540+ Adjectives That Start with F | Definitions and Examples Included
Your presence here declares clearly that you are in search of adjectives that start with F. Fret not my friend, we have got you.
Here you will find an amazing collection of adjectives beginning with F. I completely understand the importance and need of adjectives in our life.
Let’s just say you meet a young, beautiful and bold celebrity at a fancy party and want to compliment her in a unique way that should fit perfectly to her aura.
There you will need to have a word bank of adjectives in order to express your true sentiments. If you find yourself at loss of words there, you will miss us and our unique list of adjectives that start with F.
If you know how to express your feelings in using right descriptive words that start with F, it will not only leave a marking impact on that particular celebrity but also make you look more confident and charming in front of the general public.
And if by any luck the press notices you, who knows, you might be mentioned in the paper’s headlines next day.
Most Common Adjectives That Start with F
First thing, get yourself introduced with the adjectives that start with F, which are used on daily basis. When you have acquainted yourself with these adjectives starting with F, you can then learn the complex words later.
1. Funny
- Definition: amusing and refreshing to the nerves
- Synonyms: amusing, peculiar
- Example: Kanye is a really funny guy but can be annoying at times.
2. Final
- Definition: coming towards the end
- Synonyms: conclusive, rearmost
- Example: Judge’s final words came as a surprise.
3. Front
- Definition: the forward surface
- Synonyms: anterior, fore
- Example: You can find her skipping rope at the front lawn.
4. Flexible
- Definition: capable of alteration
- Synonyms: adaptable, elastic
- Example: The schedule of my studies is flexible.
5. Forward
- Definition: directed or facing towards the front
- Synonyms: front
- Example: My family is present at the forward section of the airplane.
6. Faulty
- Definition: having defects and imperfect
- Synonyms: amiss, defective
- Example: I sold the apparatus because it was old and faulty.
7. Foul
- Definition: loathsome to the nerves
- Synonyms: wretched, horrid
- Example: He should be punished for his foul language.
8. Formal
- Definition: in relation to outward factors
- Synonyms: prim, methodical
- Example: No need to act so formal and strange.
9. Fine
- Definition: in perfect condition
- Synonyms: okay, good
- Example: Things will get fine and smooth with time.
10. Foreign
- Definition: present outside the country
- Synonyms: alien, nonnative
- Example: He is famous for all his foreign trades and respected reputation.
Adjectives That Start with F – Beginner Level
Beginner level adjectives that begin with F are used everywhere and are understood by almost everyone. They are not rare or hard to understand because of their normality.
1. Fit
- Definition: acceptable from a proper viewpoint
- Synonyms: applicable, suitable
- Example: The house was not fit for human habitation.
2. Facial
- Definition: concerning appearance of the face
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: After PCOS her facial hair growth was rapid.
3. Flawless
- Definition: without any default
- Synonyms: unflawed, pure
- Example: Quaid e Azam was a man of flawless personality.
4. Famous
- Definition: of great reputation
- Synonyms: renowned, notable
- Example: Atif Aslam is a famous singer worldwide.
5. French
- Definition: in relation with people of France
- Synonyms: francophone, Gallic
- Example: Lectures on modern French literature are not easily available.
6. Financial
- Definition: involving money matters
- Synonyms: pecuniary, fiscal
- Example: Universities have started to offer financial assistance to students.
7. Frequent
- Definition: a common practice
- Synonyms: constant, steady
- Example: My mom is a frequent visitor at my salon.
8. Faded
- Definition: at loss of depth and un-refreshing
- Synonyms: dull, washed-out
- Example: I love my recent purchase of faded blue jeans.
9. Fierce
- Definition: violent or short tempered
- Synonyms: grim, ferocious
- Example: My brother was part of that fierce fighting in the playground.
10. Fearful
- Definition: causing fright or alarming
- Synonyms: dire, dread
- Example: Corona was presumed to be fearful and a deadly virus.
Adjectives That Start with F – Medium Level
Now you are moving onto the next category of adjective words that start with F, which is the medium level. These adjectives that start with the letter F are also not very complicated and can be easily understood.
1. Fantabulous
- Definition: of an extraordinary quality
- Synonyms: superb, wonderful
- Example: Her speech at the school was just fantabulous.
2. Fascinating
- Definition: charmingly interesting
- Synonyms: alluring, seductive
- Example: Gigi Hadid is well known for her fascinating ways.
3. Fatherlike
- Definition: like a fatherly figure
- Synonyms: fatherly
- Example: After the death of her parents, her uncle was not less than a fatherlike ideal to her.
4. Forthright
- Definition: down to earth
- Synonyms: bold, unreserved
- Example: Virginia Woolf is a forthright writer of feministic genre.
5. Furnished
- Definition: decorated with furniture
- Synonyms: supplied, decorated
- Example: I recently bought a furnished house.
6. Fixed
- Definition: securely tightened
- Synonyms: stable, steady
- Example: The shelves in my room are carefully fixed.
7. Fast
- Definition: of great speed
- Synonyms: quick, rapid
- Example: He is a fast player of e-games.
8. Foster
- Definition: not related by blood
- Synonyms: nursed, assisted
- Example: Laila was put in custody of her foster parents.
9. Feisty
- Definition: possessing great courage
- Synonyms: touchy, quarrelsome
- Example: Her nature is very feisty and dominating.
10. Flamboyant
- Definition: marked by a striking behavior
- Synonyms: prominent, splashy
- Example: Everyone was in awe at her flamboyant moves.
Adjectives That Start with F – Hard Level
After crossing medium levels of describing words beginning with F, you are now welcome to the hard level, CONGRATULATIONS! YOU DID IT. You got this buddy, buckle up.
1. Fizzy
- Definition: not in a perfect alignment
- Synonyms: bubbling, wavy
- Example: In summers, after shower my hair gets slightly fizzy.
2. Fiery
- Definition: marked by volatile temper
- Synonyms: irritable, blazing
- Example: He is man of fiery temper.
3. Freezing
- Definition: extremely cold
- Synonyms: arctic, bitter
- Example: He was feeling the effects of freezing temperature.
4. Forbidden
- Definition: not allowed
- Synonyms: banned, outlawed
- Example: Alcohol is a forbidden drink in Islam.
5. Fatal
- Definition: dangerous and deadly
- Synonyms: disastrous, unfortunate
- Example: He lost his life at the hand of a fatal virus.
6. Fond
- Definition: having a likeness
- Synonyms: desirous, loving
- Example: I am fond of good music.
7. Favorable
- Definition: resulting in someone’s favor
- Synonyms: affirmative, pleasing
- Example: He received a favorable box-office rating on his new film.
8. Flattered
- Definition: feeling pleased by something gratifying
- Synonyms: pleasing
- Example: She was easily convinced by her flattered attitude.
9. Fictional
- Definition: not of reality
- Synonyms: fabricated, invented
- Example: Harry Potter is a very famous fictional character.
10. Fanciful
- Definition: of unrestrained imagination, without any reason or logic
- Synonyms: absurd, nonsensical
- Example: He is rarely moved by fanciful treats.
Adjectives That Start with F – Expert Level
EXPERT LEVEL, ALREADY? EXCELLENT JOB. But we must tell you that these F adjectives at are not very easy to handle. These descriptive words beginning with F are mostly used in academic writings by students as well as professional writers.
1. Flashy
- Definition: superficially impressive
- Synonyms: dazzling, splashy
- Example: The bride was flaunting her flashy gold jewelry.
2. Forthcoming
- Definition: about to appear
- Synonyms: nearing, approaching
- Example: He was invited to almost all the forthcoming business events.
3. Fiscal
- Definition: relating to public money matters
- Synonyms: pecuniary, pocket
- Example: The increase of taxation on all the sectors is an important fiscal policy.
4. Facile
- Definition: easily attained
- Synonyms: shallow
- Example: The Company’s facile policies won’t stay for long.
5. Fastidious
- Definition: requires detailed care
- Synonyms: demanding, particular
- Example: My mother has always been fastidious.
6. Fervent
- Definition: exhibiting great intensity of feelings
- Synonyms: glowing, ardent
- Example: She wrote a fervent article that called for a lot of disagreement.
7. Foiled
- Definition: covered with foils
- Synonyms: thwarted, disappointed
- Example: Thomas Shelby was in despair over his foiled assassination plots.
8. Faux
- Definition: not genuine
- Synonyms: artificial, synthetic
- Example: He chose faux marbles for his servant quarter.
9. Filial
- Definition: in relation to a son or daughter
- Synonyms: loyal, dutiful
- Example: I have a filial sentiments for my grandparents.
10. Florid
- Definition: detailed and flowery in styling
- Synonyms: ornate, over-decorated
- Example: His famous designs are very florid and catchy.
Positive Adjectives That Start with F
Yes, there are also positive adjectives that with F. You read the heading right. They are mostly used in positive connotation or in a non-sarcastic way. You will never run out of the need to spread a little positivity around. Our list will help you out in spreading pure smiles in your surroundings.
1. Fun
- Definition: something that brings enjoyment to the self
- Synonyms: amusing, refreshing
- Example: He threw a very fun party.
2. Fresh
- Definition: possessing original qualities
- Synonyms: pristine, virgin
- Example: Yellow is such a fresh color.
3. Faultless
- Definition: without any flaw
- Synonyms: ideal, flawless
- Example: The machine built by engineering students was faultless.
4. Fancy
- Definition: dependent on whimsical features
- Synonyms: posh, ornamental
- Example: He patched together an old suit for the fancy party.
5. Focused
- Definition: giving deep attention
- Synonyms: emphasis, attention
- Example: Kim is a very focused girl.
6. Firm
- Definition: securely fixed in place
- Synonyms: vigorous, sturdy
- Example: She has a firm belief on her good fate.
7. Freehanded
- Definition: spending money without any care
- Synonyms: generous, open-handed
- Example: She spends freehanded money on luxuries.
8. Festive
- Definition: suitable for an occasion
- Synonyms: joyful, gay
- Example: The New York streets looked very festive with the Christmas tree.
9. Flourishing
- Definition: expanding successfully
- Synonyms: palmy, successful
- Example: Grains offer a very flourishing trade in Asian countries.
10. Feasible
- Definition: possible to be completed in time
- Synonyms: practical, workable
- Example: With the extra funds from the government, the dam now seems feasible.
Negative Adjectives That Start with F
Words are your most powerful weapon, use them right or you might end up damaging your reputation or someone else’s day. But sometimes, it becomes a necessity to put people in their right place and to make your boundaries clear. For that too, you will need right descriptive words. Here are some negative adjectives that start with F for you.
1. False
- Definition: without any surety, unconfirmed
- Synonyms: inaccurate, untrue
- Example: The refugees are compelled to use a false identity.
2. Forceful
- Definition: possessing great force
- Synonyms: persuasive, effective
- Example: Zendeya is known to have very forceful personality.
3. Ferocious
- Definition: exhibiting great violence and brutality
- Synonyms: brutal, explosive
- Example: Our President’s latest calling to the public called for ferocious criticism.
4. Foxy
- Definition: fox like behavior
- Synonyms: sly, tricky
- Example: A mean smile spread over Jones’s foxy face.
5. Fumbling
- Definition: doing or handling something clumsily
- Synonyms: clumsily
- Example: Emma bolted the car knob with fumbling fingers.
6. Fateful
- Definition: involving a quality of decisive prophecy
- Synonyms: fatal, unfortunate
- Example: It was a fateful decision to send in the troops without any order.
7. Fungal
- Definition: having fungus like characteristics
- Synonyms: scummy, moldy
- Example: The reason for his death was fungal infection of the arm.
8. Fretful
- Definition: showing traits of unhappy behavior
- Synonyms: irritable, restless
- Example: After his backlash at Omar at party he was fretful.
9. Fiendish
- Definition: unpleasantly vicious
- Synonyms: brutal, violent
- Example: The blast at the Mosque was a fiendish act of wickedness.
10. Frugal
- Definition: cautious in spending money on
- Synonyms: thrifty, sparing
- Example: He will never understand that there is a fine line between being frugal and being a miser.
Adjectives That Start with F to Describe a Person
You are at the most important category of adjectives now, F adjectives to describe a person. They are a person’s everyday need. When you want to explain someone’s features, you would want to have basic knowledge about these adjectives that start with F to describe someone.
1. Fat
- Definition: having unusual amount of flesh over the body
- Synonyms: bulky, thick
- Example: I am doing two leg days at the gym for my fat thighs.
2. Frightened
- Definition: made to feel dreadful
- Synonyms: terrified, spooked
- Example: The frightened girl gripped her mother’s leg.
3. Fatigued
- Definition: drained of energy
- Synonyms: tired, exhausted
- Example: Joker was too fatigued to eat after three consecutive shows.
4. Fearless
- Definition: possessing no fear
- Synonyms: dauntless, gallant
- Example: Chris was portrayed as a fearless fighter in the movie.
5. Frustrated
- Definition: showing signs of uneasiness
- Synonyms: unfulfilled
- Example: He was very frustrated in his present job because of his boss.
6. Furious
- Definition: filled with raging anger
- Synonyms: rabid, wild
- Example: My mom is very furious at me since I am late again.
7. Fellow
- Definition: equal in rank
- Synonyms: associate
- Example: Jane’s fellow members are marveled at her mind powers.
8. Forgiving
- Definition: allowing space for mistakes
- Synonyms: exonerative
- Example: Demi is a very forgiving and reasonable person.
9. Famished
- Definition: having uncontrollable hunger
- Synonyms: esurient, ravenous
- Example: Bernadette eats all the time but still looks famished.
10. Familiar
- Definition: very well known
- Synonyms: intimate, acquaintance
- Example: I was able to see many familiar faces in the room.
Adjectives That Start with F – Full List (540+ Words)
Let us now share with you a complete list of adjectives that start with F. Go through this list. It will help you memorize them better.
- Funny
- Final
- Front
- Flexible
- Forward
- Faulty
- Foul
- Formal
- Fine
- Foreign
- Fit
- Facial
- Flawless
- Famous
- French
- Financial
- Frequent
- Faded
- Fierce
- Fearful
- Fantabulous
- Fascinating
- Fatherlike
- Forthright
- Furnished
- Fixed
- Fast
- Foster
- Feisty
- Flamboyant
- Fizzy
- Fiery
- Freezing
- Forbidden
- Fatal
- Fond
- Favorable
- Flattered
- Fictional
- Fanciful
- Flashy
- Forthcoming
- Fiscal
- Facile
- Fastidious
- Fervent
- Foiled
- Faux
- Filial
- Florid
- Fun
- Fresh
- Faultless
- Fancy
- Focused
- Firm
- Freehanded
- Festive
- Flourishing
- Feasible
- False
- Forceful
- Ferocious
- Foxy
- Fumbling
- Fateful
- Fungal
- Fretful
- Fiendish
- Frugal
- Fat
- Frightened
- Fatigued
- Fearless
- Frustrated
- Furious
- Fellow
- Forgiving
- Famished
- Familiar
- Fictive
- Fistulate
- Firms
- Folded
- Featureless
- Frothy
- Fathomless
- Freehand
- Full-Length
- Fundamental
- Farming
- Frowning
- Forgettable
- Fanged
- Full-Time
- Foamy
- Fuzzy
- Fluffy
- Fulfilling
- Feral
- Faecal
- Flawed
- Faddy
- Fuzzed
- Foodless
- Following
- Former
- Fecund
- Flown
- Feudatory
- Full-Scale
- Flexile
- Frightening
- Fortissimo
- Forte
- Faucal
- Free
- Floury
- Flaming
- Fruitless
- Fordable
- Frumpy
- Fungible
- Footsore
- Fussy
- Fatless
- Fallible
- Fraudulent
- Fictitious
- Formic
- Foliose
- Fawning
- Fair
- Funky
- Faddish
- Feculent
- Fashionable
- Frisian
- Fluent
- Finite
- Factious
- Frangible
- Furtive
- Figurative
- Fictile
- Fragmental
- Ferned
- Fernlike
- Federated
- Flowering
- Freakish
- Festal
- Folksy
- Fascist
- Fluvial
- Found
- Farsighted
- Foliaceous
- Fricative
- Flavorful
- Fugitive
- Filarial
- Fugal
- Fatherly
- Familial
- Five
- Filiform
- Fighting
- Ferny
- Flowerless
- Fortieth
- Fogbound
- Fuming
- Fossil
- Full-Bodied
- Frontmost
- Fake
- Foldable
- Frosty
- Fibrous
- Flexuous
- Forensic
- Fragrant
- Foregoing
- Fatuous
- Fortnightly
- Fruity
- Feline
- Forfeit
- Flagellate
- Ferrous
- Failed
- Faithful
- Fathomable
- Faithless
- Filmable
- Flippant
- Furlike
- Flinty
- Fahrenheit
- Flaky
- Fell
- Frustrating
- Forlorn
- Fleecy
- Feathered
- Fecal
- Fast-Moving
- Flightless
- Fragmented
- Fiduciary
- Fiducial
- Fourth
- Faltering
- Foliolate
- Febrile
- Freehearted
- Fast-Paced
- Feared
- Felted
- Formulary
- Felicitous
- Fugacious
- Fried
- Fledged
- Featured
- Flattened
- Fulgid
- Fraught
- Falconine
- Friendly
- Fair-minded
- Fulgurating
- Fortemente
- Factitious
- Foolish
- Flagging
- Funereal
- Fulsome
- Fixable
- Falsifiable
- Filariid
- Fainthearted
- Federal
- Figured
- Formulaic
- Future
- Fey
- Fungicidal
- Featherlike
- Foreseeable
- Frail
- Fleeting
- Falsified
- Footsure
- Finnish
- Frozen
- Floppy
- Fluid
- Fifth
- Fulminant
- Flabby
- Froward
- Fastigiate
- Fragmentary
- Footless
- Fenestral
- Finical
- Favored
- Far
- Full-Blown
- Fueled
- Feeble
- Foliated
- Filmy
- Fleshly
- Fibrinous
- Feminist
- Filipino
- Frizzy
- Fallow
- Flat
- Felonious
- Frictional
- Foolproof
- Foetal
- Foliate
- Freaky
- Falciform
- Fulfilled
- Foetid
- Fortified
- Frowzy
- Favorite
- Fickle
- Flighty
- Fossilized
- Forbearing
- Functional
- Forfeited
- Finable
- Farfetched
- Fractional
- Figural
- Fortunate
- Flying
- Furred
- First-Class
- Forked
- Fab
- Flooded
- Florentine
- Floating
- Freewheeling
- Fascinated
- Freestanding
- Fruitful
- Flash
- Filar
- Formosan
- Freelance
- Fervid
- Flavorless
- Funicular
- Fuggy
- Fabian
- Fascistic
- Flirtatious
- Flighted
- Foppish
- Fortuitous
- Fleet
- Fernless
- Fulgent
- Fetid
- Fast-Growing
- Frore
- Faceless
- Factual
- Frisky
- Flip
- Fading
- Forceless
- Feeling
- Fissile
- Farcical
- Fanlike
- Fearsome
- Falling
- Full-Size
- Freckled
- Flyspeck
- Few
- Finished
- Forcipate
- Fossilised
- Flatulent
- Flush
- Frankish
- Forbidding
- Fistular
- Full-Page
- Fabled
- Fertile
- Furled
- Fibrillose
- Fluttering
- Fusible
- Full-Blooded
- Four
- Fevered
- Floccose
- Futile
- Faceted
- Feistier
- Feudalistic
- Frivolous
- Fragile
- Fimbriate
- Fattish
- Funerary
- Faveolate
- Fleshy
- Foldaway
- Femoral
- Frolicsome
- Flint
- Fogyish
- Feigned
- Forficate
- Flattering
- Filtered
- Failing
- Frenetic
- Fireproof
- Flaccid
- Flimsy
- Follicular
- Flecked
- Fuscous
- Facetious
- Federate
- Frenzied
- Favourite
- Flowing
- Formative
- Flakey
- Furry
- Friendless
- Flavorous
- Feathery
- Faustian
- Federative
- Filled
- Fairish
- Favourable
- Full-grown
- Fidgety
- Faineant
- Flaunty
- Forced
- Flavored
- Fetching
- Fatalist
- Frantic
- Frictionless
- Frightful
- Fantastic
- Frowzled
- Fanatic
- Footling
- Flyblown
- Fishy
- Flossy
- Fijian
- Foolhardy
- Fossiliferous
- Feminine
- Feckless
- Freewill
- Falstaffian
- Falsetto
- Flagrant
- Factorial
- Frilled
- Flowery
- Fanatical
- Flammable
- Farinaceous
- Footloose
- Forgivable
- Feverish
- Flushed
- Franciscan
- Feverous
- Fulgurous
- Forgetful
- Floaty
- Fugly
- Feudal
- Freeborn
- Fraternal
- Fencelike
- Forgotten
- Fractious
- Fidgeting
- Fossorial
- Flickering
- Forcible
- Forged
- Friable
- French-Speaking
- Flameproof
- Focal
- Frontal
- Fogged
- Flagitious
- Frayed
- Fagged
- Ferric
- Fain
- Frolicky
- Freshman
- Footed
- Fatheaded
- Flemish
- Ferine
- Female
- Flukey
- Frumpish
- Fronted
- Finespun
- Finicky
- Far-flung
- Fruticose
- Fulgurant
- Fluky
- Fibreoptic
- Fusty
- Fistulous
- Fisheye
- Fermented
- Full
- Fallacious
- Fusiform
- Fatherless
- Futuristic
- Fabulous
- Fissiparous
- Fungoid
- Freak
- Fitful
- Floral
- Frowsy
- Frostian
- Fringy
- Fungous
- Frilly
- Filigree
- Fiberoptic
- Frigid
- Foreboding
- Freudian
- Fatty
- Foggy
- Fissionable
- Flocculent
- First
- Faint
- Fledgeless
- Fetal
- Formless
- Fuddled
- Fitting
- Falcate
- Futureless
- Ferial
- Foaming
- Formidable
- Frank
- Fineable
- Frowsty
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with F
After going through the complete list of adjectives that start with F, we hope that you would have been considering yourself a little bit of a knowledgeable person.
But remember that there is sea of adjectives that you don’t know about. That also includes adjectives starting with F that haven’t been included in the list above.
A person may possess any quality that can be expressed by adjectives that start with F, from their physical appearance (fat, famished, feminine) to any natural quality (fearful, friendly, famous) etc.
As long as the world exists you are always going to need descriptive words that start with F. As I have said this before, fear not my friend, we have got you. I hope this list was of some help to you.