230+ Verbs That Start with O | Definitions and Examples Included
We are here, again, to introduce you to the verbs that start with O, simply by just following the legacy of bringing innovative and rainbow words before your eyes. Verbs are the action words that always come in handy.
And this time, we mustered up only the action words that start with O, to increase your knowledge. Your choice of verbs in conversations determines your fluency in English language and thus brightens up your image.
Verbs that start with O exist in great numbers but here we have tried to bring the most commonly and frequently used ones for your learning.
We have divided the levels from easy to expert to make you aware of the verbs beginning with O.
Action words play a substantial role in the structure of the sentence and being aware of their correct usage leaves a remarkable impact on others. So, let’s dive straight into it without wasting much time.
Most Common Verbs That Start with O
Under this heading, you guys will become able to learn about the 10 most common verbs that start with O. These are the verbs starting with O that will click your mind and will stick with you forever.
1. Own
- Definition: to have one’s personal belonging
- Synonyms: have, retain
- Example: He owns a social enterprise that is progressing day by day.
2. Offer
- Definition: to present or to ask something to someone
- Synonyms: provide, supply
- Example: He was offered a good post in the company, but he declined.
3. Oblige
- Definition: to constrain someone legally or morally to do something
- Synonyms: compel, bind
- Example: He was obliged to leave his job after a car accident.
4. Observe
- Definition: to notice something
- Synonyms: perceive, discern
- Example: He was secretly observing all the conspiracies going on against him.
5. Obey
- Definition: to follow something commanded by someone
- Synonyms: bow to, heed
- Example: She obeyed what her teacher said and touched the pinnacle of success.
6. Offend
- Definition: to feel annoyed or upset
- Synonyms: affront, displease
- Example: His bossy attitude always offended his classmates.
7. Outsmart
- Definition: to defeat or outclass someone by smartness
- Synonyms: outwit, outmaneuver
- Example: She tried to act cunning, but the opponent outsmarted her in the debate.
8. Outline
- Definition: to draw a borderline to define something
- Synonyms: define, demarcate
- Example: Her presentation was outlined in vibrant colors.
9. Object
- Definition: to raise a voice against something or an act of showing disagreement
- Synonyms: oppose, mind
- Example: Masses are objecting against inflation.
10. Oil
- Definition: to lubricate or rub over with oil
- Synonyms: lubricate, grease
- Example: He asked to oil his car after a minor accident.
Verbs That Start with O – Beginner Level
Being fluent in English language and having a strong grip over modern vocabulary is the need of the hour. And verbs beginning with O will help you to hold that grip over the English language forever. So, let’s take a look at verb words that start with O at beginner level.
1. Occur
- Definition: to happen or to come
- Synonyms: happen, take place
- Example: The pandemic of Covid-19 occurred in Dec 2019.
2. Omit
- Definition: to remove or exclude something willingly or mistakenly
- Synonyms: leave out, exclude
- Example: The teacher omitted many mistakes of his favorite student willingly.
3. Oppose
- Definition: to show disagreement or refusal to something
- Synonyms: defy, repel
- Example: He strongly opposed the idea of regime change by fellow members.
4. Overheat
- Definition: to become hot more than desired
- Synonyms: burn, heat up
- Example: The car began to overheat due to extremely hot weather.
5. Operate
- Definition: to control or process the functioning of something or someone
- Synonyms: work, run
- Example: He learned to operate the machine by reading its manual.
6. Originate
- Definition: an act of initiating or arising
- Synonyms: begin, start
- Example: A strange noise began to originate from a dark room.
7. Overestimate
- Definition: to value something beyond the deserved level
- Synonym: exaggerate, magnify
- Example: They overestimated the prices of new cars in the market.
8. Overrate
- Definition: to have an opinion of someone or something that is more than deserved
- Synonyms: overestimate, overvalue
- Example: He was overrated by his peers at the beginning of the semester.
9. Overflow
- Definition: (especially of a liquid) to start brimming or being more than capacity
- Synonyms: teem, abound
- Example: Oil began to overflow from the tank.
10. Orbit
- Definition: to revolve or to make a circle
- Synonyms: revolve, turn
- Example: Planets are orbiting around the Sun.
Verbs That Start with O – Medium Level
Once we become accustomed to the modern use of verbs starting with letter O, we won’t be spending time searching for them in time of need. The good and enchanting use of verbs will keep our readers engaged throughout.
1. Overexcite
- Definition: to get excited to an excessive degree
- Synonyms: flip out, freak
- Example: He was excessively watching fishy videos that overexcited his emotions.
2. Obsess
- Definition: to preoccupy the mind with excessive thinking
- Synonyms: possess, consume
- Example: She was obsessed with the hues of the sky.
3. Overreact
- Definition: to respond in an excessive manner
- Synonyms: exaggerate, overstress
- Example: She overreacted to the situation that was required to be handled wisely.
4. Overact
- Definition: to act a role in an inflated or fake manner
- Synonyms: exaggerate, overstate
- Example: She is a good actress but overacted in her latest film.
5. Overlap
- Definition: to slide past or cover something from above
- Synonyms: overlie, overspread
- Example: The two sides of the door overlapped slightly while closing.
6. Objectify
- Definition: to treat something or someone as an object
- Synonyms: depersonalize, dehumanize
- Example: The film got banned because they objectified women.
7. Opt
- Definition: to choose something from a variety of options
- Synonyms: select, pick
- Example: She opted for medical after her matriculation was done.
8. Orient
- Definition: to draw attention to something in particular
- Synonyms: aim, direct
- Example: He oriented the attention of the public towards raising inflation.
9. Oscillate
- Definition: to move to and from in a repeated manner
- Synonyms: swing, sway
- Example: His emotions were oscillating between rage and helplessness.
10. Overshadow
- Definition: to overcast or excel in something
- Synonyms: shade, darken
- Example: Her ostentatious nature overshadowed her act of piety.
Verbs That Start with O – Hard Level
Slightly heading towards a difficult level, we are going to bring those verbs to the light that are not very commonly used. Verbs that begin with O on a hard level won’t be hard for you anymore after reading this.
1. Oxidize
- Definition: to combine with oxygen or dehydrogenation
- Synonyms: mix, amalgamate
- Example: Carbon was made to oxidize in the laboratory.
2. Overcloud
- Definition: to make something dull, dim, and gloomy
- Synonyms: bedim, darken
- Example: His childhood is overclouded by a lot of deprivation.
3. Ooze
- Definition: to spread or exude out of something
- Synonyms: seep, discharge
- Example: The bottle of perfume got broken and its fragrance oozed the hall.
4. Outsource
- Definition: to get work done out of a result of a contract with the third company
- Synonyms: deploy, expand
- Example: His company decided to outsource with a third party at a lower cost.
5. Obligate
- Definition: to make someone compelled to do something
- Synonyms: compel, force
- Example: He obligated his employees to work extra hours.
6. Obscure
- Definition: to make something dark and invisible
- Synonyms: hide, conceal
- Example: The moon was obscured by the clouds.
7. Orchestrate
- Definition: to arrange or combine music for performance
- Synonyms: arrange, adapt
- Example: Songs in last night’s event were orchestrated by her.
8. Overwhelm
- Definition: to cover over completely or get buried deep down
- Synonyms: swamp, submerge
- Example: Inflation overwhelmed the good steps taken by the government.
9. Overvalue
- Definition: to estimate something more than it’s worth
- Synonyms: overrate, overestimate
- Example: She was overvalued by her friends which made her arrogant.
10. Outbid
- Definition: to make an offer higher than others have already made especially at an auction
- Synonyms: bid higher, bid more
- Example: The new model of Mercedes was outbid by a very strong party.
Verbs That Start with O – Expert Level
Having a strong hold over the vocabulary can overshadow many weak points of your personality at times, and will bring you benefits more than your imagination. Here, we are going to create ease for you guys in order to become aware of the O verbs at the expert level. Here are some verbs that start with the letter O.
1. Overcast
- Definition: to cover or overshadow something that is now not very visible
- Synonyms: becloud, darken
- Example: Foggy weather overcast my view of the Sun.
2. Obfuscate
- Definition: to make something confusing and unclear
- Synonyms: obscure, confuse
- Example: The team manager obfuscated the easy terms for team members.
3. Orientate
- Definition: to aim or point out something to someone, or to show the direction
- Synonyms: accustom, acquaint
- Example: Film orientates the public to domestic violence.
4. Ogle
- Definition: to stare or to glance in an amorous way or with an interesting intention
- Synonyms: stare at, gaze at
- Example: Old women in the family event were continuously ogling her appearance.
5. Occlude
- Definition: to obstruct or block an opening or a passage
- Synonyms: block, stop
- Example: This new facial mud mask in the market is known to occlude the pores.
6. Ossify
- Definition: to become hardened or rigid in shape, nature, or attitude that ceases further development
- Synonyms: harden, rigidify
- Example: His cartilages were ossifying into bones with the period of time.
7. Opine
- Definition: to give or express the opinion
- Synonyms: suggest, submit
- Example: This lightning cream seems to show results in two to three weeks, she opined.
8. Oversaturate
- Definition: to provide more than required to saturate something
- Synonyms: supersaturate, saturate
- Example: The newly launched brand opened so many stores that oversaturated its own market.
9. Oink
- Definition: to make a noise that a pig makes
- Synonyms: bark, bawl
- Example: He oinked and started to show eccentric behavior among the masses.
10. Overawe
- Definition: to create a very strong awe impression upon someone that they become silent
- Synonyms: daunt, cow
- Example: Russia was in a long hope to overawe Afghanistan.
Positive Verbs That Start with O
Embrace positivity in everything. And when I say everything, I clearly point out positive verbs that start with O. While speaking to someone, when you use cheerful and affirmative verbs, positivity reflects from your personality.
1. Obtain
- Definition: to get or gain something
- Synonyms: get, acquire
- Example: Even after trying so hard, she did not obtain the desired marks in the exam.
2. Ordain
- Definition: to confer holy orders under priestly authority
- Synonyms: appoint, induct
- Example: He ordained the rank of CSP officer after completing CSS.
3. Oxygenate
- Definition: to give or supply oxygen
- Synonyms: oxidize
- Example: Blood is oxygenated by the lungs and then is carried to the heart.
4. Oversee
- Definition: to survey or watch something, especially for official purposes
- Synonyms: supervise, superintend
- Example: He oversees the new designs and approves them for the interior of houses.
5. Outshine
- Definition: to overshadow someone in skills and expertise
- Synonyms: eclipse, outclass
- Example: Chris Gayle has outshone everyone else in yesterday’s tournament.
6. Organize
- Definition: to arrange or put something in order
- Synonyms: order, arrange
- Example: I organized my messed-up wardrobe yesterday.
7. Optimize
- Definition: to make the most beneficial use of a situation or something
- Synonyms: develop, reform
- Example: The higher authorities are required to optimize the use of natural resources.
8. Outlast
- Definition: to live or continue to exist longer
- Synonyms: outlive, survive
- Example: His fitness outlasts the ills of growing age.
9. Overpower
- Definition: to defeat or excel with extra strength
- Synonyms: master, overthrow
- Example: She overpowered the thieves in her encounter with them on street.
10. Officiate
- Definition: to host a performing event or ceremony related to sports in particular
- Synonyms: take charge, direct
- Example: He officiated the event of Hockey tournament last year.
Action Verbs That Start with O
Bringing you a bunch of action verbs that start with O, we are again going to add up some more verbs to your knowledge. Don’t forget to make use of these verbs in your daily language.
1. Occupy
- Definition: to attain personal room or space in the building
- Synonyms: settle, tenant
- Example: The intruders occupied the land unlawfully.
2. Open
- Definition: to move something or remove a hindrance to allow access and vision
- Synonyms: unlatch, unlock
- Example: She first opens the window to let fresh air in.
3. Overcook
- Definition: to cook too much or more than required
- Synonyms: ruin, spoil
- Example: BBQ in last night’s dinner was overcooked by me.
4. Overburden
- Definition: to carry or deal with more than one’s strength
- Synonyms: misuse, excessive burden
- Example: I am overburdened by the projects of freelancing these days.
5. Overload
- Definition: to load something more than its capacity to withstand
- Synonyms: overcharge, overburden
- Example: The ships were overloaded with luggage.
6. Obstruct
- Definition: to place an obstacle or hindrance in one’s way
- Synonyms: block, clog
- Example: Her major artery is obstructed by heavy clots.
7. Oppress
- Definition: to rule people in a tyrant way or treat them with unfair behavior
- Synonyms: abuse, maltreat
- Example: Women are continuously being oppressed in a male-dominant society.
8. Oust
- Definition: to compel someone to leave the position or place by taking legal action
- Synonyms: expel, remove
- Example: The government is ousting the street criminals at a rapid rate.
9. Overwork
- Definition: to work too much that causes exhaustion
- Synonyms: exploit, sweat
- Example: He was overworking to make a living.
10. Obliterate
- Definition: to remove something completely to make it invisible
- Synonyms: destroy, annihilate
- Example: These nuclear weapons have obliterated the world’s peace.
Irregular Verbs That Start with O
Heading towards irregular verbs that start with O, we are going to bring ease to your doorstep. Irregular verbs are used rarely in our daily conversations but they are as important as the rest of them.
1. Overdo
- Definition: to do something in excess
- Synonyms: exaggerate, overstate
- Example: She overdid the exercise that exhausted her too much.
2. Overfeed
- Definition: to feed too much or to supply food more than required
- Synonyms: overdose, overeat
- Example: He was overfed by his mother.
3. Overcome
- Definition: to deal with a situation and get through it
- Synonyms: conquer, defeat
- Example: Her consistency overcame the chances of failure.
4. Overthrow
- Definition: to remove someone by force
- Synonyms: topple, bring down
- Example: Dictatorship has overthrown democracy in this country.
5. Overtake
- Definition: to cross a vehicle that is in the same direction
- Synonyms: go by, overhaul
- Example: She overtook the truck that led to a horrible accident.
6. Overrun
- Definition: to take over control after defeating someone by false means
- Synonyms: invade, storm
- Example: His long debate overran the given time.
7. Outgrow
- Definition: to rise or develop too much or excessively
- Synonyms: grow, develop
- Example: The plants have outgrown in her garden.
8. Overbid
- Definition: to make an offer of amount more than everyone else has made
- Synonyms: bid, outbid
- Example: They overbid those new cars.
9. Overhang
- Definition: to project or extend over something
- Synonyms: extend, impend
- Example: Clothes were overhung over the wires.
10. Overdraw
- Definition: to exaggerate while describing or expressing something
- Synonyms: exaggerate, overstate
- Example: The film was good overall, but the plot was slightly overdrawn.
Verbs That Start with O – Full List (230+ Words)
Keeping up with a promise of providing you with a list of verbs that start with O, here we are going to depict them all in a single list just to provide you an overview of today’s article.
- Own
- Offer
- Oblige
- Observe
- Obey
- Offend
- Outsmart
- Outline
- Object
- Oil
- Occur
- Omit
- Oppose
- Overheat
- Operate
- Originate
- Overestimate
- Overrate
- Overflow
- Orbit
- Overexcite
- Obsess
- Overreact
- Overact
- Overlap
- Objectify
- Opt
- Orient
- Oscillate
- Overshadow
- Oxidize
- Overcloud
- Ooze
- Outsource
- Obligate
- Obscure
- Orchestrate
- Overwhelm
- Overvalue
- Outbid
- Overcast
- Obfuscate
- Orientate
- Ogle
- Occlude
- Ossify
- Opine
- Oversaturate
- Oink
- Overawe
- Obtain
- Ordain
- Oxygenate
- Oversee
- Outshine
- Organize
- Optimize
- Outlast
- Overpower
- Officiate
- Occupy
- Open
- Overcook
- Overburden
- Overload
- Obstruct
- Oppress
- Oust
- Overwork
- Obliterate
- Overdo
- Overfeed
- Overcome
- Overthrow
- Overtake
- Overrun
- Outgrow
- Overbid
- Overhang
- Overdraw
- Overfly
- Outscore
- Overlay
- Overemphasize
- Outdraw
- Overcompensate
- Outrange
- Overdress
- Overboil
- Outpoint
- Overcrop
- Outwit
- Outmatch
- Outclass
- Outmanoeuvre
- Outfox
- Ovulate
- Ostracize
- Outrank
- Offsaddle
- Optate
- Ok
- Overeat
- Obviate
- Outmaneuver
- Outlive
- Overprice
- Outride
- Overfatigue
- Overspread
- Outcrop
- Opt out of
- Occur to
- Outshout
- Obtrude
- Obstinate
- Owe to
- Opt for
- Overmaster
- Overtrump
- Outrun
- Overweary
- Overdrive
- Offset
- Outguess
- Overfill
- Overgeneralize
- Objurgate
- Overlook
- Outmarch
- Oversew
- Overstrain
- Odorize
- Offer up
- Opacify
- Overcultivate
- Overstock
- Ornament
- Order about
- Overexert
- Outperform
- Outbrave
- Orate
- Overtop
- Obstipate
- Object to
- Output
- Opalesce
- Owe
- Overstay
- Outweigh
- Overuse
- Overachieve
- Outgo
- Oversupply
- Overleap
- Overprint
- Overspecialize
- Outcry
- Officialize
- Overhaul
- Outpace
- Outflank
- Outroar
- Overprotect
- Obnubilate
- Overstuff
- Outface
- Overshoot
- Overstate
- Outstrip
- Overindulge
- Omen
- Oppugn
- Osculate
- Open up
- Outfight
- Ostentate
- Overrefine
- Overreach
- Outgeneral
- Overtire
- Overstretch
- Outrival
- Overtax
- Overgrow
- Overproduce
- Occult
- Occasion
- Overdramatize
- Overwrite
- Overextend
- Override
- Outstare
- Oversleep
- Outdistance
- Oversimplify
- Overlie
- Obtund
- Overgorge
- Order
- Oxidate
- Oxygenize
- Overcome with
- Ovenbake
- Overpay
- Obturate
- Own up
- Overrule
- Orphan
- Overclothe
- Overarch
- Overspend
- Overturn
- Overhear
- Overbear
- Opsonize
- Overjoy
- Overcharge
- Overbalance
- Offload
- Overstress
- Outmode
- Outnumber
- Overdose
- Ordinate
- Opalize
- Outbalance
- Outlaw
- Orientalize
- Overcapitalize
- Occidentalize
- Outsell
- Overstep
- Outplay
- Overplay
Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with O
As promised, we have provided you with the list of verbs that start with O. After having read this complete article, we are proud to acknowledge you as a person who not has a strong grasp of English vocabulary.
Verbs that start with O won’t be any harder for you to look for as they will stick to your mind if you have read the article with keen interest.
Getting you guys covered with the list of action words starting with O, I want you guys to leave your remarks and honored point of view about this article. Your comments and worthy opinions are most awaited and highly appreciated.
Hope you had a good time with us as always and you are as impatient to meet us with the new, fresh list of verbs beginning with O. Till then, goodbye for a new hello soon.