160+ Verbs That Start with M | Definitions and Examples Included

Hello, our precious readers. We are here once again, but this time with verbs that start with M. A phrase would be meaningless without verbs since they glue sentences together.
Let’s first define a verb before digging deeper into verbs that start with M. A verb is a term that describes a state of things.
You walk, you talk, and you sleep. Verbs refer to all of these tasks that you carry out. Now that you know how important verbs are in the English language, you can appreciate their significance.
Our purpose is to provide you with a reliable reference to help you whenever you need a list of verbs that start with M. So, the idea that organized things make life easier is the same one we’ve applied here.
These verbs beginning with M have been divided into numerous categories so that they remain in their respective groups and not be dispersed all over your screen.
A verb shows action and if the action word is missing, how can we continue to make sense of a sentence? This is why our list of action words that start with M might be very useful to you, especially if you’re learning English.
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Most Common Verbs That Start with M
The most common verbs that start with M will be discussed first. You’re probably already familiar with these verbs, but the examples below will allow you to use them more effectively in future. The list of verbs starting with M awaits you:
1. Minimize
- Definition: to reduce the extent of something
- Synonyms: decrease, reduce
- Example: Her kid should minimize his screen time.
2. Melt
- Definition: to change a solid into a liquid condition, typically via heat
- Synonyms: unfreeze, evaporate
- Example: The ice melted in my hands.
3. Mind
- Definition: to be bothered, irritated, or concerned by something
- Synonyms: dislike, hate
- Example: He does not mind living in a small apartment.
4. Mention
- Definition: to speak briefly, with little detail
- Synonyms: declare, state
- Example: Alex mentions her future goals everywhere.
5. Matter
- Definition: to have an impact or influence on what happens
- Synonyms: signify, weigh
- Example: Every detail of my work matters to my boss.
6. Mourn
- Definition: to experience or express deep sadness, particularly as a result of someone’s death
- Synonyms: sorrow, regret
- Example: He mourned the loss of his father.
7 Manage
- Definition: to be in command of (a company, organization, or project.)
- Synonyms: cope, control
- Example: How does he manage everything so well?
8. Mess
- Definition: to make anything messy
- Synonyms: litter, untidy
- Example: Don’t mess things up in my room.
9. Misplace
- Definition: to suddenly misplace something, failing to remember where you put it
- Synonyms: lose, drop
- Example: Mr. Smith misplaced his important documents.
10. Moan
- Definition: to scream out in agony, distress, or another intense emotion
- Synonyms: whine, sigh
- Example: The kids moan before going to school.
Verbs That Start with M- Beginner Level
As we already mentioned, we have grouped all the verbs beginning with M into separate categories for your convenience. Therefore, we have a unique collection for you that includes 10 verb words that start with M if you are a newbie in the English language.
1. Moisten
- Definition: to damp something just barely
- Synonyms: spray, wet
- Example: Moisten the cotton pad before placing it on the wound.
2. Misrepresent
- Definition: to give false information about something or someone to give a negative impression of them
- Synonyms: misstate, misquote
- Example: The medical reports misrepresented his illness.
3. Misdirect
- Definition: to direct something to an incorrect location
- Synonyms: misplace, misguide
- Example: The students were misdirected to the wrong department.
4. Misinterpret
- Definition: to incorrectly interpret something or someone
- Synonyms: misunderstand, misread
- Example: His opinion was misinterpreted by people.
5. Moralize
- Definition: to lecture about something in terms of right and wrong
- Synonyms: preach, sermonize
- Example: She usually moralizes about the behavior of young students.
6. Materialize
- Definition: to occur or to start existing
- Synonyms: happen, ensue
- Example: The job she was promised did not materialize.
7. Mechanize
- Definition: to use machinery to carry out a manual task
- Synonyms: automate, program
- Example: This farm was mechanized in the 1960s.
8. Moderate
- Definition: to make something less severe or extreme
- Synonyms: lessen, control
- Example: She moderated her voice while speaking to her boss.
9. Mistrust
- Definition: to lack confidence in someone or to doubt someone’s competence
- Synonym: doubt, suspect
- Example: They mistrusted the country’s government.
10. Model
- Definition: to flaunt trendy clothes and accessories to promote them
- Synonyms: show, flaunt
- Example: She has modelled since her teenage days.
Verbs That Start with M – Medium Level
Do you wish to be able to write a meaningful essay on your own? Because the things you do without the help of others give you a unique sense of satisfaction. You can use these medium-level verbs starting with letter M to spice up your next essay or poem.
1. Merge
- Definition: to come together to make a single thing
- Synonyms: amalgamate, combine
- Example: Two armies merged for the battle.
2. Mirror
- Definition: to replicate or represent qualities and characteristics of someone or something
- Synonyms: clone, duplicate
- Example: Her outlook on life mirrored all her struggles.
3. Mesmerize
- Definition: to fascinate someone to the point where their entire attention is focused on you
- Synonyms: attract, dazzle
- Example: He mesmerized everyone with his hidden talent.
4. Mock
- Definition: to make fun of someone to humiliate them
- Synonyms: ridicule, mimic
- Example: We should not mock anyone’s way of talking.
5. Miscarry
- Definition: to deliver a baby before it is fully developed
- Synonyms: abort, fail
- Example: She miscarried her baby in the first trimester.
6. Mutter
- Definition: to speak quietly
- Synonyms: intone, whisper
- Example: She muttered something in my ear.
7. Maneuver
- Definition: to carefully guide or manipulate
- Synonyms: handle, plan
- Example: The workers maneuvered the fridge to the kitchen.
8. Mobilize
- Definition: to gather a group of people and prepare them to achieve a particular goal
- Synonyms: deploy, assemble
- Example: They mobilized a large number of troops for war against their enemy
9. Muster
- Definition: to gather or assemble something in a group
- Synonyms: collect, acquire
- Example: The Company mustered all the employees in a hall.
10. Motorize
- Definition: to supply something with a motor to make it work
- Synonyms: prepare, rig
- Example: Manual blenders are motorized for convenience.
Verbs That Start with M – Hard Level
We are going through all the levels in order, so now it’s time for the hard level. This section contains several unique yet interesting verbs that begin with M that you can use to impress people around you by adding them into your everyday life.
1. Mob
- Definition: to gather around someone you admire or despise
- Synonyms: surround, encircle
- Example: I mobbed my bully at a party.
2. Mime
- Definition: to move your body and face without speaking to perform an action or tell a story
- Synonyms: mock, imitate
- Example: Actors on TV often mime to pre-recorded tape tracks.
3. Molest
- Definition: to grope someone without their consent
- Synonyms: attack, bother
- Example: She was molested by her boss.
4. Mortify
- Definition: to cause someone to feel extremely humiliated and ashamed
- Synonyms: embarrass, degrade
- Example: He felt mortified when he found out his test result.
5. Moo
- Definition: to make a deep and resonant sound like a cow
- Synonyms: groan, growl
- Example: The cow mooed when I went near it.
6. Mince
- Definition: to grind something into tiny pieces by using a machine
- Synonyms: shred, grind
- Example: She minced some meat for dinner.
7. Mill
- Definition: to press something into powder
- Synonyms: grind, crush
- Example: Cereals are milled into flour.
8. Mope
- Definition: to waste your time doing nothing and feeling bad
- Synonyms: brood, despond
- Example: Monica was feeling miserable and just moped around all day.
9. Muse
- Definition: to think carefully about something for a time, ignoring what is happening around you
- Synonyms: consider, ponder
- Example: We should muse on our life decisions before taking them.
10. Mull
- Definition: to ponder over something
- Synonyms: contemplate, consider
- Example: I mulled over the job proposal I recently received.
Verbs That Start with M – Expert Level
Have you ever come across some pretty strange words when reading a newspaper or magazine? In that situation, you can count on us. Some expert-level verbs that start with the letter M are included in this section. You can expand your vocabulary by learning these M verbs.
1. Masquerade
- Definition: to pretend to be something different
- Synonyms: imitate, pose
- Example: An old man masqueraded as a rich person.
2. Muzzle
- Definition: to muzzle a pet to stop it from attacking people
- Synonyms: repress, stifle
- Example: Some animals should be muzzled at all costs.
3. Mutiny
- Definition: to refuse to follow an instruction from a senior
- Synonyms: rebel, revolt
- Example: The soldiers were forced to mutiny.
4. Munch
- Definition: to eat something noisily
- Synonyms: champ, chew
- Example: I munched on my favorite snack.
5. Mangle
- Definition: to tear something, causing it to be destroyed
- Synonyms: damage, injure
- Example: His leg mangled horribly in an accident.
6. Militate
- Definition: to stop something from happening
- Synonyms: resist, hinder
- Example: The instructor militated exam cheating.
7. Molt
- Definition: to lose hair or feathers
- Synonyms: exfoliate, shed
- Example: The birds molt in spring.
8. Maraud
- Definition: to raid or attack people
- Synonyms: attack, loot
- Example: A gang decided to maraud people.
9. Mew
- Definition: to make a sound like a cat
- Synonyms: meow, yowl
- Example: I could hear kittens mewing in the shed.
10. Manacle
- Definition: to trap something or someone with manacles to prevent them from escaping
- Synonyms: shackle, bind
- Example: The animals’ legs were manacled.
Positive Verbs That Start with M
When we are feeling positive, we have a strong desire to speak positively as well. In that situation, it’s important to always pick your words carefully because they’ll have a significant impact on those around you. Learn some positive verbs that start with M so you can better explain your emotions.
1. Mature
- Definition: to grow into a sensible person
- Synonyms: develop, nurture
- Example: She has matured so much over the years.
2. Medicate
- Definition: to give someone a medicine to treat them
- Synonyms: cure, treat
- Example: I was medicated for asthma.
3. Mentor
- Definition: to advise or help junior over a while
- Synonyms: advice, guide
- Example: She was mentored by an amazing teacher.
4. Marvel
- Definition: to be impressed by something
- Synonyms: wonder, stare
- Example: We marveled at her determination.
5. Memorize
- Definition: to learn something by heart
- Synonyms: remember, study
- Example: He has memorized the whole poem.
6. Meditate
- Definition: to focus on something deeply, disconnecting yourself from other things
- Synonyms: consider, deliberate
- Example: He went to a quiet place to meditate.
7. Modernize
- Definition: to transform something using modern ideas
- Synonyms: update, advance
- Example: They have modernized their homes.
8. Motivate
- Definition: to make somebody want to do better
- Synonyms: prompt, encourage
- Example: My teacher motivated me to do better next time.
9. Mate
- Definition: to make birds or animals’ breed
- Synonyms: reproduce, copulate
- Example: Donkeys mate with horses to produce mules.
10. Mellow
- Definition: to become softer and more developed in a pleasing way Synonyms: mature, settle
- Example: We were not on good terms but time mellowed our relationship.
Action Verbs That Start with M
Action verbs give life to a sentence. This clearly shows how exciting these verbs can be. Let’s move on to action verbs that start with M since they are useful in both speaking and writing.
1. Marry
- Definition: to get hitched and establish a legal marriage between two people
- Synonyms: wed, get hitched
- Example: He married his fiancé last week.
2. Move
- Definition: to transfer something from one place to another
- Synonyms: progress, advance
- Example: I am moving to a new place tomorrow.
3. Massage
- Definition: to press someone’s aching muscle or body using hands
- Synonyms: knead, palpate
- Example: Massage your scalp with oil before taking a shower.
4. Mark
- Definition: to highlight something making it prominent
- Synonyms: name, tag
- Example: I have marked all the important questions in my book.
5. Misuse
- Definition: to put something to a wrong use intentionally
- Synonyms: misemploy, exploit
- Example: Politicians misused the authority their voters granted them.
6. Monitor
- Definition: to keep a watch on something and keep track of its progress
- Synonyms: observe, guard
- Example: My doctor monitored me for a day before operating on me.
7. Measure
- Definition: to estimate a certain object’s size and length
- Synonyms: calculate, quantify
- Example: The shopkeeper did not measure the cloth before giving it to me.
8. Mistreat
- Definition: to cause harm to someone by treating them improperly
- Synonyms: abuse, mishandle
- Example: He was mistreated by his own family.
9. Mop
- Definition: to wipe or scrub something with a mop
- Synonyms: wash, clean
- Example: I mopped the entire floor of my house.
10. Meddle
- Definition: to engage in something that is not related to you
- Synonyms: interfere, interrupt
- Example: No one should meddle in someone else’s business.
Irregular Verbs That Start with M
Finally, we have a category of irregular verbs that start with M. There are many of them, but we have chosen the most common ones for you. To use them appropriately, pay attention to how they are used in these examples.
1. Make
- Definition: to create something
- Synonyms: build, produce
- Example: He made neat notes of this lecture.
2. Mistake
- Definitions: to misunderstand someone
- Synonyms: misinterpret, misjudge
- Example: I was mistaken for a newcomer in my school.
3. Mislay
- Definition: to misplace something for a short time
- Synonyms: lose, forget
- Example: I have mislaid the books I borrowed from you.
4. Meet
- Definition: to gather in a place to see someone in person
- Synonyms: converge, reunite
- Example: President of Colombia met with a delegation of US leaders.
5. Mean
- Definition: to convey or express a thought
- Synonyms: denote, cause
- Example: He meant to hurt your feelings.
6. May
- Definition: expressing possibility
- Synonyms: can
- Example: Linda said she might not come over tonight.
7. Mow
- Definition: to trim a grass
- Synonyms: cut, crop
- Example: He mown his lawn yesterday.
8. Miscast
- Definition: to select someone in an acting role who is inappropriate for it
- Synonyms: diverge, differ
- Example: The whole movie was miscast.
9. Mislead
- Definition: to give an incorrect impression of something
- Synonyms: misinform, fabricate
- Example: He intentionally misled us about his job.
10. Misspend
- Definition: to recklessly spend your money or time
- Synonyms: waste, squander
- Example: He misspent the money he received for his tuition fee.
Verbs That Start with M – Full List (160+ Words)
We hope our list of verbs starting with M was informative to you. Good luck memorizing all of these verbs because nothing motivates you more than seeing your vocabulary improve.
- Minimize
- Melt
- Mind
- Mention
- Matter
- Mourn
- Manage
- Mess
- Misplace
- Moan
- Moisten
- Misrepresent
- Misdirect
- Misinterpret
- Moralize
- Materialize
- Mechanize
- Moderate
- Mistrust
- Model
- Merge
- Mirror
- Mesmerize
- Mock
- Miscarry
- Mutter
- Maneuver
- Mobilize
- Muster
- Motorize
- Mob
- Mime
- Molest
- Mortify
- Moo
- Mince
- Mill
- Mope
- Muse
- Mull
- Masquerade
- Muzzle
- Mutiny
- Munch
- Mangle
- Militate
- Molt
- Maraud
- Mew
- Manacle
- Mature
- Medicate
- Mentor
- Marvel
- Memorize
- Meditate
- Modernize
- Motivate
- Mate
- Mellow
- Marry
- Move
- Massage
- Mark
- Misuse
- Monitor
- Measure
- Mistreat
- Mop
- Meddle
- Make
- Mistake
- Mislay
- Meet
- Mean
- May
- Mow
- Miscast
- Mislead
- Misspend
- Might
- Match
- Mix up
- Musk
- Malt
- Masticate
- Militarize
- Mummify
- Mastermind
- Mitigate
- Misjudge
- Maintain
- Mineralize
- Muddle
- Miss
- Mash
- Master
- Mediate
- Massacre
- Make do with
- Meed
- Misread
- Mine
- Milk
- Muffle
- Miss out on
- Medicine
- Mingle
- Merit
- Move out
- Marinate
- Murder
- Motor
- Maximize
- Mend
- Moult
- Mottle
- Modify
- Make for
- Mint
- Make fun of
- Mortise
- Make over
- Manifest
- Muss
- Mediatize
- Mast
- March
- Mouth
- Must
- Misspent
- Migrate
- Muscle
- Murmur
- Mollify
- Mount
- Moor
- Mantle
- Monopolize
- Misunderstand
- Manufacture
- Mimic
- Metal
- Miniature
- Man
- Metamorphosize
- Multiply
- Mutilate
- Monkey
- Mark down
- Magnetize
- Mumble
- Move in
- Magnify
- Mask
- Menstruate
- Mar
- Manipulate
- Mix
- Medal
- Mortgage
- Modulate
- Mete
- Manumit
- Make off with
- Martyr
Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with M
Thank you so much for being with us till the very end of this article. We value your time spent reading this article about verbs that start with M.
This article must have taught you a few unique verbs that start with M that you were completely unfamiliar with.
Include these verbs in your normal conversation if you want to grab people’s attention. It is time to give your writing and speaking some action with these action words starting with M.
That’s it for now. Anytime you wish to recall a verb beginning with M, you can always come to us. If you any question, you may ask us that too in the comment section below. See you next time.