460+ Nouns That Start with E | Definitions and Examples Included
Nouns that start with E are meant to add emotions and beauty to your language style as well as writing method.
A person cannot just address something without taking its proper name and for that nouns that start with E or with any other alphabet will come in handy.
I hope by now you must have realized the importance of nouns beginning with E. They are in vast amount but we have selected the top nouns starting with E for you guys and all of them have a purpose to serve.
Just like everything is meant to provide us human beings a purpose in life, words also have something to offer.
Life is a combination of good incidents as well as bad incidents and the only thing that keeps a man going is his motivation to move on and learn new things. And this is also a new day, new topic for each one of you to learn.
Most Common Nouns That Start with E
You cannot always remember all the nouns that start with E but it is easy to memorize a bunch of them. So we have selected the top 10 of the most common nouns to help you out in this matter.
1. Example
- Definition: something that is mentioned as a link to your statement
- Synonyms: specimen, sample
- Example: It was asked to mention couple of examples with our theory.
2. East
- Definition: opposite side of the west
- Synonyms: eastward
- Example: She lives on the east side of Korea.
3. Episode
- Definition: any specific incident
- Synonyms: event, occurrence
- Example: Her anxiety episodes are getting out of the hand now.
4. Eagle
- Definition: a large bird famous for his keenness, size and flight power
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: She was drawing an eagle in her notebook.
5. End
- Definition: the concluding part of something
- Synonyms: termination, ending
- Example: The end of the book was devastating.
6. Electricity
- Definition: the electric supply to any building or appliances through wires
- Synonyms: energy, current
- Example: There is no electricity at our place since yesterday.
7. Exit
- Definition: the leaving door of any room
- Synonyms: door, gate
- Example: You may go through that exit.
8. Earth
- Definition: name of that planet where humans live
- Synonyms: world, globe
- Example: It is the responsibility of us humans to keep our earth safe from any damage.
9. Elbow
- Definition: the joining point between the forearm and the upper arm
- Synonyms: arm joint
- Example: He damaged his right elbow in the accident.
10. Examination
- Definition: a test taken of a person’s knowledge to judge his intelligence level
- Synonyms: assessment, analysis
- Example: My history examination was a big flop.
Nouns That Start with E – Beginner Level
Our conversations remain incomplete without the proper use of vocabulary and nouns that start with the letter E. Nouns are indeed one of the most important tools of English language.
1. Excuse
- Definition: a reason given to justify one’s fault or delay
- Synonyms: defense, reason
- Example: I couldn’t find any excuse for my sister’s rude behavior.
2. Edge
- Definition: the corner side of an area or object
- Synonyms: boundary, fringe
- Example: Do not let those children stand on the edge.
3. Experiment
- Definition: a procedure involving scientific methods to test a theory
- Synonyms: research, test
- Example: My experiment of bleaching my hair was terrific.
4. Event
- Definition: anything that happens in the form of an activity
- Synonyms: affair, development
- Example: Her beach party is the most highlighted event of this month.
5. Environment
- Definition: one’s surroundings
- Synonyms: climate, habitat
- Example: Always teach your kids to keep their environment clean.
6. Effect
- Definition: a change brought with the help of any cause
- Synonyms: result, consequence
- Example: I am under the effects of changing seasons.
7. Essay
- Definition: a short form of writing composition discussing matters in detail with facts and figures
- Synonyms: article, paper
- Example: His essay on women empowerment was appreciated by everyone.
8. Entrance
- Definition: the passageway which allows the access to any room
- Synonyms: entry, way in
- Example: The entrance of the church was blocked by a group of fanatics.
9. Emergency
- Definition: a situation that demands a quick decision
- Synonyms: crisis, extremity
- Example: You can always call me in any kind of emergency.
10. Existence
- Definition: the state of existing
- Synonyms: actuality, reality
- Example: His existence has become a burden for his family now.
Nouns That Start with E – Medium Level
The regular use of noun words that start with E becomes a habit after some time. Our chats start to feel incomplete if there is no proper expression of emotion and touch of authenticity in it.
1. Expert
- Definition: a person having all the required skills polished for his field
- Synonyms: specialist, authority
- Example: I am an expert in making bread pudding.
2. Empress
- Definition: a woman who is the ruler of an empire
- Synonyms: sovereign, monarch
- Example: The empress was appreciated by everyone because of her great courage and honesty.
3. Experience
- Definition: the knowledge which is gained by actually going through the process
- Synonyms: skill, practice
- Example: My experience did not go right with this skincare product.
4. Effort
- Definition: the struggle done in order to achieve anything
- Synonyms: attempt, try
- Example: Sincere efforts are a sign of strong character.
5. Employee
- Definition: a paid workman
- Synonyms: laborer, artisan
- Example: Ana is my employee and she is very adorable.
6. Equality
- Definition: the right of receiving the same treatment as their superiors
- Synonyms: fairness, impartiality
- Example: He treats everyone with equality.
7. Ego
- Definition: your own self-centered opinion about yourself with strict boundaries
- Synonyms: self-esteem, self-importance
- Example: One should never compromise on his ego.
8. Exhibition
- Definition: a public display of works of art
- Synonyms: show, presentation
- Example: I went to an exhibition of French sculptures.
9. Essential
- Definition: a thing that is absolutely necessary
- Synonyms: necessity, prerequisite
- Example: They only had the bare essentials in the way of equipment.
10. Escape
- Definition: an act of getting out of any troubling situation
- Synonyms: getaway, flight, breakout
- Example: There is no escape from one’s worries at times.
Nouns That Start with E – Hard Level
There exist nouns beginning with E that are used on rare occasions. They also land on hard level and people may feel difficulty to inculcate them in their regular random conversations.
1. Explosion
- Definition: the act of bursting
- Synonyms: blast, detonation
- Example: They heard the nearby explosion and ran for their lives.
2. Extension
- Definition: a state of enlargement of anything
- Synonyms: elongation, lengthening
- Example: I may require an extension for the completion of this project.
3. Enigma
- Definition: something or someone with many mysterious qualities
- Synonyms: mystery, puzzle
- Example: My friend is nothing less than an enigma.
4. Elegy
- Definition: a sad poem or song written over someone who is gone for good
- Synonyms: lament, plaint
- Example: His elegy on Van Gough just blew up on the internet.
5. Excerpt
- Definition: an extract any piece of writing or movie
- Synonyms: extract, part
- Example: It was immoral of her to read the excerpts from her journal in her absence.
6. Ecologist
- Definition: a person who is studying natural relationships of things
- Synonyms: environmentalist, conservationist
- Example: Couple of my friends are ecologists by profession.
7. Executive
- Definition: a person at the position of senior manager in any business
- Synonyms: supervisor, administrator
- Example: The senior executive of my company is on sick leave these days.
8. Exception
- Definition: (someone or something) having different qualities
- Synonyms: omission, barring
- Example: Mr. Gray is an exception in whatever he does
9. Engineering
- Definition: the vast branch of technology dealing with machines and motors
- Synonyms: manufacturing, authorizing
- Example: My major is in chemical engineering.
10. Empathy
- Definition: the ability to relate to someone else’s situation and feel for them
- Synonyms: compassion, pity
- Example: Her lack of empathy with needy people surprises me at times.
Nouns That Start with E – Expert Level
A good grasp on tough vocabulary becomes very important at times. Tough E nouns are also important to learn and by using nouns with letter E in your writing you may add beauty to your work.
1. Ecstasy
- Definition: a happy situation
- Synonyms: rapture, bliss
- Example: She jumped as if in ecstasy.
2. Emissary
- Definition: a person who delivers messages of one governor to the other governor
- Synonyms: envoy, ambassador
- Example: An emissary always has the most sensitive information.
3. Entrepreneur
- Definition: someone who is the CEO of his personal business
- Synonyms: dealer, merchandiser
- Example: I aspire to be an entrepreneur in my future.
4. Expertise
- Definition: a great command over a skill
- Synonyms: knowledge, mastery
- Example: Sara has considerable expertise in German history.
5. Exposure
- Definition: the fact of experiencing a particular situation and being affected by it in many ways
- Synonyms: submission, vulnerability
- Example: Daily dose of sun exposure is very important for a person.
6. Equilibrium
- Definition: a balanced position
- Synonyms: symmetry, equipoise
- Example: The government is responsible for disturbing the equilibrium of the economy.
7. Euphemism
- Definition: a word used to sugarcoat an insult
- Synonyms: underplaying, politeness
- Example: Healthy is a euphemism for fat shaming someone.
8. Enormity
- Definition: something of great magnitude
- Synonyms: greatness, vastness
- Example: The enormity of the problem put us all in deep depression.
9. Elixir
- Definition: a magical substance with medical properties used for curing the diseases
- Synonyms: potion, brew
- Example: Many supplements claim to be the elixir of life but sadly that’s just a marketing technique for attracting clients.
10. Extrovert
- Definition: a person is full of energy and does not mind taking parts in social gatherings.
- Synonyms: mixer, socializer
- Example: I used to be an extrovert in my teens.
Positive Nouns That Start with E
Positive nouns that start with E give the impression of good and pleasant vibes. Sugarcoating your hurt and embarrassment might save you up from pointless over-explanations. I hope you get what I am trying to explain.
1. Energy
- Definition: the powerful state of body and mind
- Synonyms: vitality, vigor
- Example: This task has drained all of my energy.
2. Education
- Definition: the process of passing on the knowledge
- Synonyms: schooling, tuition
- Example: Education at home is equally important as education in school.
3. Enjoyment
- Definition: the feeling of entertainment
- Synonyms: pleasure, amusement
- Example: Reading is my favorite form of enjoyment.
4. Elegance
- Definition: the quality of having character full of grace
- Synonyms: discernment, refinement
- Example: Her natural elegance made him fall for her.
5. Exercise
- Definition: physical activity that involves movement of body
- Synonyms: training, workout
- Example: I like to do exercise in the morning.
6. Efficiency
- Definition: putting your time and energy to good use without wasting it
- Synonyms: planning, regulation
- Example: Her latest art work has a touch of efficiency and meaning.
7. Excitement
- Definition: a feeling of elation
- Synonyms: exhilaration, animation
- Example: She screamed with excitement after seeing her acceptance letter.
8. Entertainment
- Definition: activities that are meant to provide amusement to the people
- Synonyms: pleasure, leisure
- Example: Reading books is my type of entertainment.
9. Eloquence
- Definition: the quality of stating to the point information
- Synonyms: expressiveness, fervor
- Example: Her eloquence and beauty makes her personality ever charming.
10. Engagement
- Definition: an agreement that involves later on marrying someone by taking some vows
- Synonyms: betrothal, commitment
- Example: Their engagement will take place in the holy church on Saturday.
Proper Nouns That Start with E
You are about to witness a bunch of proper nouns that start with E. They are carefully selected and mentioned under this tag by our team. They are commonly used but hold a very important place in our lives.
1. Egypt
- Definition: a country based in north eastern side of Africa
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: My uncle lives in Egypt.
2. Elizabeth
- Definition: feminine given name
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Elizabeth had a tragic death.
3. Everest
- Definition: name of the highest mountain of the world and is present in Himalayas
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: He thinks he is such a good mountaineer that he can even climb the Everest.
4. Emma
- Definition: a name given to a female
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Emma’s new film is amazing.
5. Ethiopia
- Definition: a north-eastern country of Africa present over Red Sea
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Ethiopic is a very populated country.
6. Ethan
- Definition: a masculine name mostly under American people usage
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Ethan is my childhood friend.
7. Eicher
- Definition: surname of anyone
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Mr. Eicher is waiting for you in the office.
8. Ecuador
- Definition: a South American country
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: I have never been to Ecuador in my life.
9. Eleanor
- Definition: name referred to a girl
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Eleanor was super mean to Sean yesterday.
10. Estonia
- Definition: name of a Baltic country on the south side of Finland’s gulf
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Have you seen Emily’s new pictures of Estonia?
Nouns That Start with E to Describe Things
Some words are important for us like nouns that are used to discuss or hint at things that start with E. Short words but with deep meanings. They will not disappoint you in any way
1. Egg
- Definition: the oval shaped object produced by a female chicken and is used for food
- Synonyms: ovum, gamete
- Example: We also had scrambled eggs for our brunch.
2. Engine
- Definition: a machine responsible for converting power into motion and has moveable parts
- Synonyms: motor, drive
- Example: The car’s engine needs immediate repairing.
3. Elevator
- Definition: a type of compartment that is used for moving people from ground level to different other levels
- Synonyms: lift, cage
- Example: I have an elevator in my home.
4. Envelope
- Definition: a paper with a seal in which letters or documents are sent to the other person
- Synonyms: wrapping, sleeve
- Example: The seal of the envelope was already torn before it reached me.
5. Ear
- Definition: organ of hearing in living things
- Synonyms: hearing organ, lug
- Example: The snake bit his ear in an attack.
6. Eraser
- Definition: a rubber used for rubbing pencil written material
- Synonyms: abolisher, girdle
- Example: I lost my eraser is the lab.
7. Enzyme
- Definition: a catalyst produced by living organisms
- Synonyms: impetus, incentive
- Example: My current topic of research is on enzymes.
8. Embankment
- Definition: a wall of stone built to prevent an area from flood
- Synonyms: ridge, mound
- Example: The embankment has become weak over the years.
9. Equipment
- Definition: an item of great importance
- Synonyms: apparatus, paraphernalia
- Example: Couple of equipment fell from his hands and broke.
10. Elastic
- Definition: a flexible strip that can be molded in any shape
- Synonyms: stretchable, adjustable
- Example: The elastic in my jeans is a bit tight to me.
Nouns That Start with E – Full List (460+ Words)
This list of nouns that start with E contains all the nouns that we discussed above. Do not forget to leave your honest intentions about the work in the comment section below.
- Example
- East
- Episode
- Eagle
- End
- Electricity
- Exit
- Earth
- Elbow
- Examination
- Excuse
- Edge
- Experiment
- Event
- Environment
- Effect
- Essay
- Entrance
- Emergency
- Existence
- Expert
- Empress
- Experience
- Effort
- Employ
- Equality
- Ego
- Exhibition
- Essential
- Escape
- Explosion
- Extension
- Enigma
- Elegy
- Excerpt
- Ecologist
- Executive
- Exception
- Engineering
- Empathy
- Ecstasy
- Emissary
- Entrepreneur
- Expertise
- Exposure
- Equilibrium
- Euphemism
- Enormity
- Elixir
- Extrovert
- Energy
- Education
- Enjoyment
- Elegance
- Exercise
- Efficiency
- Excitement
- Entertainment
- Eloquence
- Engagement
- Egypt
- Elizabeth
- Everest
- Emma
- Ethiopia
- Ethan
- Eicher
- Ecuador
- Eleanor
- Estonia
- Egg
- Engine
- Elevator
- Envelope
- Ear
- Eraser
- Enzyme
- Embankment
- Equipment
- Elastic
- Enforcement
- Earthenware
- Engraver
- Epidemic
- Escapism
- Exaggeration
- Eternity
- Emancipationist
- Encyclopedia
- Emasculation
- Emergence
- Echo
- Entropy
- Existent
- Estate
- Equator
- Earl
- Epithet
- Endgame
- Edacity
- Earphone
- Examiner
- Electron
- Embezzlement
- Eye
- Earring
- Extinction
- Escapee
- Edward
- Ell
- Ejector
- Extrema
- Enrage
- Expediency
- Exemplary
- Elfin
- Election
- Engineer
- Exboyfriend
- Excelsin
- Elation
- Epic
- Extreme
- Egalitarianism
- Epsom
- Emerald
- Enthusiasm
- Equivalence
- Equivalent
- Extermination
- Eggshell
- Easel
- Epigraph
- Everywhere
- Earthquake
- Endeavour
- Earwig
- Espionage
- Expiation
- Eel
- Expressionism
- Emphysema
- Entirety
- Expenditure
- Escolar
- Elite
- Eluate
- Espousal
- Encampment
- Ethicist
- Earache
- Epicurean
- Embouchure
- Experimentation
- Epistemology
- Electroshock
- Earthworm
- Essence
- Erie
- Eave
- Elucidation
- Emulsion
- Educator
- Eventuality
- Evaporation
- Escheat
- Evangelism
- Ecstatic
- Eclat
- Electromagnet
- Equal
- Existentialist
- Effectinge
- Elsewhere
- Enmity
- Embodiment
- Enrichment
- Expressway
- Electrocardiograph
- Entanglement
- Endearment
- Enchantment
- Europeanization
- Economist
- Equity
- Electric
- Edition
- Escort
- Eindhoven
- Equine
- Epiphany
- Expansion
- Execution
- Eva
- Etiquette
- Escalation
- Evensong
- Embryo
- Enchanter
- Eugene
- Erection
- Elution
- Eyeglasses
- Enthusiast
- Epilogue
- Entomologist
- Equalizer
- Extruder
- Ellipsoid
- Embroidery
- Eiderdown
- Exoneration
- Explorer
- Empire
- Expiration
- Epicure
- Estimation
- Economy
- Exploit
- Ejaculator
- Emotion
- Equation
- Enslavement
- Enunciation
- Exile
- Expression
- Elm
- Eyepiece
- Ejection
- Elongation
- Encourager
- Enemy
- Evil
- Eggfruit
- Excitability
- Emotionality
- Employment
- Electrocardiogram
- Exec
- Exposition
- Emanation
- Employee
- Exogamy
- Eyeball
- Erotica
- Easton
- Error
- Eight
- Evidence
- Enlistment
- Eyeful
- Expressionist
- Esteem
- Eve
- Effervescence
- Eswatini
- Efficacy
- Enterotoxemia
- Expectation
- Expedient
- Endosperm
- Entry
- Eminence
- Element
- Edifice
- Ease
- Eternal
- Embrace
- Eyelid
- Encouragement
- Executioner
- Extremity
- Ebony
- Export
- Edginess
- Ecumenist
- Effluvium
- Electronography
- Exertion
- Economics
- Enlightenment
- Extrapolation
- Entity
- Excursion
- Examiantion
- Edinburgh
- Eagerness
- Eaglet
- Exchequer
- Eruption
- Evasion
- Exaltation
- Enclosure
- Enrollment
- Exuberance
- Enlargement
- Envy
- Armenia
- Electrotherapist
- Ecliptic
- Egotist
- Extern
- Emperor
- Expurgation
- Exploration
- Emission
- Esplanade
- Endorsement
- Elimination
- Emcee
- Expose
- Endevor
- Eutectic
- Editorship
- Editor
- Eyesight
- Egoist
- Exemption
- Efficient
- Employer
- Evolution
- Exponent
- Endorser
- Encounter
- Escutcheon
- Enough
- Exhaustion
- Expansionist
- Enjoinder
- Exclusive
- Epoch
- Evaluation
- Estimate
- Emigration
- Endurance
- Encylopedia
- Entourage
- Eureka
- Evacuation
- Equalization
- Era
- Elasticity
- Egotism
- Eligible
- Exasperation
- Explosive
- Explanation
- Editorial
- Excellence
- Excretion
- Euphoria
- Edema
- Enchantress
- Emily
- Exacerbation
- Experimentalism
- Expanse
- Enactment
- Editorialist
- Earnestness
- Elder
- Expedition
- Ethyl
- Enumeration
- Earful
- Epoxy
- Epicenter
- Egghead
- Endogamy
- Exhaust
- Ensemble
- Extract
- Easter
- Egret
- Eligibility
- Electorate
- Electrode
- Elan
- Eradication
- Enamel
- Echidna
- Exterior
- Ebay
- Executor
- Empiricism
- Elderberry
- Embargo
- Estrangement
- Epitaph
- Enterprise
- Eyeteeth
- Entertainer
- Expense
- Extent
- Epitome
- Exhusband
- Embellishment
- Externalization
- Erbil
- Exemplar
- Escapade
- Entrant
- Examinee
- Ethic
- Escapist
- Earplug
- Emancipator
- Einstein
- Endowment
- Edsel
- Echelon
- Eclipse
- Expulsion
- Eyelash
- Enervation
- Eeriness
- Exchange
- Effluent
- Establishment
- Eggnog
- Embassy
- Essex
- Elevation
- Exclusion
- Equanimity
- Epicycle
- Engrg
- Extraction
- Entranceway
- Electromyography
- Erosion
- Enthalpy
- Evangelist
- Excavation
- Experimenter
- Emotionalism
- Encroachment
- Evening
- Eccentric
- Endeavor
- Eyebrow
- Escritoire
- Elephant
- Evocation
- Extolment
- Expectancy
- Exultation
- Emu
- Easement
- Excelsior
- Exploitation
- Eccentricity
- Erudition
- Elaboration
- Elk
- Excise
- Exclamation
- Earnest
- Ethanol
- Errand
- Exhibit
- Embarrassment
- Egyptian
- Emancipation
Final Thoughts on Nouns That Start with E
Now it is safe for us to declare you a knowledgeable person by judging you on your progress.
This is the end of our list and with the help of my team, I have made sure to not skip anything important to mention in this list concerning nouns that start with E.
So, what are your reviews about this exclusive list of nouns starting with E? Make sure to leave your comments in the comments section below.
These nouns beginning with E are a great start if you are jumping in to learning English language from the surface level. It is important for everyone to have a great grip on vocabulary especially nouns that start with E.
A great collection of words and advanced knowledge about multiple concepts are important for anyone to have and believe me there is no better luxury than knowledge. Time is the best teacher out of all.