500+ Adjectives That Start with L | Definitions and Examples Included

Here we are with a plethora of adjectives that start with L that will jazz up your language and make people fall in love with your eloquence.
Have you ever had the experience of having your tongue stuck while knowing what you want to say but being unable to convey it? Well, it happens to the best of us as well. People often say that there is no immediate solution to this but I disagree.
You need to have some remedies that can you turn to in times of need. Brace yourselves as we have compiled an extensive list of adjectives that start with L, exclusively for you. This list will make sure that you don’t find yourself in such a scenario ever again.
We have put together a wide range of descriptive words that start with L, starting from a basic level and moving towards more complex ones.
These adjectives beginning with L are appropriate for every situation, whether positive or negative. So let’s get started without wasting further time, a treasure of knowledge awaits you!
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Most Common Adjectives That Start with L
First, we will get you acquainted with the most common adjectives that start with L, words that you can often use in your day-to-day dealings. These adjectives starting with L have been used in sentences to clarify the meaning for our readers.
1. Lengthy
- Definition: continued for an extended time or length
- Synonyms: drawn-out, extended
- Example: Our professor hates lengthy answers.
2. Loud
- Definition: extremely noisy
- Synonyms: deafening, roaring
- Example: I heard a clap of loud thunder and got scared.
3. Low
- Definition: very less
- Synonyms: little, squat
- Example: Why did you score low marks in English?
4. Lovely
- Definition: pleasant and charming
- Synonyms: attractive, appealing
- Example: Samantha is a lovely lady.
5. Loyal
- Definition: sincere and firm in commitments
- Synonyms: dedicated, devoted
- Example: I am blessed to have such loyal friends.
6. Loose
- Definition: not tight or fit
- Synonyms: comfortable, hanging
- Example: I like wearing loose and comfortable clothes.
7. Large
- Definition: big in size or amount
- Synonyms: huge, substantial
- Example: Victoria has a very large house.
8. Light
- Definition: bright and vibrant
- Synonyms: bright, sunny
- Example: My room is light and airy.
9. Local
- Definition: related to a particular area
- Synonyms: community, regional
- Example: I really enjoyed the local food.
10. Long
- Definition: continued for an extended period
- Synonyms: extended, prolonged
- Example: I haven’t been with Samara for a long time.
Adjectives That Start with L – Beginner Level
We are done with the common words so let’s move forward toward adjectives that begin with L, on an easy or beginner level. Let’s proceed together!
1. Linked
- Definition: marked by genetic linkage
- Synonyms: allied, combined
- Example: Both of them had linked genes.
2. Labeled
- Definition: marked with a label
- Synonyms: tagged, marked
- Example: I cannot find my labeled shoes.
3. Latter
- Definition: near or towards the end
- Synonyms: closing, ending
- Example: In the latter days, she lost interest in sports.
4. Lovable
- Definition: easy to adore
- Synonyms: dear, sweet
- Example: Your baby is very lovable.
5. Learned
- Definition: knowledgeable and wise
- Synonyms: scholarly, educated
- Example: My father is a learned man.
6. Lyrical
- Definition: relating to the words of a song
- Synonyms: songlike, melodic
- Example: She gave a lyrical description of the cottage.
7. Legitimate
- Definition: lawful and fair
- Synonyms: legal, valid
- Example: Submit the legitimate documents by tomorrow.
8. Likeable
- Definition: charming and pleasant
- Synonyms: pleasant, nice
- Example: Sarah is a likable girl.
9. Leading
- Definition: most important
- Synonyms: main, chief
- Example: Lack of hygiene is the leading cause of viral diseases.
10. Literary
- Definition: related to literature
- Synonyms: poetic, dramatic
- Example: Hamlet is my favorite literary work.
Adjectives That Start with L – Medium Level
Since we are done with the beginner level, it’s about time we upgrade to the medium level of adjective words that start with L. Below is a list of adjectives that start with the letter L along with the definition, synonyms, and examples. Let’s proceed!
1. Likeminded
- Definition: having similar interests
- Synonyms: agreeing, harmonious
- Example: We are likeminded people.
2. Legendary
- Definition: admired and respected
- Synonyms: mythical, heroic
- Example: Nelson Mandela was a legendary personality.
3. Lofty
- Definition: at a high rank
- Synonyms: grand, sublime
- Example: He always made lofty claims.
4. Legit
- Definition: conforming to laws
- Synonyms: legal, lawful
- Example: Is your birth certificate legit?
5. Liable
- Definition: obliged to a legal responsibility
- Synonyms: accountable, answerable
- Example: You are liable as per the agreement you signed.
6. Lifelong
- Definition: lasting for a lifetime
- Synonyms: permanent, constant
- Example: My grandmother was a lifelong fan of Marilyn Monroe.
7. Lacy
- Definition: made with lace
- Synonyms: ornate, delicate
- Example: I want to buy a lacy blouse.
8. Literate
- Definition: having the aptitude to read
- Synonyms: educated, learned
- Example: We need literate volunteers for this project.
9. Lavish
- Definition: expensive and abundant
- Synonyms: luxuriant, lush
- Example: They bought a lavish mansion.
10. Liberal
- Definition: open-minded and welcoming towards a variety of opinions
- Synonyms: broad-minded, enlightened
- Example: My wife is a liberal woman, she doesn’t mind.
Adjectives That Start with L – Hard Level
Wow! Hard level has been breached by you already and we are so proud of that. Let’s jump into a compilation of describing words beginning with L that you can use as per your convenience, in any situation you want to.
1. Leaky
- Definition: having leaks or cracks
- Synonyms: dripping, punctured
- Example: She poured the water into a leaky glass.
2. Leftover
- Definition: remaining pieces
- Synonyms: residue, remainder
- Example: She ate the leftover food.
3. Leather
- Definition: a strong and durable material made of animals’ skin
- Synonyms: parchment, strap
- Example: Give me my leather shoes.
4. Literal
- Definition: the usual or basic sense
- Synonyms: exact, verbatim
- Example: What is the literal meaning of this word?
5. Ludicrous
- Definition: amusing in a foolish sense
- Synonyms: absurd, ridiculous
- Example: She is a goofy girl with ludicrous remarks to give.
6. Lateral
- Definition: side to side
- Synonyms: sideways, edgewise
- Example: It was damaged from its lateral corners.
7. Linear
- Definition: arranged in a straight line
- Synonyms: even, unswerving
- Example: The narrative was moving in a linear order.
8. Luxurious
- Definition: extremely comfortable
- Synonyms: deluxe, fancy
- Example: We lived in a luxurious hotel yesterday.
9. Lebanese
- Definition: of or from Lebanon
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: She fell in love with a Lebanese guy.
10. Luscious
- Definition: (of food) having a pleasing taste
- Synonyms: delicious, tasty
- Example: These tiny pears are full of luscious flavor.
Adjectives That Start with L – Expert Level
Here we present L adjectives that an expert will surely need! We have prepared a special collection of descriptive words beginning with L that will give a bang to your adjective game!
1. Lightheaded
- Definition: unsteady and dizzy
- Synonyms: giddy, faint
- Example: Pat was lightheaded after drinking the wine.
2. Lusty
- Definition: full of vitality
- Synonyms: healthy, robust
- Example: We need lusty young men to work on these farms.
3. Locomotive
- Definition: related to railway or locomotion
- Synonyms: railway, transport
- Example: We need locomotive power for this delivery.
4. Lonesome
- Definition: lonely and isolated
- Synonyms: solitary, remote
- Example: He is a lonesome widower.
5. Lunatic
- Definition: mentally unwell
- Synonyms: maniac, psychotic
- Example: A bunch of lunatic men attacked him.
6. Lethargic
- Definition: tired and sluggish
- Synonyms: lazy, inactive
- Example: The lethargic students needed a break.
7. Laden
Definition: under a heavyweight
- Synonyms: loaded, burdened
- Example: The laden table broke down into pieces.
8. Lucent
- Definition: exuding brightness and light
- Synonyms: lambent, luminous
- Example: The angel had a lucent halo on its head.
9. Leering
- Definition: looking in an unpleasant or uncomfortable way
- Synonyms: smirk, goggle
- Example: All the leering eyes in the street made her uncomfortable.
10. Laconic
- Definition: expressing in a few words
- Synonyms: brief, concise
- Example: Her laconic comments indicated rejection.
Positive Adjectives That Start with L
Positive situations demand positive adjectives so here we have 10 positive adjectives that start with L, have a look at them, and don’t forget to use them in your conversations because language is best learned through context.
1. Lucky
- Definition: having the benefit
- Synonyms: fortunate, blessed
- Example: You are a lucky guy to have a wife like her.
2. Logical
- Definition: according to reasoning
- Synonyms: reasonable, best
- Example: His logical comments were loved by all.
3. Latest
- Definition: current or just done
- Synonyms: newest, modern
- Example: I want the latest model of this phone.
4. Lively
- Definition: full of life and chirpy
- Synonym: active, spirited
- Example: She is a lively girl.
5. Lawful
- Definition: according to the law
- Synonyms: legal, legitimate
- Example: Mike recognized his son as his lawful heir.
6. Lasting
- Definition: living for a long time
- Synonyms: enduring, persisting
- Example: She made a lasting impression on me.
7. Lighthearted
- Definition: happy and high spirited
- Synonyms: cheery, jovial
- Example: I want a lighthearted melody for these lyrics.
8. Lush
- Definition: surrounded or covered by green plants
- Synonyms: luxuriant, rich
- Example: These lush green gardens are so peaceful.
9. Limitless
- Definition: immeasurable or having no end
- Synonyms: boundless, infinite
- Example: You have limitless opportunities ahead of you.
10. Laudable
- Definition: worthy of appreciation and praise
- Synonyms: commendable, praiseworthy
- Example: Your sacrifices for the state are laudable.
Negative Adjectives That Start with L
Life can sometimes give you lemons, apart from making lemonade from them, you need to express yourself too and for such sour days we have these negative adjectives that start with L, exclusively for you!
1. Late
- Definition: completed or taking place past the expected time
- Synonyms: delayed, unpunctual
- Example: I hate late deliveries of my parcels.
2. Lost
- Definition: displaced from a specified position
- Synonyms: absent, hidden
- Example: We have collected all the lost items in this box.
3. Lawless
- Definition: not under any law or rules
- Synonyms: anarchical, disorderly
- Example: This place is wild and lawless.
4. Laborious
- Definition: demanding a lot of effort
- Synonyms: hard, heavy
- Example: I am so tired after these laborious tasks.
5. Leafless
- Definition: without greenery or leaves
- Synonyms: bare, impoverished
- Example: The leafless trees were now covered with snow.
6. Lethal
- Definition: life-threatening
- Synonyms: deadly, dangerous
- Example: Any lethal weapons are not allowed inside the building.
7. Lackluster
- Definition: lacking energy
- Synonyms: uninspiring, unimaginative
- Example: We were disappointed by his lackluster performance.
8. Lamentable
- Definition: poor in condition
- Synonyms: deplorable, pitiful
- Example: The house is in a lamentable state.
9. Lecherous
- Definition: showing excessive sexual interest
- Synonyms: lustful, licentious
- Example: She was feeling uncomfortable because of the lecherous looks.
10. Lowly
- Definition: not respected or having a lower rank
- Synonyms: common, ordinary
- Example: I am desperate, even a lowly job would suffice.
Adjectives That Start with L to Describe a Person
Do you need to provide details about anything but are hampered by a lack of proper vocabulary? Here we present some adjectives that start with L to describe someone, words that you can use in your life to upgrade your conversations. Ten L adjectives to describe a person, at your service, check these out!
1. Lazy
- Definition: not willing to use energy
- Synonyms: indolent, slothful
- Example: I don’t like lazy people.
2. Lame
- Definition: boring and uninteresting
- Synonyms: wearisome, boring
- Example: He is a lame person.
3. Lonely
- Definition: being alone and distant from people
- Synonyms: isolated, alone
- Example: I am lonely and clueless most of the time.
4. Lean
- Definition: having muscles and no fat
- Synonyms: skinny, slender
- Example: I want a lean body as soon as possible.
5. Lenient
- Definition: very polite and generous
- Synonyms: merciful, moderate
- Example: He is very lenient in his approach.
6. Ladylike
- Definition: sophisticated and poised girl
- Synonyms: polite, refined
- Example: She is known for her sophisticated ladylike behavior.
7. Listenable
- Definition: easy and nice to listen to
- Synonyms: mellifluous, sonorous
- Example: The symphony is nice and listenable.
8. Lionhearted
- Definition: very brave and gallant
- Synonyms: brave, valiant
- Example: All they needed was a lionhearted leader.
9. Likable
- Definition: easy to admire
- Synonyms: pleasant, nice
- Example: She is a likeable girl.
10. Lanky
- Definition: ungracefully long and slender
- Synonyms: thin, slender
- Example: He has a lanky physique.
Adjectives That Start with L – Full List (500+ Words)
Here is a complete list of adjectives that start with L. All the categories we have discussed above have been compiled in one place. Go through them and see how many of them you still remember.
- Lengthy
- Loud
- Low
- Lovely
- Loyal
- Loose
- Large
- Light
- Local
- Long
- Linked
- Labeled
- Latter
- Lovable
- Learned
- Lyrical
- Legitimate
- Likeable
- Leading
- Literary
- Likeminded
- Legendary
- Lofty
- Legit
- Liable
- Lifelong
- Lacy
- Literate
- Lavish
- Liberal
- Leaky
- Leftover
- Leather
- Literal
- Ludicrous
- Lateral
- Linear
- Luxurious
- Lebanese
- Luscious
- Lightheaded
- Lusty
- Locomotive
- Lonesome
- Lunatic
- Lethargic
- Laden
- Lucent
- Leering
- Laconic
- Lucky
- Logical
- Latest
- Lively
- Lawful
- Lasting
- Lighthearted
- Lush
- Limitless
- Laudable
- Late
- Lost
- Lawless
- Laborious
- Leafless
- Lethal
- Lackluster
- Lamentable
- Lecherous
- Lowly
- Lazy
- Lame
- Lonely
- Lean
- Lenient
- Ladylike
- Listenable
- Lionhearted
- Likable
- Lanky
- Loopy
- Leprose
- Littoral
- Luxe
- Labial
- Lousy
- Liveried
- Latvian
- Lowermost
- Lowbrow
- Liturgical
- Lithesome
- Living
- Light-armed
- Leechlike
- Lengthwise
- Leased
- Lukewarm
- Longing
- Leery
- Lobed
- Longtime
- Lidless
- Limbic
- Lamplit
- Low-cost
- Lordless
- Lithuanian
- Levelheaded
- Latent
- Lathery
- Lentiginous
- Lapidary
- Luminescent
- Lightless
- Limber
- Latish
- Low-priced
- Light-fingered
- Lao
- Last
- Leaning
- Limp
- Loving
- Leathery
- Lenitive
- Lightsome
- Low-density
- Limbed
- Low-calorie
- Lightweight
- Laid-back
- Laughing
- Livid
- Lithomantic
- Light-headed
- Lucullan
- Lissome
- Lachrymatory
- Limbless
- Lithographic
- Lentic
- Liplike
- Lento
- Legato
- Libidinal
- Lineal
- Logographic
- Labiate
- Longanimous
- Listed
- Leptosporangiate
- Loquacious
- Longsighted
- Low-budget
- Latter-day
- Latin
- Lobeliaceous
- Luminous
- Left-handed
- Light-handed
- Languorous
- Lupine
- Laid-off
- Leatherlike
- Laudatory
- Lite
- Laxative
- Low-level
- Levorotatory
- Laureate
- Lossy
- Lobular
- Lienal
- Lexicalised
- Lucifugous
- Lovelorn
- Lighted
- Liveborn
- Light-footed
- Lapidarian
- Latticelike
- Level-headed
- Liquefiable
- Low-pressure
- Larcenous
- Loveless
- Lifeless
- Largo
- Left
- Lanate
- Lumpy
- Lacking
- Lascivious
- Lank
- Localised
- Lobated
- Laotian
- Largish
- Leadless
- Long-life
- Last-ditch
- Lyophilized
- Linnean
- Libidinous
- Loco
- Lifesize
- Libertine
- Liquified
- Long-suffering
- Latitudinal
- Loth
- Livable
- Leisurely
- Liked
- Lemony
- Lightproof
- Located
- Lubberly
- Lilliputian
- Liliaceous
- Lone
- Lubricious
- Last-minute
- Lactic
- Low-lying
- Leibnitzian
- Loverlike
- Large-scale
- Legion
- Lacteal
- Linnaean
- Lee
- Lovesick
- Lyonnaise
- Lancastrian
- Lavender
- Laboursaving
- Loony
- Lexicalized
- Linguistic
- Lyrate
- Lipped
- Ligneous
- Liquifiable
- Loggerheaded
- Lit
- Lutheran
- Lumbosacral
- Leglike
- Lipotropic
- Locatable
- Licit
- Liverish
- Lincolnesque
- Legged
- Lovesome
- Leptorhine
- Lyric
- Lackadaisical
- Landless
- Liverpudlian
- Landlocked
- Lunate
- Languid
- Lithic
- Lanceolate
- Long-distance
- Levitical
- Lowering
- Left-wing
- Levantine
- Lobate
- Lugubrious
- Loutish
- Leaded
- Labile
- Limpid
- Loud-voiced
- Libellous
- Low-spirited
- Lead
- Leptorrhinian
- Liege
- Lowborn
- Laniary
- Laboured
- Little-known
- Lancinate
- Lengthways
- Lipophilic
- Low-risk
- Leaden
- Locomotor
- Light-minded
- Low-key
- Languishing
- Lived
- Lusterless
- Lowbred
- Levorotary
- Lingual
- Lumbar
- Litigious
- Lentissimo
- Low-necked
- Like-minded
- Locked
- Laminal
- Licentious
- Lacerated
- Livelong
- Labored
- Lilac
- Louche
- Longish
- Lopsided
- Labyrinthian
- Lactogenic
- Leaved
- Leal
- Low-grade
- Lymphoid
- Luxuriant
- Laureled
- Logogrammatic
- Lucifugal
- Laryngeal
- Leeward
- Louvered
- Laic
- Luculent
- Lowland
- Lateen
- Leonardesque
- Lordly
- Long-armed
- Leptorrhine
- Lancinating
- Limacine
- Leftist
- Lined
- Latino
- Libelous
- Leathered
- Lowbrowed
- Later
- Lily-livered
- Lacelike
- Lesbian
- Life-size
- Lingulate
- Level
- Limnological
- Lamarckian
- Little
- Laughable
- Latticed
- Lacustrine
- Limping
- Lincolnian
- Lettered
- Logarithmic
- Lossless
- Lumpish
- Leftish
- Legal
- Leggy
- Leaflike
- Leafy
- Libyan
- Lenticular
- Laxity
- Lithophytic
- Landed
- Landlubberly
- Lesser
- Lay
- Learnable
- Lucrative
- Lambent
- Lustful
- Like
- Lunar
- Lacrimatory
- Low-maintenance
- Licensed
- Lowercase
- Lobar
- Lacklustre
- Liveable
- Lacrimal
- Laryngopharyngeal
- Lingering
- Localized
- Lewd
- Leakproof
- Luxembourgian
- Lachrymal
- Left-hand
- Lexical
- Laconian
- Logistic
- Larval
- Larruping
- Legless
- Long-winded
- Loveable
- Likely
- Longstanding
- Live
- Lidded
- Labouring
- Lentiginose
- Liberian
- Latitudinarian
- Leguminous
- Laputan
- Limited
- Lacerate
- Lentiform
- Laurelled
- Legible
- Laciniate
- Loud-mouthed
- Law-abiding
- Lynx-eyed
- Lustreless
- Lotic
- Lax
- Leptorrhinic
- Lendable
- Lying
- Laminar
- Loaded
- Limiting
- Leonine
- Lurid
- Listless
- Labelled
- Lucid
- Lymphocytic
- Light-hearted
- Lamblike
- Lustrous
- Liquid
- Liquescent
- Long-lived
- Linelike
- Livery
- Lipless
- Logy
- Long-term
- Leftmost
- Luteal
- Lepidote
- Lithe
- Labyrinthine
- Lap-jointed
- Lower
- Legislative
- Lexicographical
- Larghetto
- Laid
- Long-range
- Less
- Lenten
- Low-carb
- Loathsome
- Luxemburger
- L-shaped
- Lissom
- Least
- Low-ranking
- Limacoid
- Large-hearted
- Liver-colored
- Lowset
- Lamellibranch
- Low-fat
- Lachrymose
- Lunisolar
- Laborsaving
- Life-threatening
- Lysogenic
- Lexicostatistic
- Light-blue
- Lumpen
- Laggard
- Larghissimo
- Leibnizian
- Longhand
- Loverly
- Lusitanian
- Lancelike
- Latinate
- Lordotic
- Larboard
- Life-giving
- Looseleaf
- Lemonlike
- Lacertilian
- Longitudinal
- Ladened
- Lymphatic
- Logistical
- Leprous
- Lifelike
- Laboring
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with L
Phew! Finally you are through! We hope you had a productive time going through these adjectives that start with L, we had fun compiling them for you.
So among all of these categories which category of adjectives that start with L was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below and we will appreciate your feedback.
We hope that from now on you will have much more fun with your conversations and writings because now you know an extensive range of adjectives starting with L.
These descriptive words that start with L will help you out in both good times and bad times of your life. Keep on revising and practicing them and in no time you will be an expert. Cheers to happy conversations!