610+ Adjectives That Start with R | Definitions and Examples Included
If you are out here to find adjectives that start with R, let me tell you that you are at the right place. We have put together hundreds of adjectives that start with R that are fun to use both in conversations and writings.
You will find that these adjectives beginning with R have been used in relevant examples to aid you in the best way possible.
So brace yourselves and get ready for a productive experience with us. Why? Because it’s the perfect day to learn some adjectives.
We want you to learn and enjoy them because we are completely against dullness and monotony.
Adjectives are the most well-known remedy to a boring discourse, so let’s get into action and dive straight into these descriptive words that start with R. We are so thrilled, Are you?
Most Common Adjectives That Start with R
First thing first, you need to get familiar with the most basic or common adjectives that start with R. We have made this list of adjectives starting with R, with utmost care for people who are new to adjectives.
1. Ready
- Definition: prepared for an action
- Synonyms: prepared, set
- Example: The car is ready for you.
2. Recent
- Definition: something that started a while ago
- Synonyms: latest, current
- Example The recent earthquake left everyone devastated.
3. Red
- Definition: a color brighter in tone than orange
- Synonyms: scarlet, vermilion
- Example: Her red dress caught everyone’s attention.
4. Remaining
- Definition: something that is still left
- Synonyms: residual, leftover
- Example: Kindly iron the remaining clothes.
5. Random
- Definition: something done spontaneously without a plan
- Synonyms: haphazard, erratic
- Example: List it in random order.
6. Rapid
- Definition: happening at a great speed in a short time
- Synonyms: quick, fast
- Example: He asked me some rapid questions.
7. Rare
- Definition: not happening or existing often
- Synonyms: scarce, sparse
- Example: This is a rare poison.
8. Real
- Definition: happening in reality
- Synonyms: actual, factual
- Example: I don’t know about the real incidents that took place.
9. Rented
- Definition: occupied on rent
- Synonyms: leased, hired
- Example: We live in a rented house.
10. Resourceful
- Definition: able to find solutions for problems
- Synonyms: ingenious, creative
- Example: We need a resourceful manager.
Adjectives That Start with R – Beginner Level
So now you are on the beginner level. Let’s check out some adjectives that begin with R, super easy, and super fun! Go through them attentively and try to use them in your conversations.
1. Rainy
- Definition: area or weather getting rainfall often
- Synonyms: wet, showery
- Example: I love the rainy season.
2. Ripe
- Definition: (of fruits) ready to be picked
- Synonyms: mature, ready to eat
- Example: The ripe fruit was oozing juice.
3. Rational
- Definition: in accordance with the logic
- Synonyms: logical, sensible
- Example: Your rational analysis impressed everyone.
4. Raw
- Definition: something that is pure or uncooked
- Synonym: fresh, uncooked
- Example: You need to first marinate the raw meat.
5. Reactive
- Definition: acting in response to something
- Synonyms: receptive, susceptible
- Example: I had the worst experience with reactive depression.
6. Rebellious
- Definition: the ability to go against an authority
- Synonyms: defiant, unruly
- Example: He is a rebellious kid.
7. Reluctant
- Definition: being unwilling
- Synonyms: unwilling, grudging
- Example: I am reluctant to trust him.
8. Recognizable
- Definition: able to be recognized
- Synonyms: identifiable, discernible
- Example: I have no recognizable photograph of him.
9. Rectangular
- Definition: four-sided geometrical shape
- Synonyms: quadrilateral, oblong
- Example: The rectangular door was decorated with lights.
10. Remote
- Definition: far from the population
- Synonyms: faraway, distant
- Example: We were stranded in a remote village.
Adjectives That Start with R – Medium Level
So looks like you are on the medium level! What a performance! So here are some more adjectives words that start with R, a bit tougher but really interesting. Let’s check these adjectives that start with the letter R and see how we can experiment with them.
1. Representative
- Definition: typical of a class
- Synonyms: typical, indicative
- Example: Trump was not properly representative of the opinion of black people in USA.
2. Repeated
- Definition: done again and again
- Synonyms: recurring, replicated
- Example: Your repeated mistakes are getting annoying day by day.
3. Reserved
- Definition: hesitant to express emotions
- Synonyms: reticent, restrained
- Example: His reserved nature was a hindrance in forming relationships.
4. Revealing
- Definition: exposing something
- Synonyms: expressive, revelatory
- Example: She was banned from church for wearing revealing clothes.
5. Relevant
- Definition: closely related to the topic under discussion
- Synonyms: pertinent, applicable
- Example: Come up with relevant examples.
6. Relentless
- Definition: promising intensity
- Synonyms: persistent, constant
- Example: His relentless requests have become hard for me to decline.
7. Romantic
- Definition: related to romance
- Synonyms: exotic, glamorous
- Example: She is fond of watching romantic movies.
8. Regular
- Definition: occurring in succession
- Synonyms: constant, habitual
- Example: I need regular donations for the trust.
9. Rough
- Definition: coarse or uneven
- Synonyms: crude, abrasive
- Example: I cannot walk on this rough surface.
10. Resolute
- Definition: having the determination to do something
- Synonyms: resolved, determined
- Example: We need a resolute leader for our nation.
Adjectives That Start with R – Hard Level
We are so proud to find you at the hard level. So these describing words beginning with R, are a little more complicated than the previous ones but nothing a champ can’t handle!
1. Revised
- Definition: improved or updated
- Synonyms: changed, revamped
- Example: I will submit a copy of the revised document.
2. Rightful
- Definition: established legally
- Synonyms: fair, just
- Example: This is your rightful property.
3. Relatable
- Definition: having a logical connection with something
- Synonyms: engaging, responsive
- Example: Your problems are very relatable for me.
4. Reducible
- Definition: something that could be simplified
- Synonyms: decrease-able, subtract-able
- Example: Some problems are reducible, others are in the hands of God.
5. Reigning
- Definition: influencing something
- Synonyms: ruling, governing
- Example: The reigning part was hated by the population.
6. Regional
- Definition: belonging to a certain region
- Synonyms: geographical, territorial
- Example: You can get it checked from the regional office.
7. Relative
- Definition: in relation to something
- Synonyms: comparative, respective, comparable, correlative
- Example: The relative size of these buildings is small.
8. Reciprocal
- Definition: something felt by both parties
- Synonyms: corresponding, correlative
- Example: Our marriage was not a reciprocal relationship.
9. Recyclable
- Definition: something that can be used again
- Synonyms: reusable, recoverable
- Example: Wooden materials are recyclable.
10. Repairable
- Definition: something that can be restored from a damage
- Synonyms: fixable, mendable
- Example: The dent to your phone is repairable.
Adjectives That Start with R – Expert Level
Phew! That was a tough exercise, right? Well, all of that hard work has made you worthy of being at the expert level of descriptive words beginning with R. So check these R adjectives, with their synonyms, meanings, and examples.
1. Reflective
- Definition: related to an object that reflects light
- Synonyms: bouncy, springy
- Example: The light was bouncing back through the reflective surface.
2. Resonant
- Definition: (of sound) deep, clear, and continuing to sound or reverberate
- Synonyms: deep, sonorous
- Example: Your voice was resonant in the empty hall.
3. Rhetorical
- Definition: related to rhetoric
- Synonyms: stylistic, verbal
- Example: Is this a rhetorical question?
4. Robotic
- Definition: related to robots or their features
- Synonyms: mechanized, mechanical
- Example: Why are you speaking in a robotic voice?
5. Republican
- Definition: of a form of government related to a republic
- Synonyms: elected, representative
- Example: His stance is very republican in nature.
6. Rocketing
- Definition: moving at a fast pace
- Synonyms: soar, escalate
- Example: People are protesting due to rocketing prices.
7. Refutable
- Definition: proved wrong
- Synonyms: debatable, speculative
- Example: This is a refutable argument.
8. Rustic
- Definition: belonging to country life
- Synonyms: rural, pastoral
- Example: I want a rustic feel to my apartment.
9. Resurgent
- Definition: revived after some time
- Synonyms: revived, refreshed
- Example: There were some signs of resurgent growth.
10. Refined
- Definition: improved by removing impurities
- Synonyms: polished, filtered
- Example: I need 2 kg of refined wheat.
Positive Adjectives That Start with R
For the days you feel really good and refreshed, positive adjectives that start with R come in handy! So we should definitely go through them and try to use them the next day we feel like the universe is being kind to us!
1. Reasonable
- Definition: being sensible in judgment
- Synonyms: sensible, rational
- Example: That man is reasonable and calm.
2. Rhythmic
- Definition: having a specific rhythm
- Synonyms: pulsing, metrical
- Example: We enjoyed the rhythmic beat of the music.
3. Remedial
- Definition: having the ability to cure
- Synonyms: healing, curative
- Example: You need to follow these remedial measures.
4. Renewable
- Definition: capable of being renewed
- Synonyms: sustainable, continual
- Example: This jewelry is renewable.
5. Realistic
- Definition: close to reality
- Synonyms: practical, pragmatic
- Example: These beauty standards are very realistic.
6. Redeemable
- Definition: something that can be recovered
- Synonyms: recoverable, amendable
- Example: This is a redeemable offer.
7. Refurbished
- Definition: renewed or revamped
- Synonyms: renovated, reconditioned
- Example: The newly refurbished building was visited by an inspection team.
8. Relieved
- Definition: being free of anxiety
- Synonyms: glad, thankful
- Example: I am relieved to know about your recovery.
9. Remarkable
- Definition: worthy of admiration
- Synonyms: extraordinary, exceptional
- Example: Your efforts are remarkable.
10. Respected
- Definition: admired by many
- Synonyms: reputable, upright
- Example: He is a respected member of our society.
Negative Adjectives That Start with R
Hit a rough patch? Well expressing your emotions can make you feel a bit better. So here are some negative adjectives that start with R that you can make good use of!
1. Rash
- Definition: being careless
- Synonyms: reckless, impetuous
- Example: Don’t make a rash decision.
2. Regrettable
- Definition: some incomplete work that gives rise to regret
- Synonyms: undesirable, unfortunate
- Example: I made a regrettable error that day.
3. Repulsive
- Definition: showing extreme disgust towards something
- Synonyms: revolting, disgusting
- Example: His repulsive personality made him an outcast.
4. Revolting
- Definition: causing extreme disgust
- Synonyms: disgust, sicken
- Example: This stuff is revolting!
5. Resentful
- Definition: feeling hateful towards someone
- Synonyms: aggrieved, indignant
- Example: You are always resentful of other’s people success.
6. Rampageous
- Definition: not having control over one’s behavior
- Synonyms: undisciplined, uncontrollable
- Example: I hate him because he is rampageous.
7. Rickety
- Definition: a poorly constructed structure
- Synonyms: shaky, unsteady
- Example: The rickety bridge was difficult to cross.
8. Rugged
- Definition: a rough-surfaced ground
- Synonyms: rough, uneven
- Example: We walked on a small rugged path.
9. Rachitic
- Definition: an illness characterized by Rickets
- Synonyms: diseased, sick
- Example: A rachitic patient visited the clinic.
10. Rackety
- Definition: extremely active social behavior
- Synonyms: noisy, disorderly
- Example: She is always rackety at the parties.
Adjectives That Start with R to Describe a Person
Finally, we have a bunch of adjectives that start with R to describe someone, you can use them with your friends or colleagues in a lot of fun ways. These R adjectives to describe a person will jazz up your conversations!
1. Responsible
- Definition: showing keenness to do the job assigned
- Synonyms: accountable, liable
- Example: You are very responsible.
2. Relaxed
- Definition: free of anxiety
- Synonyms: tolerant, liberal
- Example: The music put everyone in a relaxed mood.
3. Reliable
- Definition: having good quality
- Synonyms: dependable, durable
- Example: You are valued as a reliable dealer.
4. Respectable
- Definition: something regarded by society as worthy of respect
- Synonyms: reputable, upright
- Example: You are a respectable man.
5. Restless
- Definition: being unable to take rest
- Synonyms: uneasy, fidgety
- Example: He is restless and disappointed.
6. Reassuring
- Definition: something that removes doubts
- Synonyms: encouraging, comfort
- Example: His reassuring smile made me feel good.
7. Receptive
- Definition: someone who is welcoming toward new ideas
- Synonyms: welcoming, approachable
- Example: My students are receptive to new ideas.
8. Reputable
- Definition: having a good impression or reputation
- Synonyms: regarded, respected
- Example: He is a reputable businessman.
9. Righteous
- Definition: being virtuous or morally good
- Synonyms: good, upright
- Example: My father is a righteous man.
10. Reckless
- Definition: being heedless or careless
- Synonyms: careless, incautious
- Example: She is a reckless driver.
Adjectives That Start with R – Full List (610+ Words)
Here is a complete list of adjectives that start with R. We hope that while going through them you will be able to recall may adjectives that you learnt along the way. Make sure you practice them more!
- Ready
- Recent
- Red
- Remaining
- Random
- Rapid
- Rare
- Real
- Rented
- Resourceful
- Rainy
- Ripe
- Rational
- Raw
- Reactive
- Rebellious
- Reluctant
- Recognizable
- Rectangular
- Remote
- Representative
- Repeated
- Reserved
- Revealing
- Relevant
- Relentless
- Romantic
- Regular
- Rough
- Resolute
- Revised
- Rightful
- Relatable
- Reducible
- Reigning
- Regional
- Relative
- Reciprocal
- Recyclable
- Repairable
- Reflective
- Resonant
- Rhetorical
- Robotic
- Republican
- Rocketing
- Refutable
- Rustic
- Resurgent
- Refined
- Reasonable
- Rhythmic
- Remedial
- Renewable
- Realistic
- Redeemable
- Refurbished
- Relieved
- Remarkable
- Respected
- Rash
- Regrettable
- Repulsive
- Revolting
- Resentful
- Rampageous
- Rickety
- Rugged
- Rachitic
- Rackety
- Responsible
- Relaxed
- Reliable
- Respectable
- Restless
- Reassuring
- Receptive
- Reputable
- Righteous
- Reckless
- Redheaded
- Reminiscent
- Ritzy
- Romanian
- Ranking
- Rarefied
- Reconcilable
- Rank
- Reasonless
- Reclaimable
- Resinated
- Rwandan
- Ravishing
- Repetitive
- Retrorse
- Rectosigmoid
- Reproductive
- Roundish
- Retinal
- Riskless
- Riparian
- Remorseless
- Rocklike
- Ruinous
- Recriminatory
- Reprobate
- Removable
- Recoilless
- Refreshful
- Regulation
- Revokable
- Repentant
- Rootless
- Rotund
- Retroflexed
- Romansh
- Recusant
- Reduced
- Roomy
- Replaceable
- Rheumatoid
- Reachable
- Residual
- Raunchy
- Rhizoidal
- Rubber
- Ruddy
- Rousing
- Rhombohedral
- Reverend
- Rabbinic
- Roily
- Rum
- Rhinal
- Reputed
- Repand
- Reedy
- Relaxing
- Reformable
- Reactionist
- Regressive
- Roasted
- Rococo
- Renascent
- Relational
- Repressive
- Residuary
- Resolvable
- Regardless
- Reborn
- Reactionary
- Ranked
- Rearing
- Rightmost
- Retractable
- Regretful
- Raimentless
- Roundheaded
- Resuscitated
- Rubbery
- Rusty
- Rust
- Raring
- Refillable
- Reclusive
- Reedlike
- Ravenous
- Rowdy
- Reptilian
- Raisable
- Raucous
- Repayable
- Round
- Reorganised
- Recombinant
- Ruby
- Relativistic
- Rewardful
- Regent
- Roofed
- Regenerate
- Respectful
- Rich
- Romanic
- Recoverable
- Reciprocative
- Refulgent
- Rainless
- Real-Time
- Reiterative
- Rancorous
- Restrictive
- Renal
- Rear
- Related
- Roman
- Rudderless
- Rescued
- Razorback
- Rotary
- Replete
- Rectilinear
- Radiate
- Riotous
- Rearward
- Refreshed
- Resplendent
- Ravening
- Retiring
- Rembrandtesque
- Raddled
- Radical
- Rugose
- Remediable
- Rotatable
- Roadless
- Ratiocinative
- Reverential
- Risible
- Rhomboidal
- Rhombic
- Rotting
- Rigid
- Romish
- Returnable
- Reticular
- Recumbent
- Ribald
- Rumbustious
- Rehabilitative
- Ramate
- Runcinate
- Rimmed
- Rejective
- Religious
- Riveting
- Roughdried
- Ritual
- Retrievable
- Retro
- Reliant
- Revertible
- Recursive
- Receivable
- Rimose
- Remindful
- Regenerating
- Reverberant
- Rusted
- Raggedly
- Ratable
- Repetitious
- Rotational
- Ringing
- Regulatory
- Remiss
- Radial
- Ritualistic
- Reusable
- Redemptive
- Retired
- Rayless
- Rife
- Repaired
- Redolent
- Rightist
- Ritenuto
- Reductive
- Reniform
- Rental
- Recluse
- Rested
- Rapt
- Recognisable
- Retarded
- Rubbishy
- Recognised
- Rangy
- Renegade
- Roundabout
- Rupicolous
- Rippling
- Reflexive
- Retrousse
- Riant
- Realizable
- Redbrick
- Romany
- Regal
- Racial
- Rejoicing
- Rigorous
- Royal
- Rockbound
- Rejuvenated
- Radioactive
- Rentable
- Ragged
- Revitalising
- Rising
- Raiseable
- Roumanian
- Roseate
- Ruminant
- Ruined
- Respective
- Rude
- Rakish
- Rimless
- Runty
- Ridged
- Refractory
- Rumanian
- Renowned
- Resistive
- Rodlike
- Ringleted
- Runaway
- Radiant
- Reconstructive
- Runproof
- Reversionary
- Refractive
- Reversible
- Repugnant
- Recurvate
- Rearmost
- Remunerative
- Rustling
- Resupine
- Rose
- Reflex
- Retractile
- Retrograde
- Robotlike
- Redundant
- Rateable
- Reparable
- Reformative
- Rallying
- Riblike
- Racing
- Randomised
- Resealable
- Riming
- Ropy
- Riemannian
- Rotating
- Regulative
- Ramose
- Reanimated
- Regardful
- Rancid
- Radiolucent
- Roguish
- Recherche
- Resinous
- Rutted
- Rebarbative
- Rallentando
- Resettled
- Racemose
- Reasoning
- Reasoned
- Recessionary
- Revivalistic
- Reefy
- Recessional
- Ridiculous
- Reversive
- Racist
- Rumpled
- Rouged
- Reflexed
- Responsive
- Reinvigorated
- Renegotiable
- Romaic
- Ratty
- Rawboned
- Retentive
- Repellent
- Reversed
- Romanist
- Rushlike
- Runny
- Recriminative
- Rapturous
- Realized
- Refrigerant
- Resistant
- Ruffianly
- Rhenish
- Rescindable
- Retroflex
- Risky
- Rollicking
- Reentrant
- Radiographic
- Rooseveltian
- Reechoing
- Roast
- Rabelaisian
- Recurring
- Recollective
- Retroactive
- Rosicrucian
- Ruthless
- Rectilineal
- Robust
- Reprehensible
- Refundable
- Rural
- Ribbony
- Radiopaque
- Radiological
- Regnant
- Reddened
- Ruling
- Rummy
- Ramous
- Ribbonlike
- Rascally
- Rootbound
- Rastafarian
- Rudimentary
- Restful
- Rainbow-Colored
- Reportable
- Recessive
- Realised
- Rampant
- Rasping
- Rushed
- Reciprocatory
- Russian
- Reproachful
- Rewarding
- Rooted
- Ribbed
- Reductionist
- Reproducible
- Resinlike
- Rimeless
- Reverberative
- Restricted
- Raptorial
- Ruttish
- Ruminative
- Redemptional
- Redux
- Reddish
- Roan
- Recurved
- Rostrate
- Rolling
- Reviled
- Rhomboid
- Remorseful
- Retral
- Roughshod
- Required
- Revelatory
- Romanticistic
- Retributive
- Roughish
- Rosaceous
- Recondite
- Referent
- Repeatable
- Rimed
- Revocable
- Rickettsial
- Reverent
- Rimy
- Romance
- Registered
- Ruly
- Radiophonic
- Ruritanian
- Regardant
- Resistible
- Roving
- Repelling
- Ruptured
- Rotatory
- Ramshackle
- Resistless
- Ritardando
- Reported
- Romani
- Rambunctious
- Robed
- Redoubtable
- Rusting
- Rectal
- Raving
- Resultant
- Restive
- Radio
- Revolutionary
- Racy
- Revengeful
- Rotten
- Rousseauan
- Repellant
- Recreational
- Recuperative
- Resourceless
- Rueful
- Resilient
- Respiratory
- Raspy
- Reticulate
- Reverse
- Ringlike
- Relaxant
- Rupestral
- Recrudescent
- Randy
- Romanticist
- Replicable
- Representable
- Reformist
- Receding
- Rainproof
- Rustproof
- Recalcitrant
- Roaring
- Reassured
- Readable
- Rubicund
- Routine
- Residential
- Radiating
- Repudiative
- Restorative
- Raging
- Rocky
- Reformatory
- Raising
- Redemptory
- Rambling
- Regimental
- Ribless
- Resounding
- Restored
- Resident
- Rhythmical
- Respondent
- Rutty
- Reticent
- Robustious
- Rectifiable
- Recurrent
- Raffish
- Rapacious
- Russet
- Right
- Rush
- Rumbling
- Recognized
- Rushy
- Ruthful
- Risque
- Rebel
- Referable
- Roofless
- Rhodesian
- Revitalised
- Rhymeless
- Resiny
- Renunciant
- Ridiculing
- Rarified
- Rubberlike
- Ratlike
- Referential
- Running
- Rounded
- Reincarnate
- Rumansh
- Rosy
- Raftered
- Risk-Free
- Rustless
- Recreant
- Requisite
- Ruandan
- Refractile
- Remittent
- Runic
- Revenant
- Ropey
- Renunciative
- Rhizomatous
- Raised
- Restrained
- Resolved
- Retaliatory
- Rheumy
- Rivalrous
- Roughhewn
- Rechargeable
- Rattlepated
- Risen
- Rabid
- Refreshing
- Rightish
- Revamped
- Rheological
- Rhapsodic
- Regimented
- Representational
- Rheologic
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with R
This brings us to the end of a joyous journey! We know you had fun learning these adjectives that start with R.
Some of these adjectives that start with R might have been new and some of them a little more familiar but there are a lot of ways you can experiment with them. We definitely had fun teaching you!
These adjectives starting with R can be used on numerous occasions and in countless different ways.
Whenever you are describing something the next time, you will have ample descriptive words that start with R to spice up your narration!
So let us know in the comments below that what your favorite ways to use adjectives are. We will be thrilled to know about your experience.