
200+ Nouns That Start with U | Definitions and Examples Included

We are back again this time with lots of nouns that start with U. Nouns surround our existence from all spheres. If you go to a restaurant and see the menu card, you will find it laced with nouns.

Similarly, a grocery list your mom made you is a collection of nouns. In short, nouns are the G-O-A-T! We encounter nouns on a daily basis and nouns that start with U are very commonly found in the English language.

Everyone admires a robust vocabulary as it is very clear and easy to understand. This article will help you achieve ample knowledge about nouns beginning with U.

All of the nouns starting with U have been organized under different categories so you just need to move from one short list to another, and find yourself progressing from one level to another. So let’s begin this learning experience with new zeal and zest!

Most Common Nouns That Start with U

We have compiled some commonly used nouns that start with U. You will find them in your daily discourse so it’s better to get acquainted with them first and then proceed toward complicated ones.

1. Unit

  • Definition: a single individual part
  • Synonyms: component, element
  • Example: She is in the intensive care unit of the hospital.

2. University

  • Definition: an educational institute that provides higher education
  • Synonyms: college, academy
  • Example: I got accepted into my dream university.

3. Underground

  • Definition: a secretly organized group working on an agenda
  • Synonyms: resistance, opposition
  • Example: The whole country is afraid of the French underground.

4. Umpire

  • Definition: an official who judges games according to the set rules
  • Synonyms: referee, line judge
  • Example: The umpire got injured after being hit by a ball.

5. User  

  • Definition: a person who utilizes something
  • Synonyms: subscriber, consumer
  • Example: The users are not happy with this application.

6. Uncle

  • Definition: a maternal or paternal relative
  • Synonyms: kinsman, relative
  • Example: My uncle bought chocolates for me.

7. Universe

  • Definition: elements of the space combined in one huge system
  • Synonyms: totality, cosmos
  • Example: The universe is not at my side!

8. Use

  • Definition: the act of using something   
  • Synonyms: application, expenditure
  • Example: The use of drugs ruined his health completely.

9. Update

  • Definition: an act of revamping and improving something
  • Synonyms: renovation, amendment
  • Example: The recent update in WhatsApp has strengthened its privacy.

10. Urgency

  • Definition: something that demands immediate action
  • Synonyms: importance, priority
  • Example: His urgency to sign the papers raised suspicions.

Nouns That Start with U – Beginner Level

If you are a beginner, this list of nouns that start with the letter U will suit your learning needs perfectly. You can use them in your conversations and make a mark on your audience.

1. Uncertainty

  • Definition: not having complete surety about something
  • Synonyms: unpredictability, unreliability
  • Example: This uncertainty about our future is giving me anxiety.

2. Unavailability

  • Definition: the state of not being at reach
  • Synonyms: deficiency, lack
  • Example: Due to the unavailability of chocolate I couldn’t make the ganache.

3. Unawareness

  • Definition: the state of being ignorant
  • Synonyms: ignorance, innocence
  • Example: Unawareness about sex education is harmful for the youth.

4. Upgrade

  • Definition: the act of increasing the level of something
  • Synonyms: improve, better
  • Example: I am expecting an upgrade in the salary.

5. Uneasiness

  • Definition: an uncomfortable feeling
  • Synonyms: annoyance, awkwardness
  • Example: I always felt uneasiness in your behavior around your boss.

6. Unconsciousness

  • Definition: being out of senses
  • Synonyms: insensibility, senselessness
  • Example: I felt very vulnerable in that state of unconsciousness.

7. Unacceptability

  • Definition: the act of having an objection on something
  • Synonyms: objectionableness, undesirability
  • Example: Your unacceptability of the reality is very stupid in my opinion.

8. Undoing

  • Definition: a downfall
  • Synonyms: disgrace, defeat
  • Example: Robert’s undoing is a consequence of his corruption.

9. Unemployment

  • Definition: not having a job
  • Synonyms: redundancy, dismissal
  • Example: High rate of unemployment is alarming for the citizens.

10. Unpredictability

  • Definition: a state of irregularity
  • Synonyms: whimsicality, arbitrariness
  • Example: The unpredictability of stock exchange market makes it a risky investment.

Nouns That Start with U – Medium Level

Nouns are the headwords in many sentences, they are like a super star in limelight. Since the stage belongs to nouns, you need to learn them properly. So check these noun words that start with U!

1. Underworld

  • Definition: a secret world of criminals
  • Synonyms: criminal world
  • Example: He was a prominent figure of the underworld.

2. Universality

  • Definition: the state of sharing traits
  • Synonyms: acceptance, acclaim
  • Example: The beauty of Newton’s method is its universality.

3. Ultimatum

  • Definition: the final set of rules and regulations that cannot be violated
  • Synonyms: final condition, stipulation
  • Example: I am giving you the final ultimatum about this project.

4. Underdog

  • Definition: an opponent who is considered weak
  • Synonyms: victim, loser
  • Example: He is considered an underdog among the other contestants.

5. Unacceptability

  • Definition: the state of not being approved
  • Synonyms: objectionableness, undesirability
  • Example: Unacceptability into this program will make me a laughing stock.

6. Upheaval

  • Definition: a disorder or confusion
  • Synonyms: disruption, turmoil
  • Example: A political upheaval in this state of affairs will wreak havoc.

7. Ulcer

  • Definition: a wound caused inside the body
  • Synonyms: sore, pustule
  • Example: I have severe stomach ulcers.

8. Unison

  • Definition: a uniform action
  • Synonyms: harmony, simultaneously
  • Example: I expect unison in your voices at the choir singing.

9. Undergraduate

  • Definition: a student achieving his/her first degree of higher education
  • Synonyms: sophomore, undergraduate
  • Example: We have many scholarships for undergraduates.

10. Underweight

  • Definition: not having enough weight
  • Synonyms: thinness
  • Example: Thinness and underweight may be a physical quality that you and I share.

Nouns That Start with U – Hard Level

Can you take up a challenge? Can you bear the heat? If you do not get discouraged upon encountering tough levels, you will do fine learning these nouns beginning with U.

1. Unevenness

  • Definition: not being at the same level
  • Synonyms: aperiodicity, inconsistence
  • Example: The unevenness of the floor made my soles ache.

2. Unhappiness

  • Definition: not being happy
  • Synonyms: sad, sadness
  • Example: I feel constant unhappiness since he left.

3. Upside

  • Definition: the bright or positive side of something
  • Synonyms: merit, advantage
  • Example: The upside of your offer outweighs the disadvantages.

4. Undertone

  • Definition: a slight hint of something
  • Synonyms: murmur, tinge
  • Example: I warned her in an undertone.

5. Unfairness

  • Definition: the state of not being fair or just
  • Synonyms: discrimination, favoritism
  • Example: Unfairness is prevalent in society these days.

6. Unlikelihood

  • Definition: not having enough chance at happening
  • Synonyms: impossibility, improbability
  • Example: Your suggestion is good but its unlikelihood cannot be ignored.

7. Unaffordability

  • Definition: the state of being unable to consume or get something
  • Synonyms: prohibitive, unreasonable
  • Example: Unaffordability of luxury goods makes people depressed.

8. Underachievement

  • Definition: not performing well
  • Synonyms: disappointment, nonperformer
  • Example: Underachievement should never lower your morale.

9. Uptown

  • Definition: the fancy part of an area or city
  • Synonyms: area, chic
  • Example: We immediately knew we had reached the uptown when the roads became smooth.

10. Upholder

  • Definition: a person that defends something
  • Synonyms: advocate, supporter
  • Example: I believe that you will be an excellent upholder of our principles.

Nouns That Start with U – Expert Level

These nouns are all sparkly and fancy because you might be witnessing them for the first time. Going through the list of these U nouns will guarantee an improvement in your speech. These nouns with letter U are an expert’s tool.

1. Upbeat

  • Definition: growth and progress in a sector
  • Synonyms: growth, development
  • Example: The upbeat of Crypto investment is not very good these days.

2. Unconventionality

  • Definition: state of being different or unusual
  • Synonyms: unusual, negation
  • Example: Her mannerism is proof of her unconventionality.

3. Undergrowth

  • Definition: a thick growth of shrubs
  • Synonyms: shrubbery, vegetation
  • Example: I slipped and fell right into the dense undergrowth.

4. Underpayment

  • Definition: a payment that is very little
  • Synonyms: undervalued, unremunerated
  • Example: Due to underpayment I left that job.

5. Understatement

  • Definition: a statement that is not true
  • Synonyms: minimization, trivialization
  • Example: Calling her an excellent actress is an understatement.

6. Unambiguity

  • Definition: absence of ambiguity
  • Synonyms: unequivocalness, clarity
  • Example: There is complete unambiguity in his statement.

7. Understructure

  • Definition: a structure that supports the main building
  • Synonyms: footing, base
  • Example: The understructure was poorly constructed.

8. Upshot

  • Definition: the bottom line or conclusion of any discussion
  • Synonyms: result, outcome
  • Example: I do not understand the upshot of your argument.

9. Utopia

  • Definition: an imaginary perfect world
  • Synonyms: paradise, heaven
  • Example: I want to escape to a utopia.

10. Underwriter

  • Definition: a person who manages insurance checks
  • Synonyms: backer, accountant
  • Example: Tom got the job of an underwriter.

Positive Nouns That Start with U

You can spice up your conversations with a lot of positivity. The positivity you are looking for can be achieved with the help of these positive nouns that start with U.

1. Ultrasound

  • Definition: ultrasonic sounds or waves
  • Synonyms: echography, sonography
  • Example: I am waiting for my ultrasound at the hospital.

2. Unity

  • Definition: uniformity as a whole
  • Synonyms: federation, amalgamation
  • Example: The unity between both of the partners is admirable.

3. Understanding

  • Definition: having empathy for others
  • Synonyms: compassion, kindness
  • Example: Jane has an understanding of my pain.

4. Uniformity

  • Definition: the state of being consistent
  • Synonyms: constancy, steadiness
  • Example: We are striving for uniformity in our reports.

5. Uniqueness

  • Definition: the quality of being unique
  • Synonyms: distinctiveness, separateness
  • Example: Your uniqueness is your strength.

6. Usefulness

  • Definition: the quality of being useful
  • Synonyms: functionality, practicality
  • Example: There is no doubt about the usefulness of the product.

7. Understudy

  • Definition: a person trained to be a substitute for someone
  • Synonyms: replacement, reserve
  • Example: I can work as an understudy for you.

8. Utilizer

  • Definition: someone who uses a thing
  • Synonyms: user, consumer
  • Example: I am a utilizer of amenities provided by you.

9. Unanimity

  • Definition: a mutual agreement between parties
  • Synonyms: accord, concord
  • Example: We can seal the deal with unanimity.

10. Unification

  • Definition: the state of being combined together
  • Synonyms: union, merger
  • Example: A unification of our ideas gave birth to this start-up.

Proper Nouns That Start with U

Proper nouns are interesting and tricky at the same time. Why? It’s because they go through modifications and new ones are introduced to English every day. Take a look at some proper nouns that start with U.

1. Ukraine

  • Definition: a country in Europe
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: We tried the famous bagels from Ukraine.

2. Umair

  • Definition: a Muslim name for boys
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: Umair loves Maleeha a lot.

3. Utsunomiya

  • Definition: a city in Japan
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: We are going to Utsunomiya next week.

4. Ulysses

  • Definition: a novel written by James Joyce
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: I read Ulysses in 10 days.

5. Uruguay

  • Definition: a South American country
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: Uruguay is a neighbor to Argentina.

6. Ultima

  • Definition: a series of video games
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: I had such an enjoyable experience with Ultima.

7. Udaipur

  • Definition: a city in India
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: My parents migrated from Udaipur.

8. Urvan

  • Definition: a vehicle manufactured by Nissan
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: Such a large group of people will only fit in Urvan.

9. Uriah

  • Definition: a figure mentioned in Hebrew Bible
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: Uriah served in the army of David.

10. Uzbekistan

  • Definition: a country in Central Asia
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: She is doing MBBS in Uzbekistan.

Nouns That Start with U to Describe Things

Description can jazz up a dull conversation. It just has this irresistible appeal. If you want to put some life into your speech you can always incorporate names of some things that start with U to describe feelings or situations.

1. Umbrella

  • Definition: a portable shade that protects from rain
  • Synonyms: sunshade, parasol
  • Example: I lost my umbrella.

2. Utensil

  • Definition: a tool used for holding something
  • Synonyms: instrument, pots
  • Example: I want to buy new utensils for my kitchen.

3. Uniform

  • Definition: same dress worn by members of an organization
  • Synonyms: costume, livery
  • Example: Make sure you wear a clean uniform.

4. Underwear

  • Definition: un undergarment worn under pants
  • Synonyms: underskirt, underpants
  • Example: I only own black underwear.

5. Undershirt

  • Definition: an undergarment worn beneath a shirt
  • Synonyms: bra, vest
  • Example: I bought a lacy undershirt.

6. Urn

  • Definition: a kind of vase
  • Synonyms: teapot, vase
  • Example: The urn had colorful patterns on it.

7. Underbrush

  • Definition: thick and dense grass
  • Synonyms: shrubbery, vegetation
  • Example: We were looking for the lost bag by searching the underbrush.

8. Uranium

  • Definition: a chemical element that is used in nuclear projects
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: Uranium was needed for the atomic bomb.

9. Urea

  • Definition: a chemical that contains nitrogen
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: Sam asked me to fetch some urea for the laboratory.

10. Udometer

  • Definition: an instrument to measure precipitation
  • Synonyms: pluviometer, rain gauge
  • Example: The rained was measured by udometer.

Nouns That Start with U – Full List (200+ Words)

Below is a list of nouns that start with U. We have put them together so it becomes easy for you to navigate through them or double check your understanding. It is the perfect way to provide you a quick access!

  • Unit
  • University
  • Underground
  • Umpire
  • User  
  • Uncle
  • Universe
  • Use
  • Update
  • Urgency
  • Uncertainty
  • Unavailability
  • Unawareness
  • Upgrade
  • Uneasiness
  • Unconsciousness
  • Unacceptability
  • Undoing
  • Unemployment
  • Unpredictability
  • Underworld
  • Universality
  • Ultimatum
  • Underdog
  • Unacceptability
  • Upheaval
  • Ulcer
  • Unison
  • Undergraduate
  • Underweight
  • Unevenness
  • Unhappiness
  • Upside
  • Undertone
  • Unfairness
  • Unlikelihood
  • Unaffordability
  • Underachievement
  • Uptown
  • Upholder
  • Upbeat
  • Unconventionality
  • Undergrowth
  • Underpayment
  • Understatement
  • Unambiguity
  • Understructure
  • Upshot
  • Utopia
  • Underwriter
  • Ultrasound
  • Unity
  • Understanding
  • Uniformity
  • Uniqueness
  • Usefulness
  • Understudy
  • Utilizer
  • Unanimity
  • Unification
  • Ukraine
  • Umair
  • Utsunomiya
  • Ulysses
  • Uruguay
  • Ultima
  • Udaipur
  • Urvan
  • Uriah
  • Uzbekistan
  • Umbrella
  • Utensil
  • Uniform
  • Underwear
  • Undershirt
  • Urn
  • Underbrush
  • Uranium
  • Urea
  • Udometer
  • Uhuru
  • Unrealism
  • Urine
  • Unchastity
  • Uranus
  • Urethra
  • Ursula
  • Uttermost
  • Urial
  • Uromi
  • Underbelly
  • Utonogan
  • Ulema
  • Undertow
  • Unfoldment
  • Ugliness
  • Undersoil
  • Uberty
  • Undercoat
  • Uyo
  • Usage
  • Upset
  • Undercurrent
  • Ughten
  • Utterance
  • Urbanism
  • Uplander
  • Urethane
  • Upland
  • Ujjain
  • Upperclassman
  • Up-and-comer
  • Utmost
  • Underpants
  • Ulrich
  • Underskirt
  • Ullage
  • Undertaker
  • Underpinning
  • Uterus
  • Uakari
  • Udder
  • Unpleasantness
  • Undercut
  • Unconcern
  • Unau
  • Umbrellabird
  • Unicornfish
  • Urumqi
  • Upperclassmen
  • Unctuousness
  • Uproar
  • Uganda
  • Underling
  • Up
  • Urbandale
  • Unrest
  • Urbanization
  • Upright
  • Umbrage
  • Ubiquitary
  • Umar
  • Ultra
  • Uranyl
  • Unicorn
  • Utica
  • Unreason
  • Ubiquity
  • Urge
  • Ukrainian
  • Utopianism
  • Ultimate
  • Uremia
  • Ukulele
  • Union
  • Unipower
  • Unreality
  • Uptake
  • Unction
  • Usher
  • Upswing
  • Unfortunate
  • Uninitiate
  • Utility
  • Untruth
  • Uguisu
  • Ultraist
  • Underarm
  • Udhampur
  • Utilization
  • Upkeep
  • Unique
  • Unrestraint
  • Unicycle
  • Underpass
  • Urchin
  • Underside
  • Ultracentrifugation
  • Utopian
  • United States
  • Uptrend
  • Upholstery
  • Uromastyx
  • Ultimation
  • Upturn
  • Upsurge
  • Uncircumcision
  • Urraca
  • Unbalance
  • Ulster
  • Uber
  • Ultracentrifuge
  • Underclassman
  • United Kingdom
  • Unease
  • Uplift
  • Unimportance
  • Umbra
  • Unreliability
  • Unknown
  • Umber
  • Uppercut
  • Universal
  • United Arab Emirates

Final Thoughts on Nouns That Start with U

Thank you for completing this article. Reading and learning make people evolve. We are glad to assist you with that.

We compiled nouns that start with U along with synonyms and examples for you because nouns are an essential part of language. Sentences rarely work without nouns in them.

These nouns that start with U will go a long way in improving your writing and speaking.

Some of these nouns starting with U might have been very new for you, the only way you can prevent yourself from forgetting them is by practicing them often.

We would love to know which nouns beginning with U did you find the most interesting? You can answer us in the comment section down below.

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