70+ Verbs That Start with Y | Definitions and Examples Included
This article will discuss verbs that start with Y. A verb is a word in the English language that describes an activity (deliver, write, travel, study), a condition of being (be, stand) or an event (occur, develop).
For your information, a list of such verbs that start with Y is provided below. When there is a request for action, we immediately utilize verbs since they represent the action that the subject does in a statement.
A number of similar terms may be found in the list of verbs beginning with Y below. Let’s look at an example. “Yesterday, I stumbled upon a dad who was YELLING at his kid,” your buddy says.
What will be the major point of emphasis here? When you hear this statement, your attention will immediately transfer to the action word “YELL,” since it is the most important item to focus on.
This article includes a number of such action words that start with Y. Let us now look through the list of verbs that begin with Y that is provided below. Try to memorize as many of these verbs as possible.
Most Common Verbs That Start with Y
Common verbs that start with Y will be the focus of discussion under this title. These verbs starting with Y have the greatest importance in English language. So, let us explore them.
1. Yellow
- Definition: to become yellow
- Synonyms: bleach, age
- Example: This stone has yellowed with age.
2. Yelp
- Definition: to utter a sharp cry
- Synonyms: squall, yip
- Example: These puppies have been yelping since last night.
3. Yammer
- Definition: to utter repeated cries of distress
- Synonyms: complaint, whimper
- Example: I heard the coyotes yammering at night.
4. YouTube
- Definition: search for or watch on YouTube
- Synonyms: hunt, surf
- Example: You should YouTube this video.
5. Yard
- Definition: to gather together into a yard
- Synonyms: accumulate, meet
- Example: The stags are yarding up in the parks.
6. Yell
- Definition: to raise your voice and shout
- Synonyms: bawl, yowl
- Example: Mona yelled at her husband.
7. Yearn
- Definition: to desire something strongly
- Synonyms: crave, hanker
- Example: He is yearning to be with his beloved.
8. Yock
- Definition: to laugh boisterously
- Synonyms: snicker, grin
- Example: Thomas forced his friends to yock.
9. Yote
- Definition: to mix water with something
- Synonyms: associate, blend
- Example: Mike is Yoting sludge and water to make a fixative.
Verbs That Start with Y – Beginner Level
This section of verbs beginning with Y includes verbs that are also in everyday use. A bunch of beginner level verb words that start with Y are described at length below.
1. Yap
- Definition: to make a sharp, shrill bark
- Synonyms: yelp, woof
- Example: The badger dogs are yapping at Silvia’s heels.
2. Yowl
- Definition: to make a long, unhappy cry
- Synonyms: bawl, wail
- Example: The cats have been yowling outside my room.
3. Yuck
- Definition: to scratch
- Synonyms: scrape, tear
- Example: Don’t yuck that hardboard.
4. Yean
- Definition: to give birth to a lamb
- Synonyms: bud
- Example: In our farm, a lamb was yeaned in the morning.
5. Yarn-dye
- Definition: to dye before weaving or knitting
- Synonyms: stain, color
- Example: Please try and yarn-dye this fabric.
6. Yuppify
- Definition: make more affluent following the lifestyle of yuppies
- Synonyms: transmute, transform
- Example: Why are you being yuppified at such a rapid rate?
7. Yatter
- Definition: to talk at length
- Synonyms: gossip, babble
- Example: What are you yattering about?
8. Yip
- Definition: to emit a yelp
- Synonyms: bark, growl
- Example: After winning the medal he yipped with glee.
9. Yack
- Definition: to talk about boring subjects
- Synonyms: gab, yap
- Example: Philip was wondering what Jim yacked about all that time.
Verbs That Start with Y – Medium Level
Just like without a verb a sentence is incomplete, similarly without a collection of verbs starting with letter Y in your vocabulary bank your knowledge about English language is incomplete.
1. Yawl
- Definition: to scream harshly
- Synonyms: roar, wail
- Example: Why are you yawling?
2. Yankee
- Definition: to cheat, trick or swindle somebody
- Synonyms: cheat, delude
- Example: You should never yankee your close friends.
3. Yarm
- Definition: to utter a discordant yell
- Synonyms: skreich, wail
- Example: The stag is yarming in the zoo.
4. Yard-sale
- Definition: to sell things at a yard sale
- Synonyms: merchandize
- Example: You should yard-sale your products, Sofia!
5. Yeasay
- Definition: to say yes to
- Synonyms: coincide, agree
- Example: Mona yeasaid to everything her friend talked about.
6. Yawn
- Definition: to open your mouth
- Synonyms: snooze, gape
- Example: Jiya can’t stop yawning.
7. Yak
- Definition: to talk about insignificant matters
- Synonyms: babble, chat
- Example: Jack has been yakking away about his grandchildren.
8. Yarn
- Definition: to tell a long story
- Synonyms: hum, blather
- Example: They have been yarning about local legends.
Verbs That Start with Y – Hard Level
Things you do rarely are considered to be less important than those you do on regular basis. This is not the case with verbs that begin with Y, their rare use simply means they are extremely important to be learnt and used.
1. Yaup
- Definition: to make a raucous noise
- Synonyms: squawk, complain
- Example: You don’t need to yaup over the dripped milk.
2. Yux
- Definition: to sob or hiccough
- Synonyms: whimper, blubber
- Example: Joanna yuxed the whole night.
3. Yaw
- Definition: to swerve off course momentarily
- Synonyms: deflect, stray
- Example: Their boat yawed when the huge waves hit it.
4. Yo-yo
- Definition: to move up and down; fluctuate
- Synonyms: oscillate, fluctuate
- Example: The popularity polls of the politicians are yo-yoing with the flow of events.
5. Yikker
- Definition: to squeal sharply
- Synonyms: shriek, scream
- Example: Why is that dodo yikkering?
6. Yealm
- Definition: to make stubble for thatching
- Synonyms: tile, tress
- Example: To make a roof, they have been yealming the dried stalks of grain.
7. Yeve
- Definition: to grant, provide, or bestow
- Synonyms: grant, allot
- Example: You should yeve him some money.
8. Yarl
- Definition: to sing in this manner
- Synonyms: hymn, carol
- Example: Johnny is yarling so beautifully.
9. Yeehaw
- Definition: to shout yeehaw
- Synonyms: rumble, bellow
- Example: What are they yeehawing?
Verbs That Start with Y – Expert Level
After a detailed discussion on common, beginner, medium and hard level of verbs that start with the letter Y, we will now be moving onto the category of expert level Y verbs.
1. Youthify
- Definition: to make youthful
- Synonyms: revive, renew
- Example: PM Imran Khan has youthfied his people.
2. Yelloch
- Definition: to express with a yell
- Synonyms: scream, yell
- Example: Why are you yelloching in front of your children?
3. Yark
- Definition: to talk rubbish
- Synonyms: slobber, jabber
- Example: He yarked about Romana all night long.
4. Yead
- Definition: to proceed, or pass away
- Synonyms: continue, march
- Example: Come on brother, let’s yead.
5. Yesk
- Definition: to belch
- Synonyms: hiccup, gurch
- Example: Pardon me for yesking!
6. Yakka
- Definition: to work
- Synonyms: sweat, labor
- Example: I yakkaed really hard to build a house for myself.
7. Yerk
- Definition: to strike sharply
- Synonyms: whip, spank
- Example: The Cop yerked him here numerous times.
8. Yoik
- Definition: to sing
- Synonyms: tune, warble
- Example: Philip knows how to yoik.
9. Yiddishize
- Definition: to make more Yiddish
- Synonyms: convert, change
- Example: Jibran was Yiddishized last year.
Positive Verbs That Start with Y
In order to increase your verbs’ knowledge, try and learn these positive verbs that start with Y. They have been very carefully picked and precisely described by my team, just so our readers do not get bored with droning routine.
1. Yeast
- Definition: to ferment
- Synonyms: brew, churn
- Example: That mixture was yeasted to form bread.
2. Yot
- Definition: to unite closely
- Synonyms: secure, rivet
- Example: I have yotted my oxen with the same rope.
3. Yuk
- Definition: to joke or laugh exuberantly
- Synonyms: chaff, gambol
- Example: All of us really yukked it up at the theater.
4. Yodel
- Definition: to sing
- Synonyms: sing, shout
- Example: Olivia yodels really beautifully.
5. Yacht
- Definition: to sail in a yacht
- Synonyms: cruise, sail
- Example: Jacky is yachting in high waters.
6. Yoohoo
- Definition: to give a cry of yoohoo
- Synonyms: cry, howl
- Example: Our team yoohooed after their victory.
7. Yield
- Definition: to produce a natural product
- Synonyms: generate, give
- Example: Our crop has yielded 1,000 bushels of corn.
8. Youthen
- Definition: to make young in appearance
- Synonyms: beautify, titivate
- Example: Jean has youthened her husband.
9. Yaw-haw
- Definition: to laugh loudly
- Synonyms: chortle, guffaw
- Example: They yaw-hawed seeing their friend in a weird costume.
Action Verbs That Start with Y
Just like the name suggests, action verbs that start with Y are meant to define an action going on in a situation. Here are some action words for you.
1. Yank
- Definition: to pull something vehemently
- Synonyms: jerk, snatch
- Example: John yanked the door open.
2. Yoke
- Definition: to be joined
- Synonyms: fasten, secure
- Example: My friend yoked two oxen to a plough.
3. Yump
- Definition: to jump briefly when driving
- Synonyms: jump, spring
- Example: I yumped off the seat of my car while crossing a ridge.
4. York
- Definition: to bowl a ball under the bat
- Synonyms: bowl
- Example: Shaheen yorked the batsmen out.
5. Yandy
- Definition: to separate grain by shaking it in a dish
- Synonyms: separate, segregate
- Example: You need to yandy the stones from the rice first!
6. Yend
- Definition: to throw; to cast
- Synonyms: bung, hurl
- Example: She yended the blade far out into the river.
7. Yerd
- Definition: to beat someone using a stick
- Synonyms: whip, thrash
- Example: The culprit was yerded with a belt.
8. Yomp
- Definition: to walk laboriously
- Synonyms: trek, tramp
- Example: My friends yomped for 3 long hours before reaching the summit.
9. Yoink
- Definition: to take something with finesse
- Synonyms: steal, grasp
- Example: The thief yoinked all of my money.
Advanced Verbs That Start with Y for Perfect Essays
I prefer to use advanced verbs that start with Y whenever I am writing an essay because these words are unique and always leave an excellent impression on the minds of the readers.
1. Yen
- Definition: to have a longing for something
- Synonyms: crave, desire
- Example: Jensen is yenning for her lover.
2. Yakety-yak
- Definition: to engage in aimless talk
- Synonyms: talk, babble
- Example: Why have you been yakety-yakking?
3. Yar
- Definition: to growl
- Synonyms: snarl, bark
- Example: What is that animal that is yaring so loudly?
4. Yabber
- Definition: to talk nonsensically
- Synonyms: gossip, babble
- Example: What is Thomas yabbering about?
5. Youl
- Definition: to yell
- Synonyms: shriek, scream
- Example: You should never youl at your kids.
6. Yawp
- Definition: to shout or exclaim hoarsely
- Synonyms: grizzle, yammer
- Example: The enthusiasts screeched and yawped aggressively
7. Yeuk
- Definition: to itch, irritate the skin
- Synonyms: scrape, tingle
- Example: Since this morning, Timo has been yeuking with some distress.
8. Yeave-ho
- Definition: to pull forcefully
- Synonyms: tug, drag
- Example: I yeave-hoed my boat when it got stuck at the harbor.
Verbs That Start with Y – Full List (70+ Words)
The list of verbs that start with Y provided below includes all of the verbs described above. This list will help you recollect your thoughts about verbs we have learned in this article.
- Yellow
- Yelp
- Yammer
- YouTube
- Yard
- Yell
- Yearn
- Yock
- Yote
- Yap
- Yowl
- Yuck
- Yean
- Yarn-dye
- Yuppify
- Yatter
- Yip
- Yack
- Yawl
- Yankee
- Yarm
- Yard-sale
- Yeasay
- Yammer
- Yawn
- Yak
- Yarn
- Yaup
- Yux
- Yaw
- Yo-yo
- Yikker
- Yealm
- Yeve
- Yarl
- Yeehaw
- Youthify
- Yelloch
- Yark
- Yead
- Yesk
- Yakka
- Yerk
- Yoik
- Yiddishize
- Yeast
- Yot
- Yuk
- Yodel
- Yacht
- Yoohoo
- Yield
- Youthen
- Yaw-haw
- Yank
- Yoke
- Yump
- York
- Yandy
- Yend
- Yerd
- Yomp
- Yoink
- Yen
- Yakety-yak
- Yar
- Yabber
- Youl
- Yawp
- Yeuk
- Yeave-ho
- Yank off
- Yearn for
- Yak on about
- Yammer on
- Yak on
- Yield up
- Yield to
- Yack on
- Yell out
Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with Y
Thank you for reading this article on action words starting with Y. Hopefully, you learned both simple and sophisticated verbs that start with Y. To carry out your acts, try employing these verbs in your regular discussions.
A competent orator has a variety of words at his disposal that he may use to convince his audience. As a reader, the first thing you should do is learn about verbs, which are the agents of action.
For your ease, a list of such verbs beginning with Y is provided above. Now that you’ve studied a variety of verbs that start with Y, you may add additional verbs to each of these 8 categories.