530+ Positive Words That Start with P | Definitions and Examples Included
HELLO, you are more than welcome to go through this collection of positive words that start with P. Positivity is filled with amazing vibes and long lasting impact.
Well, since you are here we can guess your thirst for adding positivity in your life and some positive words that start with P in your vocabulary.
Become what we can say ‘THE GURU’ of positivity and vocabulary filled with positive words starting with P with us.
You should not only learn all these positive words starting with P but also use them for the world to have something to learn from you. We got your back, buddy.
We are very much familiar with the problem people face while acquiring vocabulary. Most of the time they give up because they fail but they don’t understand that it is okay to take your time but giving up is never the solution.
For your better learning we have these positive words beginning with P placed in 8 separate categories. Let’s go.
Most Common Positive Words That Start with P
This list of positive words that start with P are quite easy for anyone to understand and memorize. These nice words that start with P are very common.
1. Patient
- Definition: having a high tolerance level
- Synonyms: forbearing, uncomplaining
- Example: The doctors were extremely patient with my family at the hospital and answered all the questions logically.
2. Potential
- Definition: to be able to achieve a future target
- Synonyms: possible, likely
- Example: We shall introduce an incentive for our potential customers from next month.
3. Proper
- Definition: in accordance with official rules
- Synonyms: real, genuine
- Example: There is a proper dress code for our Friday meetings at the office.
4. Precise
- Definition: to the point
- Synonyms: exact, accurate
- Example: Please make sure you take precise measurements of all the customized costumes at least couple of times before starting the procedure.
5. Prestigious
- Definition: someone with a great reputation
- Synonyms: reputable, distinguished
- Example: I am invited as an official guest to a very prestigious person’s home, this afternoon, on brunch.
6. Permanent
- Definition: anything that cannot be changed
- Synonyms: enduring, continuing
- Example: I have got a permanent job in the education department.
7. Possibility
- Definition: something that has a tendency to occur
- Synonyms: prospect, chances
- Example: There is a possibility that Max will be the top position holder this time.
8. Power
- Definition: having authority to act in a certain way
- Synonyms: capacity, potential
- Example: I promise I will do anything in my power to save her from the permanent damage.
9. Painless
- Definition: involving no pain
- Synonyms: easy, effortless
- Example: Thanks Goodness, the whole process was very painless.
10. Path
- Definition: a track like space meant only for walking
- Synonyms: track, way
- Example: This beautiful path continues alongside the stream for another mile or two.
Positive Words That Start with P to Describe a Person
Want to describe the positive aspects of someone? You have us as well as our list positive words that start with P to describe someone at your doorstep. We promise we won’t abandon you.
1. Popular
- Definition: famous among people
- Synonyms: favored, admired
- Example: I used to be the part of a very popular group in my high- school.
2. Pal
- Definition: a companion
- Synonyms: friend, comrade
- Example: We have been pals for a very long time now so I trust him with all my heart.
3. Partner
- Definition: a person selected by you or for you to perform the same activity
- Synonyms: ally, associate
- Example: I will make my best friend also my business partner.
4. Paternal
- Definition: related through father
- Synonyms: patrilineal, patrimonial
- Example: His father and paternal grandfather were very famous acrylic painters and part time guitarists.
5. Painter
- Definition: a person whose job is to paint pictures
- Synonyms: interior decorator
- Example: He is one of the most famous painters around here and his paintings are worth millions.
6. Parent
- Definition: a person responsible for bringing a child into this world (father or mother)
- Synonyms: father, mother
- Example: Kim’s parents are really serious about his well-being.
7. Perceptive
- Definition: having ability to understand something from different angles
- Synonyms: insightful, responsive
- Example: I must say, it was very perceptive on your part to notice that.
8. Personable
- Definition: a very charming personality
- Synonyms: attractive, presentable
- Example: The man who came to my office yesterday for the job interview was very personable.
9. Philanthropic
- Definition: anyone who does a lot of charity
- Synonyms: generous
- Example: He appears to be very philanthropic or it’s just his way of talking about minorities.
10. Patron
- Definition: one who supports you
- Synonyms: sponsor, fan
- Example: Mike has got a patron who is going to sponsor his trip.
Positive Words That Start with P to Spread Positivity
Spreading positivity is a job that turns people into nothing less than saints. Who wouldn’t want some optimism in their lives? So go to town with these positive words beginning with P and spread positive vibes all around!
1. Party
- Definition: a type of social gathering meant for celebration
- Synonyms: celebration, reunion
- Example: We had so much fun at your friend’s pool party the day before yesterday.
2. Peace
- Definition: a state of calmness
- Synonyms: tranquility, serenity
- Example: He just wanted to have a peace of mind.
3. Pain-free
- Definition: not feeling or creating any pain
- Synonyms: painless, unproblematic
- Example: Attaching a wig to your hair is a pain-free procedure.
4. Participate
- Definition: take part in any activity
- Synonyms: engage, join
- Example: We should encourage our kids to take part in outdoor activities.
5. Patience
- Definition: having enough tolerance to accept things that are against your liking
- Synonyms: forbearance, tolerance
- Example: Dealing with problematic kids require a lot of patience.
6. Passage
- Definition: the process of passing
- Synonyms: transit, progress
- Example: The passage through the tunnel was a sight to behold.
7. Pleasant
- Definition: characterized by friendly nature
- Synonyms: agreeable, amiable
- Example: I think he is a very pleasant and cooperative fellow of yours.
8. Plausible
- Definition: apparently or seemingly acceptable
- Synonyms: valid, credible
- Example: I had the plausible explanation for what happened.
9. Placid
- Definition: of very calm and calculated nature
- Synonyms: even-tempered, equable
- Example: He is a man of placid nature and positive perspective towards life.
10. Plummy
- Definition: very rich in quality
- Synonyms: resonant, rich
- Example: A warm plummy odor filled the whole house.
Positive Words That Start with P to Empower You
Empowerment is an important thing in one’s life, no matter how strong you are you do need a little push to move forward. Positive words that start with the letter P will help you in your cause. This list also contains inspirational words that start with P.
1. Perfect
- Definition: marked with all the desirable characteristics
- Synonyms: ideal, flawless
- Example: I have just got the perfect suit for my party.
2. Prized
- Definition: having a lot of value
- Synonyms: precious, valued
- Example: Almost within fifteen to twenty days, he became a prized scalp.
3. Polished
- Definition: someone very confident in his behavior
- Synonyms: confident, well-behaved
- Example: I have hired a very polished, charming, articulate and an excellent negotiator who will now take over most of my business dealings.
4. Precious
- Definition: something having a lot of value
- Synonyms: costly, high-prized
- Example: I own six precious diamonds which are worth millions.
5. Priceless
- Definition: anything that is too valuable to put price on
- Synonyms: invaluable, beyond price
- Example: She is a die-hard fan of dolling herself up and wearing priceless jewels.
6. Peerless
- Definition: having no peer equal in excellence
- Synonyms: matchless, unparalleled
- Example: I must say our army is peerless, winning every war and always ready to lay their lives for the love of their county.
7. Plenary
- Definition: not lacking anything (member or part) that belongs to it
- Synonyms: entire, absolute
- Example: My manager reported that a plenary meeting of three hundred people was successfully held in Chicago last year.
8. Plenteous
- Definition: present in huge quantity, more than enough
- Synonyms: productive, fruitful
- Example: Only hard work and honesty proves plenteous in your grey time.
9. Praiseworthy
- Definition: worthy of receiving approval
- Synonyms: commendable, admirable
- Example: His aim is to make himself honorable and praiseworthy in this industry.
10. Prodigy
- Definition: a young and talented person
- Synonyms: wunderkind, genius
- Example: He was a child prodigy on the violin and everyone was in awe after his performance.
Positive Words That Start with P to Make Your Day Better
Words that start with P that are positive are amazing to include in your own vocabulary bank and also good to teach to the people around you. You can use motivational words that start with P to make someone feel special.
1. Polite
- Definition: having a very respectable behavior towards everyone
- Synonyms: well-mannered, civil
- Example: She is just too polite to say no to anyone.
2. Prime
- Definition: very essential
- Synonyms: best, central
- Example: Her prime motives were personal grooming and achieving her goals.
3. Pardon
- Definition: to forgive
- Synonyms: absolve, forgiveness
- Example: He pardoned all of his enemies.
4. Perfection
- Definition: of a very perfect quality
- Synonyms: excellence, flawlessness
- Example: She is nothing but perfection in herself.
5. Preparation
- Definition: the process of getting started
- Synonyms: groundwork, construction
- Example: He started making preparations for his trip with packing his clothes first.
6. Pride
- Definition: a pleasurable feeling
- Synonyms: glee, fulfilment
- Example: Our cricket team was bursting with pride after winning the match.
7. Paradise
- Definition: an absolutely perfect place or state
- Synonyms: heaven, promised land
- Example: Swat is the paradise of Pakistan.
8. Patriotic
- Definition: honest dedication for one’s country
- Synonyms: devotee, proponent
- Example: Muhammad was filled with patriotic spirit and he was ready to sacrifice for his country.
9. Peachy
- Definition: of very fine nature
- Synonyms: calm
- Example: James is living a very peachy life.
10. Parade
- Definition: ceremonial march done by people
- Synonyms: procession, march
- Example: The crowd was hooting and cheering up loudly as the parade began.
Positive Words That Start with P to Boost Your Energy
We also have positive P words in this long word list, meant for the boosting of energy level – it might be yours or might be someone else’s. Use these inspiring words that start with P and feel great.
1. Passionate
- Definition: a set of strong feelings towards something or someone
- Synonyms: intense, impassioned
- Example: I am very passionate about successfully achieving my goals.
2. Positive
- Definition: staying optimistic in every situation
- Synonyms: optimistic, confident
- Example: She said she is 100 percent positive she will get into her dream college this year.
3. Perky
- Definition: comprising lightheartedness and liveliness in character
- Synonyms: sprightly, firm
- Example: She told her friend that her little brother is one of those too perky cheerful people.
4. Peak
- Definition: at the top point
- Synonyms: ultimate, greatest
- Example: She was at the peak of her career when she met the love of her life and they got married in Berlin.
5. Perseverance
- Definition: continued effort to do or achieve something, even when this is difficult or takes a long time
- Synonyms: tenacity, determination
- Example: He completed his seven projects within a week with great perseverance and without long breaks.
6. Persistence
- Definition: continue living despite facing a lot of difficulties
- Synonyms: perseverance, resolution
- Example: Geralt’s persistence should be rewarded heavily.
7. Plentiful
- Definition: available in a lot of quantity
- Synonyms: copious, ample
- Example: I had plentiful juice bottles stocked at my home when corona was at the peak.
8. Peppy
- Definition: filled with a lot energy
- Synonyms: cheerful, vigorous
- Example: She is a person with a very peppy personality and it is simply adorable.
9. Pert
- Definition: having high spirits
- Synonyms: lively, bold
- Example: Angie is very pert for her age.
10. Pizzazz
- Definition: having a balanced mixture of vitality and glamour
- Synonyms: excitement, energy
- Example: That young actress has a lot of pizzazz.
Positive Words That Start with P to Cheer You Up
Only encouraging words that start with P can make you understand the value of positive vibes in your life. When you get to listen to some motivating words that start with P every morning by someone and believe me they will definitely cheer you up for the entire day.
1. Playful
- Definition: fond of amusement and fun
- Synonyms: frisky, lively
- Example: He has a very charming and playful type of personality.
2. Peaceful
- Definition: without any kind of disturbance
- Synonyms: tranquil, restful
- Example: I love it when nights are cold and peaceful.
3. Pretty
- Definition: appears to be very attractive
- Synonyms: lovely, appealing
- Example: That pretty girl, I bumped into yesterday, was my friend’s sister.
4. Pure
- Definition: having its original qualities
- Synonyms: unmixed, unblended
- Example: I just got a dress made of pure silk for my farewell party.
5. Purr
- Definition: a soft sound of satisfactory nature
- Synonyms: whirr, buzz
- Example: Those purrs were really pleasing to the ears.
6. Prosperity
- Definition: the state of being successful
- Synonyms: wealth, affluence
- Example: Prosperity in my career is all I dream of.
7. Pally
- Definition: a very close relationship
- Synonyms: friendly, affectionate
- Example: I have noticed that you are getting quite pally with Carlos since some time now.
8. Pacifist
- Definition: a person who loves to have peace
- Synonyms: peacemaker, appeasing
- Example: She stayed a committed pacifist all her life despite all the curve balls life threw at her.
9. Pep
- Definition: marked with liveliness
- Synonyms: energy, dynamism
- Example: An outdoor activity will definitely pep you up.
10. Pacify
- Definition: to satisfy
- Synonyms: placate, appease
- Example: He was given the task to pacify the angry spectators.
Uncommon Positive Words That Start with P to Enlarge Your Vocabulary
You can enlarge your vocabulary with the learning of some positive words with letter P. Include these good words that start with P in your routine life and they will definitely take a permanent place in your conversations.
1. Permissive
- Definition: allowing to have permission
- Synonyms: broad-minded, liberal
- Example: She really has become permissive and that’s a good thing.
2. Poised
- Definition: having a very calm demeanor
- Synonyms: sophisticated, composed
- Example: She must be such a poised lady to tolerate her arrogant husband’s abusive language all the time.
3. Principled
- Definition: having strong morals
- Synonyms: moral, ethical
- Example: Martha is known to be a principled woman who does not care about materialistic treasures.
4. Photogenic
- Definition: appearing to be beautiful through the camera lens
- Synonyms: attractive, eye-catching
- Example: Bobby has a very photogenic face.
5. Pivotal
- Definition: at an extremely critical seat
- Synonyms: central, important
- Example: Justin is a pivotal figure in this company and he is the only one who manages all the grand tasks.
6. Prominent
- Definition: of essential value
- Synonyms: important, well-known
- Example: I got my treatment done from the most prominent doctor in that hospital.
7. Pragmatic
- Definition: systematically dealing with important things
- Synonyms: empirical, hands-on
- Example: This project on dam building requires a highly pragmatic approach.
8. Pumped
- Definition: full of excitement
- Synonyms: animated, aroused
- Example: Martha is so pumped for this charity event.
9. Pithy
- Definition: using just few words to express bigger concerns
- Synonyms: meaningful, concise
- Example: As usual his introduction about the upcoming project was brief and pithy.
10. Piquant
- Definition: agreeable to the taste
- Synonyms: appealing, fascinating
- Example: She shared many piquant details of his life with us.
Positive Words That Start with P – Full List (530+ Words)
Here is a list of positive words that start with P. Go through this list and revise all the positive words we have shared with you in this article.
- Patient
- Potential
- Proper
- Precise
- Prestigious
- Permanent
- Possibility
- Power
- Painless
- Path
- Popular
- Pal
- Partner
- Paternal
- Painter
- Parent
- Perceptive
- Personable
- Philanthropic
- Patron
- Party
- Peace
- Pain-free
- Participate
- Patience
- Passage
- Pleasant
- Plausible
- Placid
- Plummy
- Perfect
- Prized
- Polished
- Precious
- Priceless
- Peerless
- Plenary
- Plenteous
- Praiseworthy
- Prodigy
- Polite
- Prime
- Pardon
- Perfection
- Preparation
- Pride
- Paradise
- Patriotic
- Peachy
- Parade
- Passionate
- Positive
- Perky
- Peak
- Perseverance
- Persistence
- Plentiful
- Peppy
- Pert
- Pizzazz
- Playful
- Peaceful
- Pretty
- Pure
- Purr
- Prosperity
- Pally
- Pacifist
- Pep
- Pacify
- Permissive
- Poised
- Principled
- Photogenic
- Pivotal
- Prominent
- Pragmatic
- Pumped
- Pithy
- Piquant
- Prepare
- Positivity
- Persistent
- Peart
- Paean
- Privacy
- Protect
- Powwow
- Primary
- Passive
- Potent
- Promised
- Protection
- Problem-free
- Practise
- Poetize
- Potluck
- Progress
- Progenitor
- Philoprogenitive
- Plea
- Perspicacious
- Package
- Pennywise
- Punch-line
- Proactive
- Plafond
- Patronize
- Pristine
- Piety
- Payout
- Proto
- Pronoia
- Pleasing
- Pampered
- Promotion
- Peaceably
- Perspective
- Presentee
- Process
- Penitent
- Promptly
- Preparedness
- Permit
- Prefer
- Purely
- Protean
- Promise
- Prosperous
- Pastime
- Pantheon
- Patch
- Placable
- Physiotherapy
- Problem-solver
- Penfriend
- Paragon
- Perspicuous
- Pros
- Pearled
- Patriotism
- Productive
- Preference
- Prevailing
- Pond
- Precedence
- Protector
- Precaution
- Phew
- Peacekeepers
- Probable
- Palatable
- Persevere
- Potable
- Peacefulness
- Prominently
- Populist
- Portable
- Plenitude
- Pray
- Paladin
- Pabulous
- Platonic
- Pageantry
- Philogyny
- Practiced
- Pragmatism
- Prettify
- Peppiness
- Plan
- Premium
- Pulchritudinous
- Preferred
- Plaque
- Prolific
- Promptness
- Prophetic
- Preferably
- Payday
- Pinpoint
- Protected
- Persist
- Peach
- Persuasively
- Prettily
- Placidly
- Parents
- Prayerful
- Presence
- Provider
- Proactivity
- Prudently
- Promising
- Private
- Productivity
- Probative
- Ply
- Pacific
- Propitiously
- Pun
- Pleasurably
- Passion
- Proactively
- Palatial
- Philogynist
- Profit
- Prominence
- Pet
- Pierian
- Pamper
- Palmy
- Participant
- Profitable
- Painlessly
- Panache
- Prizewinner
- Pleasure
- Provocative
- Playmate
- Profuse
- Pioneer
- Protective
- Powerful
- Predict
- Poky
- Picture-perfect
- Pearlescent
- Peaceable
- Pat
- Philtre
- Prodigious
- Philosophical
- Push
- Pool
- Policeman
- Peachy-keen
- Potentize
- Positiveoptimistic
- Pachuco
- Please
- Progressive
- Plucky
- Persuade
- Plum
- Play
- Preserve
- Panegyrize
- Player
- Project
- Privilege
- Pair
- Patriot
- Prizewinning
- Personalized
- Poet
- Prudence
- Phenomenal
- Prestige
- Practicable
- Praising
- Prudent
- Patriarch
- Pacey
- Profit-sharing
- Privileged
- Promote
- Purposeful
- Prodigiously
- Pursuit
- Pass
- Phenomenon
- Pourboire
- Philanthropy
- Prevalent
- Procurable
- Propose
- Prezzie
- Punctual
- Prevail
- Produce
- Phat
- Pootle
- Pulchritude
- Puissance
- Pollyanna
- Proffer
- Perseverant
- Princess
- Permissible
- Pertinent
- Pacifier
- Poon
- Prettiness
- Perception
- Picturesque
- Prize
- Pro-life
- Pick
- Percipient
- Panoply
- Preppy
- Pukka
- Possible
- Parity
- Providential
- Petichor
- Puissant
- Progression
- Punctilious
- Peacefully
- Puppies
- Pro
- Proceed
- Pith
- Purchase
- Popularity
- Proficient
- Plume
- Parental
- Politesse
- Prevenient
- Principal
- Playfulness
- Palsy-walsy
- Prospective
- Patrician
- Primetime
- Propertied
- Pledge
- Poppy
- Precocial
- Peacekeeper
- Panegyric
- Presto
- Prosper
- Parable
- Playtime
- Paradisial
- Prothalamium
- Pash
- Persistently
- Pzazz
- Portal
- Princely
- Painstaking
- Participation
- Purify
- Plenty
- Prowess
- Poetic
- Priority
- Parnassian
- Poeticize
- Perfectly
- Prepotent
- Preponderant
- Penetrative
- Prince
- Partnership
- Popsy
- Purpose
- Plain
- Panacea
- Pronounced
- Pantisocracy
- Proven
- Precisely
- Pleasantly
- Peacemaker
- Prayer
- Phenomena
- Profound
- Placebo
- Polish
- Paradisal
- Puckish
- Plump
- Pliability
- Preferable
- Pinnacle
- Pursue
- Pathfinder
- Persuasive
- Pioneering
- Philanthropist
- Provident
- Phenomenally
- Preeminent
- Primed
- Professional
- Plaudit
- Powerfully
- Pickwickian
- Pearl
- Perfectionist
- Pax
- Precognition
- Pluses
- Pentecost
- Protege
- Posh
- Pickup
- Progenitive
- Protagonist
- Prudential
- Potty
- Prompt
- Practice
- Preponderate
- Palm
- Purity
- Positives
- Pedicure
- Personality
- Perceptiveness
- Palace
- Promoter
- Pliable
- Pacy
- Pepping
- Portly
- Preservation
- Painkiller
- Program
- Potlatch
- Poignant
- Placate
- Precocious
- Plus
- Punchy
- Philogynous
- Premier
- Precision
- Pick-me-up
- Persevering
- Primal
- Pair-bond
- Personage
- Providence
- Professor
- Prospect
- Pellucid
- Passionately
- Perceptible
- Path-breaking
- Punctuality
- Pangloss
- Practicality
- Public-spirited
- Playfully
- Piquancy
- Patiently
- Pull
- Principle
- Paramount
- Percolate
- Point
- Philosopher
- Pluck
- Propitious
- Panoramic
- Primo
- Praise
- Practically
- Propitiate
- Politely
- Professionally
- Profusion
- Philanthrope
- Perkiness
- Pious
- Profoundly
- Profundity
- Potentiate
- Particular
- Picked
- Peck
- President
- Pearly
- Phwoah
- Perk
- Picture
- Participative
- Partisan
- Pinup
- Penetrating
- Pacifism
- Preen
- Pact
- Poise
- Psalm
- Poetical
- Pomp
- Plumy
- Prescient
- Patootie
- Proponent
- Petite
- Properly
- Perfevid
- Palpable
- Pundit
- Present
- Preferring
- Petition
- Preside
- Prepared
- Pleased
- Possess
- Predominant
- Preach
- Pleasingly
- Politeness
- Passable
- Positively
- Plush
- Paid-up
- Productively
- Pleroma
- Pragmatically
- Paradisiac
- Proud
- Practical
- Pageant
- Proficiently
- Presentable
- Propinquity
- Proudly
- Provide
- Pleasurable
- Pilot
Final Thoughts on Positive Words That Start with P
Concluding the list of positive words that start with P by using only three words ‘YOU NEED THEM’. Yes, you do, you will need to have these positive words that start with P by your side in every situation.
They will never betray you. Learn them, use them and make others acquire them too. When you use these positive words starting with P repeatedly, people will notice you and will be in awe at your positive approach towards life.
Life is not a bed of roses but it does not mean you cannot even try to make it a little better and maybe optimistic by having these positive words beginning with P in use. I hope our hard work comes in handy. GOODBYE.