430+ Nouns That Start with G | Definitions and Examples Included
In the school time, we were told that nouns that start with G are used to refer to things named with the alphabet G, exactly like other nouns are used to refer to the names of different things.
But what we were not taught is that nouns are not just the names but they can also function like other things too under certain conditions, like abstract concepts, working as the subject of a sentence, etc.
Today we have brought you a list exclusively discussing about nouns that start with G along with their meanings, sentences as well as similar words or synonyms.
Nouns beginning with G have many functions to perform and we have them categorized under different titles showing their particular function.
Go ahead and take a look at them. Let’s start our today’s topic of nouns starting with G for discussion and in the process successfully teaching you a lot of words for your own benefit.
Most Common Nouns That Start with G
Nouns that start with G that are used commonly in our discussions are known as common nouns. Let’s talk about them in detail along with their meanings, synonyms and sentences.
1. Grandfather
- Definition: the father of your parents (either of mother or of father)
- Synonyms: granddad, gramps
- Example: My grandfather can cook Italian food.
2. Grandmother
- Definition: the mother of your parents (either of mother or of father)
- Synonyms: grandma, granny
- Example: My grandmother lives in Scotland.
3. Girl
- Definition: a female child of very young age
- Synonyms: miss, lass
- Example: Two girls from our class are going to the show tomorrow.
4. Game
- Definition: a sports activity meant for providing entertainment
- Synonyms: amusement, distraction
- Example: Today’s kids prefer computer games over outdoor activities.
5. Gas
- Definition: a state of substance that is neither liquid nor solid
- Synonyms: smoke, methane
- Example: There has been a leakage of gas in the next apartment.
6. Guy
- Definition: a fellow man
- Synonyms: man, gentleman
- Example: I met a really nice guy yesterday at the party.
7. Group
- Definition: a number of people or things combined together in one unit at one place
- Synonyms: category, class
- Example: All my group members are highly dedicated and passionate towards their goals.
8. Gentleman
- Definition: a man with great behavior and polite nature
- Synonyms: grandee, lord
- Example: John is such a gentleman towards ladies.
9. Girlfriend
- Definition: a woman or girl who a man is involved with romantically
- Synonyms: companion, partner
- Example: His girlfriend is very sweet.
10. Ghost
- Definition: dead person’s spirit
- Synonyms: wraith, spirit
- Example: I saw a ghost in the balcony last night.
Nouns That Start with G – Beginner Level
Regularly used nouns that start with the letter G are given in the following list. For your better understanding of the concepts it is advised by us to you to first thoroughly go through each one of them and then put them to practice.
1. God
- Definition: a divine someone who is the maker of this universe and worthy of worship
- Synonyms: divinity, creator
- Example: God will never abandon you in your hardships.
2. Guest
- Definition: a person who comes over to visit you and stays with you for some time
- Synonyms: visitor, caller
- Example: We have guests at our place almost every weekend.
3. Grammar
- Definition: the study about rules and correct method of writings for any language
- Synonyms: morphology, linguistics
- Example: I struggle with grammar subjects a lot.
4. Garage
- Definition: the parking place of a car or any other vehicle
- Synonyms: depot, storage
- Example: I have parked my car in the garage.
5. Government
- Definition: the group of people who rules over a country and officially controls all the affairs
- Synonyms: administration, authority
- Example: The current government has disappointed the people in many ways.
6. Gallery
- Definition: a room or building where art work is to be displayed
- Synonyms: studio, hall
- Example: I am going to the art gallery with my friend this evening.
7. Genius
- Definition: an intelligent person with extraordinary skills
- Synonyms: mastermind, intellectual
- Example: Eleanor is a computer genius.
8. Governor
- Definition: a person who controls all the matters regarding political unit
- Synonyms: administrator, commander
- Example: The governor is going to Oman for one day tour.
9. Guard
- Definition: a person whose job is to protect others
- Synonyms: protector, defender, guardian
- Example: Armed guards always carry loaded guns.
10. Gesture
- Definition: an expression of idea using hand movements or facial expressions
- Synonyms: signal, sign
- Example: Her rude gesture was noticed by everyone in the room.
Nouns That Start with G – Medium Level
This section of noun words that start with G is the medium level. These words are frequently used and do not require any sort of struggle and strong focus to be noticed.
1. Goal
- Definition: an intention of achieving something in future
- Synonyms: ambition, aspiration
- Example: Our goal is for the school to win the annual debate competition.
2. Glory
- Definition: praise and thanks given to the almighty
- Synonyms: eminence, honor
- Example: All glory and worship is for the divine God.
3. Growth
- Definition: the process evolving and growing with the passage of time
- Synonyms: extension, widening
- Example: The growth of the crops was affected badly after the flood.
4. Glimpse
- Definition: an occasion where you witness something or someone for a very short time period
- Synonyms: glance, peek
- Example: Every time I look in her eyes I see the glimpse of us.
5. Guess
- Definition: an attempt of making the right choice
- Synonyms: assumption, conjecture
- Example: I told you, my guesses are always right.
6. Gain
- Definition: an occasion when you take advantage or profit out of something
- Synonyms: earning, dividend
- Example: He has made a lot of gains in this venture.
7. Guardian
- Definition: someone who protects something or someone
- Synonyms: protector, defender
- Example: Her legal guardian died in a car crash.
8. Gymnast
- Definition: a gymnastics expert
- Synonyms: jumper, tumbler
- Example: The gymnast cannot eat food with high calorie level.
9. Gender
- Definition: socially constructed characteristics of a man or woman
- Synonyms: sex, sexuality
- Example: The equality of gender is an important thing to practice by everyone.
10. Guilt
- Definition: the feeling of regret over some sin
- Synonyms: misconduct, delinquency
- Example: She is to live with the guilt of abandoning her kids all her life.
Nouns That Start with G – Hard Level
I hope you find something useful for yourself in this list of nouns beginning with G. After much consideration and team collaboration we have successfully compiled different types of nouns under one place for your ease.
1. Geniality
- Definition: the quality of possessing friendly nature
- Synonyms: affability, agreeability
- Example: His geniality and hospitality makes him a gentleman.
2. Glitch
- Definition: a small problem or an error in any program
- Synonyms: catch, hitch
- Example: It was just a glitch, nothing to worry about.
3. Gait
- Definition: a specific way of walking
- Synonyms: clip, tempo
- Example: They all chuckled at his slow stiff gait.
4. Guile
- Definition: clever and artificial behavior meant for betraying someone
- Synonyms: artfulness, caginess
- Example: He is a simple man without any guile or fakeness.
5. Getaway
- Definition: an escape from a situation after committing any crime
- Synonyms: escape, breakout
- Example: The thieves made their getaway from the basement exit of the office.
6. Glacier
- Definition: a slowly moving mass of ice formed by the compaction of snow on the mountains
- Synonyms: iceberg, floe
- Example: It is known as the land of glaciers and beautiful waterfalls.
7. Glorification
- Definition: the action of describing something in high words
- Synonyms: aggrandizement, ennoblement
- Example: No one should ever accept glorification of war.
8. Galaxy
- Definition: an independent group of stars out of many others in the universe
- Synonyms: constellation, nebula
- Example: Recently a distant galaxy has been discovered by the spacemen.
9. Gibberish
- Definition: spoken words which are absolutely rubbish and meaningless
- Synonyms: abracadabra, blabber
- Example: It is normal to talk gibberish when in the state of fear.
10. Gist
- Definition: general facts about important information
- Synonyms: core, crux
- Example: The gist of her report was shocking.
Nouns That Start with G – Expert Level
G nouns on the expert level are rarely used by people on regular terms. But just because some nouns with letter G are not in the regular use, it does not mean they lack importance and acknowledgement.
1. Gabble
- Definition: fast conversation which is difficult to understand
- Synonyms: jabbering, babbling
- Example: Random teenagers’ gabble is not my cup of tea.
2. Genesis
- Definition: the origin or root point of something’s existence
- Synonyms: start, baseline
- Example: The Bible itself begins with the Genesis.
3. Genre
- Definition: the particular style of something
- Synonyms: class, brand
- Example: Not every genre of writing is fascinating.
4. Generator
- Definition: a person who creates something from scratch
- Synonyms: author, producer
- Example: Elon Musk is the generator of many tech companies.
5. Gale
- Definition: a strong wind just like the cyclone
- Synonyms: hurricane, squall
- Example: The gale destroyed our plants on the rooftop.
6. Gesticulation
- Definition: movements done by your hands to explain something you are saying
- Synonyms: gesture, pantomime
- Example: She is practicing intense gesticulations for her drama role.
7. Grotesque
- Definition: a very ugly or damaged overview of something
- Synonyms: image, figure
- Example: The celebrity was wearing a grotesque costume at the ball.
8. Gastronome
- Definition: someone who enjoys himself having elite meal
- Synonyms: gourmet, epicure
- Example: The Italian cooking menu book really fascinated the gastronomes.
9. Gentry
- Definition: ancient people belonging from the elite class
- Synonyms: aristocracy, elite
- Example: Gentry in 19th-century Virginia was thoroughly explained in his memoirs.
10. Gratefulness
- Definition: showing feelings of gratitude
- Synonyms: appreciativeness, gladness
- Example: Her innocent heart is full of gratefulness.
Positive Nouns That Start with G
For positive use of language, bring these positive nouns that start with G into your regular practice. These nouns will add a lot of positivity to your daily conversations.
1. Garden
- Definition: a piece of land in a house where plants are grown
- Synonyms: plot, lawn
- Example: All the kids are helping their grandmother in the garden.
2. Generosity
- Definition: the quality of being unconditionally generous
- Synonyms: bigheartedness, bountifulness
- Example: I will never forget his generosity towards my siblings in hard times.
3. Goodness
- Definition: the personal quality of having a morally good character
- Synonyms: honesty, integrity
- Example: Be an example of goodness for your people and spread positivity as much as you can.
4. Graduate
- Definition: a person who has a college or university’s first degree
- Synonyms: doctor, recipient
- Example: Ahmed is a university graduate.
5. Gentility
- Definition: the quality of being gracious
- Synonyms: courtesy, genteelness
- Example: The hotel staff welcomed us with discreet gentility.
6. Graciousness
- Definition: possessing good manners
- Synonyms: gentility, civility
- Example: His graciousness is heart-warming.
7. Gallantry
- Definition: polite behavior towards women especially in public
- Synonyms: politeness, chivalry
- Example: His gallantry is well appreciated by everyone.
8. Gambit
- Definition: a clever tactic performed in a game
- Synonyms: scheme, plan
- Example: She is the Queen of gambit.
9. Gambol
- Definition: an amusing act of running or jumping
- Synonyms: cavort, prance
- Example: The two men performed a gambol together.
10. Grandeur
- Definition: the quality of being full of intelligence
- Synonyms: brilliance, glory
- Example: I have a sense of grandeur about Anna’s brother.
Proper Nouns That Start with G
You have stumbled upon the right title if you are finding some unique names of famous things. Here are some proper nouns that start with G for you to go through.
1. Germany
- Definition: a central European country
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Many institutes offer free education in Germany.
2. Google
- Definition: a global internet search engine where you can find information regarding anything
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: My sister’s current job is in Google.
3. Glasgow
- Definition: name of a city present in Scotland
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Glasgow is very famous for its beauty.
4. Georgia
- Definition: U.S state’s name
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Alice is currently in Georgia.
5. Gordon
- Definition: name of a male person
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Gordon is very rude.
6. Greece
- Definition: a European country
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Greece is full of tourist spots.
7. Georgina
- Definition: name of a girl or woman
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Georgina has long blonde hair.
8. Greta
- Definition: a woman’s name
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Greta is my friend’s legal guardian.
9. Guangzhou
- Definition: a city based in China
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Guangzhou is not a very populated city.
10. Graham
- Definition: a Scottish name of a male person
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Graham is my brother’s best pal.
Nouns That Start with G to Describe Things
There exist some nouns that are meant to address things and here are some of those nouns that start with G. If you are planning on teaching your kids at home, start by making them learn these words.
1. Glass
- Definition: a transparent object which can be see through and used for making windows and mirrors
- Synonyms: mirror, reflector
- Example: I have newly fixed a huge glass window in my drawing room.
2. Gate
- Definition: an entrance or exit fence
- Synonyms: barrier, wicket
- Example: She is standing in the middle of the gate.
3. Garbage
- Definition: useless material that is to be dumped
- Synonyms: refuse, waste
- Example: It is improper to through garbage on the streets.
4. Gift
- Definition: a present that is given to you by someone
- Synonyms: donation, offering
- Example: My birthday gifts are very precious to me.
5. Garment
- Definition: a clothing piece meant to be wrapped around your body
- Synonyms: costume, outfit
- Example: All his garments are loose now because of his weight loss.
6. Guitar
- Definition: a musical instrument made of wood and is played by the help of fingers
- Synonyms: banjo, lyre
- Example: He brought a guitar at my place and played it for us.
7. Gun
- Definition: a weapon with metal bullets and can kill someone
- Synonyms: firearm, weapon
- Example: They do not have any guns at their place.
8. Glove
- Definition: a leather or padded protection cover for the hands in winters
- Synonyms: gauntlet, mitt
- Example: I have gloves in multiple shades.
9. Grocery
- Definition: edible items that are being sold at any supermarket
- Synonyms: supplies, stores
- Example: Grocery shopping is my favorite thing to do.
10. Grenade
- Definition: a bomb of small size that is launched in order to destroy anything
- Synonyms: projectile, bomb
- Example: The police did not throw any grenade on the protestors.
Nouns That Start with G – Full List (430+ Words)
Here is the complete list of nouns that start with G including all that we have discussed so far. All these nouns have been discussed above so go through this list and revise them.
- Grandfather
- Grandmother
- Girl
- Game
- Gas
- Guy
- Group
- Gentleman
- Girlfriend
- Ghost
- God
- Guest
- Grammar
- Garage
- Government
- Gallery
- Genius
- Governor
- Guard
- Gesture
- Goal
- Glory
- Growth
- Glimpse
- Guess
- Gain
- Guardian
- Gymnast
- Gender
- Guilt
- Geniality
- Glitch
- Gait
- Guile
- Getaway
- Glacier
- Glorification
- Galaxy
- Gibberish
- Gist
- Gabble
- Genesis
- Genre
- Generator
- Gail
- Gesticulation
- Grotesque
- Gastronome
- Gentry
- Gratefulness
- Garden
- Generosity
- Goodness
- Graduate
- Gentility
- Graciousness
- Gallantry
- Gambit
- Gambol
- Grandeur
- Germany
- Glasgow
- Georgia
- Gordon
- Greece
- Georgina
- Greta
- Guangzhou
- Graham
- Glass
- Gate
- Garbage
- Gift
- Garment
- Guitar
- Gun
- Glove
- Grocery
- Grenade
- Gibe
- Golf
- Graph
- Gage
- Gulf
- Grille
- Gallonage
- George
- Glitz
- Gunmen
- Gravel
- Grist
- Grass
- Gareth
- Gaiety
- Gag
- Glycol
- Grove
- Greenville
- Glance
- Guyana
- Gaggle
- Gutter
- Gossamer
- Gravity
- Goody
- Geologist
- Gallium
- Groom
- Glossary
- Gunman
- Gown
- Gush
- Gorgeousness
- Gunslinger
- Gospel
- Gibbon
- Grapevine
- Gagline
- Goddess
- Geochemistry
- Geocentricism
- Gust
- Granger
- Gangway
- Go-Getter
- Gather
- Galvanism
- Generativity
- Gunfighter
- Gangland
- Gargle
- Goat
- Groomsmen
- GE
- Griffin
- Giraffe
- Gangster
- Gullibility
- Gunplay
- Gin
- Gleam
- Gay
- Glue
- Graduation
- Giblet
- Graphite
- Gallant
- Gap
- Guide
- Glad-Hand
- Groundwave
- Geneva
- Greensward
- Goodbye
- Gel
- Geology
- Grapefruit
- Glaucoma
- Grocer
- Gardener
- Gabardine
- Goshen
- Ghetto
- Genie
- Greenware
- Giver
- Godparent
- Gladiator
- Grandmaster
- Grievance
- Give
- Grey
- Greed
- Gallbladder
- Gypsum
- Grandstand
- Glitterati
- Giant
- Gasoline
- Goldfish
- Great
- Gray
- Grate
- Gynecologist
- Gentlewoman
- Grave
- Grunt
- Gossip
- Gaucherie
- Gravitation
- Gunk
- Guarantor
- Garnish
- Gerbil
- Gorge
- Generation
- Gentlefolk
- Glossy
- Gunflint
- Geely
- Goodwill
- Guise
- Gary
- Grazer
- Gadgetry
- Gordini
- Gob
- Guitarist
- Groundwork
- Glitter
- Gut
- Grassland
- Gull
- Gentlemen
- Guerilla
- Grasshopper
- Grip
- Germ
- Gapt
- Grower
- Gang
- Gasp
- Gamebird
- Gainer
- Gallstone
- Grad
- Gully
- Gab
- Gamble
- Gourd
- Gnome
- Garnet
- Grimace
- Good
- Girdle
- Garlic
- Gnomon
- Grizzly
- Greenhouse
- Garb
- Groove
- Guru
- Green
- Gratification
- Gantlet
- Globe
- Galahad
- Ginkgo
- Grease
- Gale
- Gal
- Ground
- Gall
- Grit
- Godsend
- Gear
- Gland
- Gaze
- Glamor
- Gash
- Grantor
- Gravestone
- Gingham
- Granite
- Graveyard
- Gravy
- Grounder
- Gecko
- Gullet
- Gout
- Grief
- Grudge
- Gabriella
- Gloss
- Geneticist
- Grill
- Giggle
- Glum
- Gusher
- Gum
- Garter
- Gunfire
- Geography
- Gazer
- Gurgle
- Glover
- Graybeard
- Greatcoat
- Ghoul
- Gauge
- Gig
- Gunbarrel
- Grumble
- Goad
- Genii
- Gourmet
- Graft
- Gadfly
- Gorilla
- Gateway
- Goldsmith
- Guarantee
- Gala
- Grace
- Godhead
- Graffiti
- Grassfire
- Grillwork
- Guild
- Glisten
- Guar
- Gamma
- Gem
- Gauze
- Gainesville
- Gatorade
- Guidance
- Glottochronology
- Gazette
- Globetrotter
- Gentian
- Gloom
- Geometry
- Globulin
- Glamour
- Grape
- Generalization
- Grindstone
- Grillework
- Gable
- Glister
- Genera
- Gallon
- Goose
- Guaranty
- Groin
- Grid
- Galley
- Gardenia
- Gayety
- Guanidine
- Gee
- Glee
- Generality
- Grain
- Gypsy
- Glycerin
- Geese
- Grant
- Gym
- Gasser
- Grandma
- Granule
- Gibbet
- Gunner
- Gulp
- Gusto
- Gyration
- Georgetown
- Guerrilla
- Gilt
- Gymnastic
- Grubstake
- Gauntlet
- Girth
- Golconda
- Grader
- Grade
- Gene
- Goitre
- Guardhouse
- Gyro
- Groan
- Guidebook
- Guinea
- Gracility
- Gentle
- Grandchildren
- Gillet
- Gradualist
- Grantee
- Gobbledygook
- Gunpowder
- Gastronomy
- Goitrogen
- Gamut
- Garland
- Glen
- Guatemala
- Grub
- Glint
- Grin
- Gasket
- Gadget
- Golfer
- Ginger
- Glaze
- Gratitude
- Grandson
- Generalist
- Gulley
- Glendale
- Granddaughter
- Glimmer
- Glissade
- Gram
- Grandee
- Grasp
- Gentile
- Guffaw
- Giveaway
- Germanium
- Growl
- Garrison
- Gold
- Gumption
- General
- Gop
- Gradient
- Glycerine
- Ghana
- Gazelle
- Glycerol
- Gangplank
- Glare
- Grab
- Glow
- Gibraltar
- Gallop
- Girlie
- Greatness
- Granary
- Gristmill
- Ginmill
Final Thoughts on Nouns That Start with G
We have tried to cover as many constructive nouns that start with G as possible in this article. But it was not possible for us to include all the nouns that start with G that exist in English language.
But you don’t need to worry since this is not a big issue. Nouns starting with G are not the only words you will be using in your daily conversations. There are many other nouns that you will find on our website that are as important as these ones.
Other important things in your conversation are your style of talking, tone and body language too. Work on them more since nouns beginning with G come at the second place.
A single article will not teach you everything you need to know that but it will definitely teach you a lot of important names that you will be using on a regular basis. I hope you had a great time. GOODBYE.