410+ Adjectives That Start with G | Definitions and Examples Included
The list, mentioned below, includes adjectives that start with G to help you build up your vocabulary bank so that you are able to express yourself in a more logical manner.
When stuck in any situation, where you have to appreciate a certain thing about someone or disagree with their point of view, you can always take help from our list of adjectives that start with G.
Descriptive words that start with G can be used in many situations. Let us suppose that you find yourself in a confusing situation where your main concern is to get out of it somehow.
But what happens is that you just cannot find the right words to express your point of view. This is where this list of adjectives beginning with G will come to your rescue.
You can now dive into it and see it for yourself, the wideness and importance of the vocabulary bank we have accumulated for you.
Most Common Adjectives That Start with G
Easy to understand and commonly used adjectives that start with G have been put on this list. You can use these adjectives starting with G in your everyday life.
1. Green
- Definition: not very matured or ripened
- Synonyms: leafy, verdant
- Example: My father bought green peaches from the store.
2. Golden
- Definition: consisting of gold color
- Synonyms: gilt, auric
- Example: Rapunzel had long golden hair.
3. Gone
- Definition: no longer living; dead
- Synonyms: dead
- Example: His mother is gone.
4. Growing
- Definition: expanding in size
- Synonyms: developing, evolving
- Example: They should understand the needs of a growing child.
5. Guarded
- Definition: cautious and having possible reservations
- Synonyms: cautious, cagey
- Example: Jack gave a guarded welcome to the idea.
6. German
- Definition: having characteristics of German people
- Synonyms: from Germany
- Example: He was born to and raised by German parents.
7. Grand
- Definition: comprising of higher rank
- Synonyms: ambitious, glorious
- Example: I am invited to my boss’ new restaurant’s grand opening.
8. Gifted
- Definition: possessing a great quality
- Synonyms: smart, able
- Example: They say he is a gifted child.
9. General
- Definition: applicable to whole
- Synonyms: broad, commonplace
- Example: It is important to have a general idea about your major.
10. Grassy
- Definition: covered with grass
- Synonyms: lush, lawnlike
- Example: After rain the grassy lawn was very refreshing.
Adjectives That Start with G – Beginner Level
Beginner level adjectives that begin with G are easy too, just like the previous ones. However, these adjectives require some previous knowledge to be understandable by people.
1. Gradual
- Definition: taking place or progressing slowly
- Synonyms: slow, moderate
- Example: Patient has shown a gradual recovery.
2. Grilled
- Definition: of food (cooked over fire)
- Synonyms: barbecued, broiled
- Example: We are having grilled chicken for dinner.
3. Greasy
- Definition: covered with grease
- Synonyms: oily, glossy
- Example: Ali wiped his greasy fingers.
4. Genteel
- Definition: having upper class qualities
- Synonyms: noble, elegant
- Example: Stiles and his sister came from a genteel family.
5. Gutsy
- Definition: marked by bravery
- Synonyms: gallant, determined
- Example: El gave credit of her success to her gutsy personality.
6. Global
- Definition: in relation to the entire world
- Synonyms: international, overall
- Example: Apple stores are global and famous.
7. Glamorous
- Definition: containing romantic attractiveness
- Synonyms: captivating, exciting
- Example: Her glamorous personality and lifestyle has us all in awe.
8. Given
- Definition: specified or stated
- Synonyms: specified, stated
- Example: She pretended to pay heeds to all the given suggestions about her salon by her family.
9. Grown
- Definition: surrounded with vegetation
- Synonyms: developed, adult
- Example: I have a beautiful, grown and lush garden in my home.
10. Graduate
- Definition: relating to or working toward a university degree
- Synonyms: alum, grad
- Example: He is a graduate student.
Adjectives That Start with G – Medium Level
Moving onto the next phase of adjective words that start with G, which is the medium level. It is actually the third level. With each promotion of level, the complexity rate of adjectives that start with the letter G also raises but no worries, they are not that horrible.
1. Graphical
- Definition: in relation to pictorial arts
- Synonyms: pictorial
- Example: Both programs were based around a simple graphical interface and gained well popularity.
2. Grammatical
- Definition: relating to the rules of grammar
- Synonyms: acceptable, semantic
- Example: The newspaper editor was criticized for ignoring grammatical errors.
3. Glossy
- Definition: having lustrous surface
- Synonyms: bright, silky
- Example: Maria’s glossy coat costs around 10,000 bucks.
4. Gluey
- Definition: containing strong adhesive like substance
- Synonyms: pudding, jelled
- Example: Please go and wash those gluey hands of yours.
5. Groundbreaking
- Definition: presenting new ideas
- Synonyms: innovative, radical
- Example: He has successfully completed the groundbreaking research into fertility problems.
6. Glittery
- Definition: shinning due to flashy lights
- Synonyms: garish, showy
- Example: He is drawn towards women with glittery personalities.
7. Gleeful
- Definition: full of glee or joy
- Synonyms: boon, exalted
- Example: Her marriage brought a very gleeful time for her friends.
8. Grieving
- Definition: cause of distress
- Synonyms: disturbed, harmed
- Example: She lifted her grieving heart and moved on with life.
9. Geographical
- Definition: belonging to geography
- Synonyms: earthly, geological
- Example: He loves to study the geographical viewpoints on the globe.
10. Groomed
- Definition: having a clean and neat appearance that is produced with care
- Synonyms: clean, tidy
- Example: His sister always looks impeccably groomed.
Adjectives That Start with G – Hard Level
As the title suggests “HARD LEVEL”, you are now compelled to read these describing words beginning with G thoroughly, more than just one time, to get a better idea as well as to have a nice, firm grasp over them.
1. Gaping
- Definition: widely open
- Synonyms: vast, great
- Example: The bomb blast had left gaping holes in the building.
2. Ghastly
- Definition: horrifying for the senses
- Synonyms: awful, grim
- Example: A ghastly nightmare nearly traumatized her.
3. Gory
- Definition: covered in blood
- Synonyms: bloody, violent
- Example: The king ordered the army to back off amidst a gory, ghastly scene.
4. Gripping
- Definition: something that is so interesting or exciting that it holds your attention completely
- Synonyms: exciting, intriguing
- Example: The book is so gripping that I couldn’t put it down.
5. Granular
- Definition: consisting of granules
- Synonyms: crude, harsh
- Example: The granular substance tripped over the shelf.
6. Geometric
- Definition: according to geometry principles
- Synonyms: angular, graphic
- Example: Its edges are marked with golden lining and geometric patterns.
7. Genetic
- Definition: controlled by genes
- Synonyms: eugenic, historical
- Example: Her green eyes are genetic.
8. Governmental
- Definition: governing authority
- Synonyms: legal, administrative
- Example: Governmental powers are everything for the state.
9. Gullible
- Definition: capable of getting cheated on easily
- Synonyms: foolish
- Example: He is so annoying and gullible.
10. Gruesome
- Definition: horrifying situation
- Synonyms: ghastly, hideous
- Example: I was a victim of gruesome situation last year.
Adjectives That Start with G – Expert Level
Here comes the trickiest section of G adjectives. You will realize that you rarely counter any situation where these words are commonly used. These descriptive words beginning with G will not give you an easy time but try to not let them overcome your weak points.
1. Germane
- Definition: closely relatable
- Synonyms: apt, akin
- Example: Her debate could not have been more germane to the title.
2. Godly
- Definition: exhibiting a pious behavior
- Synonyms: divine, angelic
- Example: We visited a godly temple yesterday after so long.
3. Grandiose
- Definition: absurd exaggeration
- Synonyms: ambitious, lofty
- Example: He put forward all his grandiose and wild ideas for the trip.
4. Gratified
- Definition: satisfying to the nerves
- Synonyms: concluded, achieved
- Example: She was gratified to find that they had followed her advice.
5. Grudging
- Definition: get something done unwillingly
- Synonyms: envious, avid
- Example: Anne won the grudging respect of her boss.
6. Generic
- Definition: involving the entire group
- Synonyms: universal, inclusive
- Example: Love for flashy things is a very generic trait of white people.
7. Groggy
- Definition: weak in action
- Synonyms: dazed, tired
- Example: I hate it when I am groggy.
8. Gossipy
- Definition: characterized by a gossip
- Synonyms: tale-telling, spilling
- Example: She was fully invested in gossipy sessions at the party.
9. Gnarly
- Definition: difficult to deal with
- Synonyms: challenging, keen
- Example: His gnarly personality pushes everyone away.
10. Grubby
- Definition: infested with dirt
- Synonyms: messy, shabby
- Example: He lives in a very small, grubby apartment.
Positive Adjectives That Start with G
Human beings come across many situations, positive and negative, in their daily life. To get through these situations or express their true sentiments, they need a set of positive adjectives that start with G to ease their personality into those situations. We have it all sorted out for you.
1. Glowing
- Definition: producing brightness
- Synonyms: flaming, vivid
- Example: The glowing streets were a sight to behold.
2. Gainful
- Definition: productive in terms of gain
- Synonyms: going, fruitful
- Example: Many graduates search deeply for gainful employment.
3. Giving
- Definition: present something with good intentions
- Synonyms: generous, contributing
- Example: Thomas has always been very giving and supportive.
4. Groovy
- Definition: very enjoyable
- Synonyms: fabulous, deep
- Example: That’s some groovy gossip going on there.
5. Gracious
- Definition: having great courage and kindness
- Synonyms: affable, amiable
- Example: Jay welcomed the guests in a gracious manner.
6. Gratifying
- Definition: satisfaction to the soul
- Synonyms: delightful, pleasant
- Example: It was very gratifying for me to see my friends flourish.
7. Gritty
- Definition: bravely persistent
- Synonyms: dusty, calculous
- Example: Liverpool’s gritty fight back was a courageous response.
8. Glittering
- Definition: impressively flashy
- Synonyms: bright, tinsel
- Example: The GRAMMYS is one of the most glittering shows of Americans.
9. Gay
- Definition: lighthearted and carefree
- Synonyms: cheery, merry
- Example: The wedding festivities of Mark and Maria were very gay.
10. Germfree
- Definition: free of all the microorganisms
- Synonyms: clean, disinfectant
- Example: The school should have germfree environment for the kids to play.
Negative Adjectives That Start with G
Along with positive adjectives, negative adjectives that start with G also play a huge part in our daily lives. If you are the kind of a person who does not like to be told how to act right, you are definitely going to need this list in your life.
1. Grim
- Definition: harsh in manner
- Synonyms: cruel, ghastly
- Example: Jane was wearing a very grim look on his face after his defeat in the playground.
2. Gloomy
- Definition: not very cheerful
- Synonyms: dim, bleak
- Example: Gloomy weather and silent places make me very anxious.
3. Grave
- Definition: seriously bad
- Synonyms: unpleasant, bad
- Example: He had unconsciously put himself in a very grave position.
4. Gutless
- Definition: shamelessly uncourageous
- Synonyms: cowardly, craven
- Example: She is too gutless to take her own decisions.
5. Glum
- Definition: lacking happy emotions
- Synonyms: dismal, gloomy
- Example: After dinner, Kate’s announcement about her tumor coming back put us all in glum silence.
6. Grueling
- Definition: requiring any kind of mental or physical effort
- Synonyms: brutal, fierce
- Example: Rafael along with his team eventually won the match after seven grueling sets of tennis.
7. Gluttonous
- Definition: having massive appetite
- Synonyms: gorging, gross
- Example: Liam eats like he is gluttonous after his gym.
8. Gross
- Definition: extremely unpleasant; disgusting
- Synonyms: disgusting
- Example: The dirty dishes look so gross.
9. Gratuitous
- Definition: (of something such as bad behaviour) not necessary, or with no cause
- Synonyms: unnecessary, too much
- Example: Lots of people complained that there was way too much gratuitous sex and violence in the movie.
10. Gaga
- Definition: related to a sick condition of the mind
- Synonyms: crazed, brainsick
- Example: She went all gaga after buying a sports car.
Adjectives That Start with G to Describe a Person
Imagine you bumped into an old acquaintance of yours and suddenly realizes he smells really good or is wearing a really attractive attire. In order to appreciate them you can use some adjectives that start with G to describe someone. G Adjectives to describe a person are really very important in such scenarios.
1. Glad
- Definition: feelings of satisfaction
- Synonyms: joyful, willing
- Example: I am glad I took your advice.
2. Generous
- Definition: giving without any hesitation
- Synonyms: big, fair
- Example: It was a very generous deed of them to build a water tank for the poor people.
3. Gorgeous
- Definition: pleasing to look at
- Synonyms: bright, delightful
- Example: The bride looked awfully gorgeous.
4. Guilty
- Definition: feeling guilt
- Synonyms: ashamed
- Example: Jack feels so guilty about forgetting Lisa’s birthday.
5. Goodhearted
- Definition: having soft corner for others
- Synonyms: bounteous, all heart
- Example: Lisa appears to be a very goodhearted person but in real she is evil.
6. Genial
- Definition: having a smooth aura in social situations
- Synonyms: affable, chipper
- Example: Bob was very genial and welcoming.
7. Grinning
- Definition: as in cheerful laughing
- Synonyms: cheerful, smiling
- Example: Julian looked at Mick’s grinning face with tears in his eyes.
8. Gallant
- Definition: (of a man) polite and kind towards women, especially when in public
- Synonyms: polite, kind
- Example: Tom was always gallant toward women.
9. Gummy
- Definition: not showing one’s teeth
- Synonyms: toothless
- Example: The baby passed me his gummy smile.
10. Glorified
- Definition: of sacred importance
- Synonyms: divine, hallowed
- Example: The glorified Hercules was praised for his bravery.
Adjectives That Start with G – Full List (410+ Words)
Here is a list of adjectives that start with G that includes all the adjectives that we have shared with you above. Go through them and refresh your ideas.
- Green
- Golden
- Gone
- Growing
- Guarded
- German
- Grand
- Gifted
- General
- Grassy
- Grilled
- Gradual
- Greasy
- Genteel
- Gutsy
- Global
- Glamorous
- Given
- Grown
- Graduate
- Graphical
- Grammatical
- Glossy
- Gluey
- Groundbreaking
- Glittery
- Gleeful
- Grieving
- Geographical
- Groomed
- Gaping
- Ghastly
- Gory
- Gripping
- Granular
- Geometric
- Genetic
- Governmental
- Gullible
- Gruesome
- Germane
- Godly
- Grandiose
- Gratified
- Grudging
- Generic
- Groggy
- Gossipy
- Gnarly
- Grubby
- Glowing
- Gay
- Giving
- Groovy
- Gracious
- Gratifying
- Gritty
- Glittering
- Gainful
- Germfree
- Grim
- Gloomy
- Grave
- Gutless
- Glum
- Grueling
- Gluttonous
- Gross
- Gratuitous
- Gaga
- Glad
- Generous
- Gorgeous
- Guilty
- Goodhearted
- Genial
- Grinning
- Gallant
- Gummy
- Glorified
- Grassroots
- Gentlemanly
- Giggling
- Gingerly
- Gregarious
- Gracile
- Glazy
- Glaring
- Glandular
- Gleaming
- Guiltless
- Grainy
- God-awful
- Greenish
- Geriatric
- Gonzo
- Giant
- Gargantuan
- Greco-Roman
- Gossamer
- Gusseted
- Glimmery
- Grammatic
- God-Fearing
- Gelid
- Good-Natured
- Genital
- Gilbertian
- Gloveless
- Gigantic
- Great
- Gonadal
- Gusty
- Gimcrack
- Gentle
- Grown-Up
- Glial
- Gastronomic
- Glottal
- Glooming
- Ghanian
- Gelatinlike
- Grumbling
- Glib
- Garbled
- Guttural
- Gushy
- Gauche
- Greedy
- Geostationary
- Ghanaian
- Gruelling
- Goofy
- Galling
- Gilded
- Gamopetalous
- Gowned
- General-Purpose
- Gelatinous
- Gallic
- Guileless
- Gangling
- Gothic
- Genovese
- Gentile
- Gaumless
- Greathearted
- Gnarled
- Genetical
- Glace
- Genuine
- Gallican
- Gravid
- Gaudy
- Gushing
- Gladsome
- Grungy
- Gimbaled
- Glassy
- Garmented
- Geographic
- Germinal
- Geodesic
- Gray
- Greyed
- Goggle-Eyed
- Ginger
- Graven
- Goodish
- Globose
- Gambian
- Goateed
- Ghostly
- Ghostlike
- Gravelly
- Gregorian
- Goddamned
- Greek
- Grandiloquent
- Graphic
- Gingival
- Gilled
- Goddamn
- Gerundial
- Gastroduodenal
- Green-Eyed
- Good-Humored
- Ground-Floor
- Galwegian
- Galvanising
- Grownup
- Granitelike
- Gloriously
- Graduated
- Glaciated
- Gustatorial
- Gabby
- Geothermal
- Gemmiferous
- Gumptious
- Go
- Glary
- Grapelike
- Gaelic
- Giddy
- Glabellar
- Gamy
- Grotesque
- Glutinous
- Good-Tempered
- Geodetic
- Globular
- Gainless
- Gabled
- Graecophilic
- Grapy
- Gonadotropic
- Gluteal
- Gaunt
- Getable
- Grandest
- Grassless
- Glowering
- Gandhian
- Ghoulish
- Gravest
- Gastrointestinal
- Gnomic
- Good
- Geothermic
- Grumpy
- Garlicky
- Grecian
- Gastric
- Graceful
- Grabby
- Gentlemanlike
- Gold
- Gardant
- Gossamery
- Gonadotrophic
- Gestural
- Grouchy
- Gurgling
- Gentler
- Gradational
- Gemmed
- Glistening
- Grumose
- Graecophile
- Grimacing
- Gray-Haired
- Generational
- Gabonese
- Geological
- Goethian
- Groaning
- Grumous
- Getatable
- Gilt
- Grapey
- Gilt-Edged
- Grasslike
- Gratis
- Glabrous
- Grimy
- Geodesical
- Glorious
- Greenside
- Glistering
- Gingery
- Galilean
- Gangrenous
- Genic
- Girlish
- Gordian
- Governable
- Grief-stricken
- Genotypic
- Graceless
- Gustatory
- Gooey
- Good-Hearted
- Gelded
- Gaussian
- Glacial
- Groundless
- Granulose
- Goody-Goody
- Garbed
- Gasified
- Grinding
- Geometrical
- Gradable
- Grayish
- Gubernatorial
- Grating
- Guided
- Genoese
- Gynecologic
- Gastronomical
- Gap-Toothed
- Generative
- Grisly
- Goodly
- Genitourinary
- Goddam
- Genius
- Garmentless
- Goosy
- Gettable
- Genitals
- Geocentric
- Godlike
- Grasping
- Gallinaceous
- Gustative
- Goosey
- Grizzly
- Game-Changing
- Georgian
- Geologic
- Gold-Digging
- Gyroscopic
- Guyanese
- Galactic
- Ghanese
- Guardant
- Gradatory
- Galore
- Gamesome
- Gibbous
- Galilaean
- Gravitational
- Gobsmacked
- Grievous
- Goal-oriented
- Generalised
- Greedily
- Gynecological
- Governing
- Grateful
- Gnawing
- Goethean
- Gaseous
- Godforsaken
- Geniculate
- Granitic
- Going
- Grenadian
- Gnostic
- Geophysical
- Glycogenic
- Growling
- Game
- Gyral
- Gasping
- Glaucous
- Gastroesophageal
- Gouty
- Glassed
- Gainly
- Gauzy
- Guinean
- Geopolitical
- Gooselike
- Glamourous
- Greaseproof
- Good-Looking
- Greater
- Glassless
- Goalless
- Greyish
- Grey
- Gamey
- Genitive
- Grotty
- Geostrategic
- Groping
- Gruff
- Glomerular
- Gibbose
- Greenhouse
- Groveling
- Gammy
- Genitival
- Guileful
- Gnomish
- Greensick
- Galvanic
- Guaranteed
- Gauntleted
- Garish
- Garrulous
- Gimpy
- Gathered
- Gormless
- Glaswegian
- Guiding
- Guatemalan
- Godless
- Gawky
- Grizzled
- Graspable
- Germy
- Gassy
- Germanic
- Gangly
- Grander
- Gibelike
- Giggly
- Gauguinesque
- Genotypical
- Geophytic
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with G
Finally you have reached the conclusion part of adjectives that start with G. You have done a great job on going through all the adjectives that start with G. Now it is up to you to try and add them into your routine life.
Adjectives starting with G can be used by us under any circumstances, good or bad. To make them easy for you to understand, we have them divided under multiple sections, as you must have realized by now.
If you are impressed or annoyed by someone, or you encountered someone who left a marking impression on you but your facial expressions are not of much help to you, it is about time you speak up and show your emotions with the help of descriptive words that start with G.
I hope these adjectives were of great help to you and try and make us proud by speaking up right adjectives at the right time.