310+ Verbs That Start with N | Definitions and Examples Included
Verbs that start with N are special because a lot of them are also used as nouns but in this catalog we will strictly talk about and discuss only verbs that start with N.
It is a quality of a good writer that he knows how to fabricate his personal thoughts into breathtaking statements with the help of twisted words and verbs that start with N or any other alphabet.
Speakers also happen to choose their words wisely when addressing a crowd because they know that words always leave a permanent impression.
Verbs beginning with N are that tool which helps a person in describing the beauty of the world or humans in creative ways.
A list of action words that start with N will help you paint a picture on the mind of your readers and a handful of good words might land you to unimaginable positions who know?
I can’t wait for you guys to utilize this list of verbs and make the best out of it.
Most Common Verbs That Start with N
We are starting this list with our most favorite set of verbs that start with N. These verbs starting with N are easy to learn and even easier to use. Do you agree with us or not?
1. Narrate
- Definition: to explain a story in detail
- Synonyms: tell, relate
- Example: The writer narrates the story in a very gloomy way.
2. Nickname
- Definition: to give a short name to someone or something
- Synonyms: name, term
- Example: My friends nicknamed me Vicky.
3. Notice
- Definition: to become aware of
- Synonyms: observe, perceive
- Example: She notices every change in her husband’s behavior.
4. Nudge
- Definition: to poke someone with your elbow in order to gain their attention
- Synonyms: elbow, prod
- Example: People were nudging while sitting in the audience.
5. Needle
- Definition: to prick someone by using a needle
- Synonyms: poke, pierce
- Example: The little girl needled her mother on the yacht.
6. Negate
- Definition: to nullify something
- Synonyms: invalidate, inactivate
- Example: Some of the drugs can be negated by alcohol.
7. Name
- Definition: to give a label to something (person, product or relationship)
- Synonyms: label, term
- Example: My grandfather named me Mickey out of love.
8. Need
- Definition: to ask for something out of sheer desperation rather than a desire
- Synonyms: require, want
- Example: I need some pen and paper to write the recipe.
9. Notify
- Definition: to inform someone about something with a formal approach
- Synonyms: advise, apprise
- Example: They said they will notify me regarding his health conditions soon enough.
10. Number
- Definition: to assign a position
- Synonyms: label, mark
- Example: You must number your answer sheets.
Verbs That Start with N – Beginner Level
These beginner level verb words that start with N are a part of our random talks in everyday conversations. We find these verbs beginning with N very fun to play with and I think you guys will agree to us as soon as you learn them too.
1. Neighbor
- Definition: to situate one thing close to the other thing
- Synonyms: adjoin, border
- Example: The parking lot at the corner of the street is neighboring the hockey ground.
2. Network
- Definition: to make a connection with people who are socially active
- Synonyms: link, interconnect
- Example: Julie is a bold woman who has a great way of networking with elites.
3. Neglect
- Definition: to not take care of things in a right way
- Synonyms: abandon, forsake
- Example: I was so occupied with work that I neglected my health unconsciously.
4. Nip
- Definition: to bite sharply
- Synonyms: nibble, nick
- Example: The cat nipped her sharply on the arm.
5. Nest
- Definition: to fit an object of small size into a larger size thing
- Synonyms: embed, inset
- Example: In the set of three bowls, the smaller one was nested inside the larger one.
6. Net
- Definition: to catch something with the help of a net
- Synonyms: capture, bag
- Example: I did not net any fish yesterday.
7. Negotiate
- Definition: to come to a mutual decision with the other party
- Synonyms: broker, settle
- Example: They negotiated with the customers in a very smart way that no one was at loss.
8. Numb
- Definition: to stop feeling any pain or any other emotion
- Synonyms: deaden, desensitize
- Example: The cold had numbed my senses.
9. Necessitate
- Definition: to make something essentially important
- Synonyms: entail, involve
- Example: Doctors advised him to necessitate raw vegetables into his diet.
10. Nominate
- Definition: to make a formal appointment as a candidate for an award
- Synonyms: propose, put forward
- Example: Star Wars was nominated for Grammys this year.
Verbs That Start with N – Medium Level
Not so difficult but also not so easy verbs starting with letter N are described under this category. It is a common thing for us humans to forget things and information easily but in case if you ever forgot these verbs you can always come back and revise them.
1. Nose
- Definition: to thrust one’s nose into or against something
- Synonyms: nudge, push
- Example: The cat was nosing at the yogurt mug.
2. Nerve
- Definition: to mentally brace oneself for dealing with a tough situation
- Synonyms: brace oneself, steel oneself
- Example: She nerved herself before talking back to him.
3. Noise
- Definition: to make a news publicly viral
- Synonyms: talk, shout
- Example: The couple noised about their engagement on every social media platform.
4. Negative
- Definition: to refuse to accept something
- Synonyms: reject
- Example: He negatived the appointment letter.
5. Near
- Definition: to come close to something or someone
- Synonyms: approach, close in
- Example: The army is nearing in on us.
6. Nag
- Definition: to harass someone constantly
- Synonyms: harass, disturb
- Example: My mother keeps nagging me to get engaged to my cousin.
7. Nullify
- Definition: to make something legally null
- Synonyms: void, invalidate
- Example: Pakistani Supreme Court nullified a bunch of laws in their last meeting.
8. Nibble
- Definition: to take small bites while eating something
- Synonyms: taste, gnaw
- Example: The kid was nibbling the cake.
9. Numerate
- Definition: to count something
- Synonyms: list, count
- Example: I think I might not be able to find and numerate all the reasons to your concern in such a short time.
10. Nauseate
- Definition: to be affected by nausea
- Synonyms: sicken, vomit
- Example: I had food poison so even just the thought of food was nauseating me and making me sick.
Verbs That Start with N – Hard Level
Do you guys also realize sometimes how wrong you can be in some matters but do not know how to express your sentiments? Well, for this reason verbs that begin with N are at your service. Use them wisely.
1. Neuter
- Definition: to castrate a domestic animal
- Synonyms: geld, cut
- Example: The farmer was asked to neuter all the pit bulls and then register them.
2. Nut
- Definition: to hit someone using one’s head
- Synonyms: hit, butt
- Example: He was very close to nutting me on the nose.
3. Nix
- Definition: to put a full stop at something
- Synonyms: cancel, finish
- Example: They all mutually nixed the deal before making the first move.
4. Nickel
- Definition: to coat something with nickel
- Synonyms: cover, overlay
- Example: Some of my jewelry has been nickeled.
5. Narcotize
- Definition: to affect someone with a narcotic drug
- Synonyms: treat, drug
- Example: The doctors narcotized the patient who was in dire pain.
6. Nasalize
- Definition: to pronounce something like a nasal sound
- Synonyms: buzz, whirr
- Example: Most of the people nasalized their sounds in my country.
7. Novelize
- Definition: to convert a screen play into a movie
- Synonyms: convert, transform
- Example: Jane Austen has novelized most of her plays.
8. Neigh
- Definition: to give out a cry
- Synonyms: snicker, whicker
- Example: The horse was neighing loudly due to pain.
9. Nucleate
- Definition: to create into a nucleus
- Synonyms: become, form
- Example: The ice crystals nucleate high in the air and cultivate as they fall.
10. Natter
- Definition: to talk in a casual manner or more openly
- Synonyms: chatter, prate
- Example: I have been nattering with her for hours.
Verbs That Start with N – Expert Level
A language expert is well aware of these verbs that start with the letter N but if you are not a language expert then there is nothing to worry about. Learn these N verbs and also master other parts of speech alongside, and one day you will definitely be able to call yourself an expert.
1. Niggle
- Definition: to find faults in different things
- Synonyms: nitpick, quibble
- Example: Doreen talked openly about the problems that niggled her mind.
2. Nosel
- Definition: to lead someone
- Synonyms: guide, direct
- Example: You should not waste your time in noseling these idiots.
3. Nonconform
- Definition: to be unsuccessful to conform
- Synonyms: unfollow, rebuff
- Example: A lot of state policies were nonconformed by him and his team.
4. Neologize
- Definition: to coin new words
- Synonyms: coin, form
- Example: An experienced writer can neologize a lot of mind-boggling words.
5. Nettle
- Definition: to irritate someone
- Synonyms: annoy, irk
- Example: Linda looked up at me sharply, obviously nettled by the interruption.
6. Nebulize
- Definition: to convert a liquid to a fine spray like for inhalation of a medicine
- Synonyms: change, permute
- Example: The asthma patient was asked to nebulize the spray.
7. Noiseproof
- Definition: to make a room where noise from the outside cannot enter
- Synonyms: shield, secure
- Example: He has noiseproofed his room.
8. Notarize
- Definition: to attach a document into a notary
- Synonyms: sign, attest
- Example: He has notarized his request.
9. Notate
- Definition: to put into a notation
- Synonyms: record
- Example: They notated all of their new music so that they can play it later.
10. Nitrify
- Definition: to oxidize compounds to nitrates and other acids by a bacterial action
- Synonyms: nitrogenize
- Example: We nitrified some of the ammonia during experiments.
Positive Verbs That Start with N
Mention of a couple of positive verbs that start with N in your remarks and watch the other person being obsessed and impressed by you in no time. Don’t believe us? Well let’s try out the technique then, shall we?
1. Nap
- Definition: to sleep for a short time during a day
- Synonyms: doze, sleep
- Example: I will nap first and then continue with the work.
2. Normalize
- Definition: to return to a normal situation
- Synonyms: regularize, standardize
- Example: The situation has normalized to an amazing extent now.
3. Nationalize
- Definition: to give someone a national character
- Synonyms: modify, communize
- Example: The government is planning to nationalize the country’s oil supply.
4. Nurture
- Definition: to take good care of things when they are growing
- Synonyms: bring up, care for
- Example: Jarrett step parents nurtured him like their own son.
5. Nourish
- Definition: to provide with food or other things when those things are growing
- Synonyms: provide for, sustain
- Example: I did everything to nourish the abandoned baby.
6. Nurse
- Definition: to provide medical attention to a sick person
- Synonyms: take care of, look after
- Example: He is slowly nursing back to his good health.
7. Nestle
- Definition: to settle against something
- Synonyms: cuddle up, curl up
- Example: The baby was nestling and playing in his arms.
8. Nectarize
- Definition: to infuse something with nectar
- Synonyms: sweeten, honey
- Example: He nectarized the dish before chilling it.
9. Notch
- Definition: to achieve something
- Synonyms: score, achieve
- Example: The celebrity notched up two of the Oscar awards in his career.
10. Nuzzle
- Definition: to rub something gently with your nose
- Synonyms: nudge, prod
- Example: He was nuzzling his lover’s hair.
Action Verbs That Start with N
You are going to be enlightened with a bunch of action verbs that start with N in this section of the list. So, let’s take a look at them without wasting any more time and energy.
1. Nail
- Definition: to fix something using a nail
- Synonyms: fasten, attach
- Example: The hard book binding was nailed by the thread and gum.
2. Nod
- Definition: to give someone a signal by using one’s head
- Synonyms: incline, bob
- Example: The professor nodded at her and then she stepped forward to give her presentation.
3. Note
- Definition: to provide something your particular attention
- Synonyms: consider, observe
- Example: He noted his friend’s odd behavior but did not complain to him.
4. Neutralize
- Definition: to make something ineffective by using a chemical
- Synonyms: normalize, terminate
- Example: Chemicals were used to neutralize the acid in an experiment.
5. Nick
- Definition: to scratch something
- Synonyms: cut, abrade
- Example: She nicked her leg while shaving.
6. Nab
- Definition: to catch someone when they are doing something wrong
- Synonyms: capture, apprehend
- Example: They nabbed her while she was cheating on her husband.
7. Navigate
- Definition: to operate the course
- Synonyms: steer, helm
- Example: The men on the sea were navigating their ship by the stars.
8. Neaten
- Definition: to make something neat
- Synonyms: tidy up, make neat
- Example: She neatened her hair one more time before leaving home.
9. Nanny
- Definition: to work as a nanny
- Synonyms: care, nourish
- Example: She has been nannying for 2 years.
10. Nosedive
- Definition: to make a nosedive like a plane
- Synonyms: dive, plunge
- Example: The plane lost its control and nosedived into the ground and then shattered into pieces.
Advanced Verbs That Start with N for Perfect Essays
We witness someone using these advanced verbs that start with N in their essays every now and then, and thus we realize that they are very important to be a part of our knowledge and writings too. So, do not take anything for granted and learn them too.
1. Nonplus
- Definition: to confuse someone to the point they forget how to react
- Synonyms: bewilder, bemuse
- Example: Mark was nonplussed by such an unusual question.
2. Nictate
- Definition: to blink
- Synonyms: flutter, flicker
- Example: Her right eye started to nictate.
3. Nustle
- Definition: to nurse someone
- Synonyms: nurse, cherish
- Example: Mary is nustling and home tutoring her little sister these days.
4. Nonsuit
- Definition: to nullify a lawsuit
- Synonyms: nullify, close
- Example: I think they nonsuited the plaintiff.
5. Nipponize
- Definition: to transform oneself into a Japanese person
- Synonyms: transform, convert
- Example: James has nipponized himself for this one-character play.
6. Necrose
- Definition: to die because of the expiration of blood cells
- Synonyms: die, expire
- Example: The old woman necrosed right after she fell sick.
7. Netify
- Definition: to wash and arrange things in order
- Synonyms: clean, wash
- Example: Netify the dishes and then go to bed.
8. Nivellate
- Definition: to reduce to a level
- Synonyms: flatten, level
- Example: The owners of this school are nivellating the entire land.
9. Neeze
- Definition: to expel air from your nose with force
- Synonyms: sneeze, rasp
- Example: Go to the corner and then neeze, don’t disturb us.
10. Nosh
- Definition: to eat food greedily
- Synonyms: eat, devour
- Example: You can nosh as much as you like, we have enough food for seven people.
Verbs That Start with N – Full List (310+ Words)
This is my most favorite section of the list of verbs that start with N, because it requires such less effort and still gives complete information without wasting any of my time. What do you think?
- Nuance
- Negrify
- Neal
- Nutcrack
- Nidify
- Nomadize
- Nitrosate
- Noseslide
- Nuke
- Nerf
- Namecheck
- Nobble
- Negrofy
- Nonconcur
- Nutriate
- Nixtamalize
- Nodulate
- Nitrate
- Nifong
- Nidate
- Nidificate
- Noursle
- Naken
- Nuncle
- Noclip
- Nominalize
- Naphthalize
- Netflix
- Noncuple
- Neocolonialize
- Nuddle
- Niggard
- Newgroup
- Nobilify
- Nudzh
- Nod off
- Nitrilate
- Namesake
- Nip out
- Nanofabricate
- Nondimensionalize
- Niello
- Null
- Notch up
- Nott
- Note down
- Nontender
- Nanoimprint
- Nobilitate
- Nroff
- Newmodel
- Navvy
- Newmould
- Nitrocarburize
- Nephrectomize
- Nitrogenize
- Necrotize
- Nostrify
- New
- Nutate
- Nib
- Neuroticize
- Nake
- Narrowcast
- Nympho
- Necro
- Narcissize
- Nay
- Newcoin
- Nock
- Noose
- Nig
- Neighbour
- Nantle
- Nubble
- Napoo
- Nursemaid
- Norther
- Nurstle
- Noint
- Noseride
- Newfangle
- Name after
- Newmake
- Niggerize
- Nomenclate
- Nostalgize
- Napalm
- Nack
- Nubilate
- Nonsense
- Negativize
- Netsplit
- Nom
- Nag at
- Nub
- Nommus
- Nark
- Narc
- Newmodelize
- Necromance
- Nidder
- Narrow down
- Norm
- Nodulize
- Nodalize
- Namefag
- Nappe
- Narcose
- Narrativize
- Nigger
- Ninja
- Nurdle
- Nuss
- Narcoticize
- Nidulate
- Nicodemus
- Numericalize
- Neven
- Niff
- Nucleoporate
- North
- Neap
- Neurotransmit
- Nutshell
- Nitrosylate
- Nangry
- Nihilate
- Niblick
- Nigerianize
- Necropsy
- Noctambulate
- Naturize
- Nonlinearize
- Nicen
- Newfashion
- Nicker
- Namous
- Nickelize
- Neyghbour
- Namespace
- Noodge
- Newvamp
- Naysay
- Newcreate
- Noddle
- Noseprint
- Norwegianize
- Nought
- Nounize
- Nether
- Nog
- Noctivagate
- Nourisht
- Neuralize
- Nosegrind
- Nictitate
- Namaste
- Nostrificate
- Noogie
- Nill
- Neuromodulate
- Nesslerize
- Necropost
- Nesh
- Nose-Pick
- Nonsensify
- Nemmine
- Nance
- Neoterize
- Numericize
- Noy
- Norn
- Nail down
- Neurotize
- Nighen
- Nammus
- Nett
- Nobblerize
- Noodle
- Narrow
- Neuroimage
- Nitrogenate
- Noun
- Newform
- Nudle
- Newset
- Nutmeg
- Nob
- Nymshift
- Noise-proof
- Netsurf
- Nitpick
- Nutshot
- Neovascularize
- Nursle
- Neatify
- Newcast
- Nash
- Neg
- Nose around
- Necrobump
- Nuncupate
- Nurn
- Negroize
- Nidge
- Newfront
- Neshen
- Nibble away at
- Nigrify
- Nuclearize
- Novate
- Nadir
- Nurl
- Nousle
- Nait
- Nazify
- Nutrify
- Nice
- Naturalize
- Nither
- Normativize
- Nape
- Nerdify
- Nigh
- Nectar
- Neotenize
- Namedrop
- Nim
- Nappy
Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with N
We were unable to cover all the verbs that start with N which exists in our English language for obvious reasons but trust me when I tell you, these verbs that start with N are enough to get you covered.
These action words starting with N are used by professionals in their writings as well as by a common person in his daily conversations.
Do not keep your knowledge restricted only to yourself but also let other people know about this list too.
Gatekeeping will not do any good to you or to any other person, but the more you share your information of verbs beginning with N with people around you the more you will learn about them yourself.
Take care and hope to see you all soon. Thank you.