms: place, situate
  • Example: He laid the glass vase on side table and filled it with pebbles.

Verbs That Start with L – Full List (260+ Words)

The following section has a collection of all the words that are mentioned in this list of verbs that start with L. Most of them are used on regular basis and some of them on irregular basis. They will help you in multiple areas.

  • Love
  • Live
  • Look
  • Like
  • Loan
  • Lack
  • Leak
  • Lure
  • Lower
  • Link
  • Lag
  • Lick
  • Lengthen
  • Lessen
  • Lighten
  • Lull
  • Labor
  • Limp
  • Loosen
  • Lunch
  • Loom
  • Long
  • Leash
  • Localize
  • Lease
  • Levy
  • Languish
  • Lavish
  • Linger
  • Laminate
  • Lather
  • Loll
  • Log
  • Lime
  • Lade
  • Lubricate
  • Loathe
  • Lambast
  • Luxuriate
  • Lounge
  • Leg
  • Lampoon
  • Lope
  • Levitate
  • Latinize
  • Lord
  • Lisp
  • Lacquer
  • Lard
  • Lamb
  • Laugh
  • Lecture
  • Legitimize
  • Liberalize
  • Leapfrog
  • Lustrate
  • Lullaby
  • Lionize
  • Liken
  • Liberate
  • List
  • Load
  • Launch
  • Lift
  • Label
  • Lace
  • Latch
  • Lacerate
  • Lynch
  • Lance
  • Leave
  • Lend
  • Leap
  • Lead
  • Light
  • Lie
  • Let
  • Lose
  • Learn
  • Lay
  • Lilt
  • Lug
  • Leak out
  • Lyophilize
  • Lantern
  • Leaf
  • Londonize
  • Loo
  • Lixiviate
  • Leverage
  • Luminate
  • Last
  • Loaf
  • Langure
  • Luncheon
  • Liquify
  • Legend
  • Lark
  • Loricate
  • Legalize
  • Leaven
  • Landscape
  • Legitimate
  • Lig
  • Lock
  • Loose
  • Lath
  • Liquor
  • Leather
  • Laniate
  • Lob
  • Lout
  • Lumber
  • Land
  • Leave out
  • Language
  • Laugh off
  • Lux
  • Lowball
  • Luff
  • Lave
  • Light up
  • Loam
  • Live through
  • Levigate
  • Laud
  • Luminesce
  • Legislate
  • Lige
  • Letheonize
  • Lobby
  • Latrate
  • Lin
  • Labour
  • Libel
  • Lege
  • Ladder
  • Lube
  • Lecher
  • Lute
  • Larrup
  • Lachrymate
  • Lash
  • Lumine
  • Launder
  • Lucubrate
  • Levee
  • Lanch
  • Lapidify
  • Lever
  • Lill
  • Lurch
  • Lust
  • Lopper
  • Lapidate
  • Litter
  • Leech
  • Labefy
  • Limbec
  • Loiter
  • Lustre
  • Lech
  • Level
  • Lame
  • Lifen
  • Lateralize
  • Lariat
  • Latibulize
  • Loft
  • Litigate
  • Line up
  • Liquidate
  • Loop
  • League
  • Lean
  • Lunge
  • Ligate
  • Levant
  • Lithotype
  • License
  • Liaise
  • Lib
  • Liquefy
  • Laicize
  • Luge
  • Laureate
  • Leaf through
  • Lethargize
  • Liquidize
  • Lump
  • Limit
  • Lanquish
  • Leese
  • Lawe
  • Lattice
  • Lignify
  • Lapse
  • Limn
  • Limb
  • Low
  • Locomote
  • Lollygag
  • Lip
  • Liquate
  • Lour
  • Louden
  • Loot
  • Lank
  • Lese
  • Lithe
  • Librate
  • Luster
  • Leaguer
  • Lam
  • Lenify
  • Laden
  • Lesson
  • Literalize
  • Ladify
  • Lament
  • Leach
  • Liss
  • Lipread
  • Lollop
  • Lear
  • Lexicalize
  • Lot
  • Louse
  • Leer
  • Length
  • Lambaste
  • Lake
  • Laconize
  • Labiate
  • Lithograph
  • Legitimatize
  • Lactate
  • Lop
  • Lipstick
  • Lodge
  • Locate
  • Lap
  • Ligature
  • Liven up
  • Lay off
  • Lusk
  • Lurk
  • Luxate
  • Labialize
  • Linearize
  • Lare
  • Larn
  • Limber
  • Laveer
  • Let down
  • Lasso
  • Ladle
  • Laze
  • Line
  • Lappet

Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with L

Just simply revising this list of verbs that start with L is not enough. You have to create a discipline in your routine. Make a habit of using these verbs that start with L to the fullest of their potential.

For this reason, there are available different types of fun word games on the internet and you can also practice these action words starting with L on the practice sheets, you will find them on the internet too.

I am positive, after revising and practicing this list of action words starting with L over and over again you will be successful in building a lexicon of verbs beginning with L.

It was a great time teaching you all some creative plethora of verbs, I hope you had a great time too.

Do not forget to let us know about your feedback regarding our list. THANK YOU.

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