1200+ Adjectives That Start with P | Definitions and Examples Included

If you’re looking for adjectives that start with P, you’ve come to the right place at the right moment. As usual, we are here to rescue you from the devastating effects of dull language.
Have you ever been in that exhausting situation where you’re trying to think of a suitable complement for someone but your mind blacks out? We’ve all been there at some point.
You’ll never feel that way again after learning the adjectives that start with P, which we’ve prepared for you. So, consume these to your heart’s content, and by the end, you’ll be a master of descriptive words that start with P.
It’s time to upgrade your adjective game with our help. We are at your service with an amazing collection of snappy adjectives that can oomph up your conversations.
These adjectives beginning with P can be used to express both positive and negative qualities of a person, thing, or phenomena, and so on. Have fun, buddies!
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Most Common Adjectives That Start with P
Let’s begin with the most common adjectives that start with P that are used in conversations on a daily basis. Take a look at these adjectives starting with P, all selected especially for you.
1. Powerful
- Definition: possessing strength
- Synonyms: strong, muscular
- Example: He has a powerful personality.
2. Positive
- Definition: optimistic and happy
- Synonyms: practical, pragmatic
- Example: She always has positive opinions to give.
3. Polite
- Definition: with a respectful demeanor
- Synonyms: well-mannered, civil
- Example: She communicates in a polite manner.
4. Patient
- Definition: possessing the ability to face problems calmly
- Synonyms: forbearing, uncomplaining
- Example: Henry is a patient person.
5. Proper
- Definition: according to the generally accepted rules
- Synonyms: real, genuine
- Example: You were supposed to come in a proper dress.
6. Precise
- Definition: exact or clear-cut
- Synonyms: exact, accurate
- Example: Please make sure you take precise measurements.
7. Prestigious
- Definition: highly respected and esteemed
- Synonyms: reputable, distinguished
- Example: This is a highly prestigious award.
8. Pleasant
- Definition: having a refreshing effect
- Synonyms: enjoyable, nice
- Example: I heard a pleasant song last night.
9. Passionate
- Definition: possessing strong feelings
- Synonyms: ardent, fervent
- Example: He is a passionate artist.
10. Possessive
- Definition: demanding care and attention
- Synonyms: proprietorial, overprotective
- Example: She is an overly possessive partner.
Adjectives That Start with P – Beginner Level
If you are a beginner looking for adjectives that begin with P, you are just on time! We are thrilled to share these adjectives with you and we are sure you’re equally excited about this journey.
1. Priceless
- Definition: something so precious that its worth cannot be determined
- Synonyms: precious, rare
- Example: I am in love with her priceless smile.
2. Problematic
- Definition: having a lot of problems
- Synonyms: difficult, hard
- Example: Your comments are very problematic.
3. Political
- Definition: related to the constitution or government
- Synonyms: governmental, bureaucratic
- Example: Keep me out of this political conspiracy.
4. Puzzling
- Definition: causing one to be confused and uncertain
- Synonyms: perplexed, confused
- Example: These questions are very puzzling.
5. Principled
- Definition: having strong beliefs about right and wrong
- Synonyms: moral, ethical
- Example: Martha is a principled woman.
6. Prosperous
- Definition: extremely successful
- Synonyms: thriving, booming
- Example: We live in a prosperous state.
7. Potential
- Definition: having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future
- Synonyms: possible, likely
- Example: This is an incentive for our potential customers.
8. Probable
- Definition: likely to happen
- Synonyms: possible, prospective
- Example: I am afraid of the probable results.
9. Playful
- Definition: fun and enjoyable
- Synonyms: frisky, jolly
- Example: She was in a playful mood.
10. Patriotic
- Definition: being sincere to one’s country
- Synonyms: loyalist, loyal
- Example: We are blessed to have a patriotic leader.
Adjectives That Start with P – Medium Level
So you are at an upgraded stage now. Wow, that was fast! Moving on let’s learn some adjective words that start with P, slightly tougher but a lot more fun. Take a look at these banging adjectives that start with the letter P!
1. Primary
- Definition: more important than anything else; main
- Synonyms: main, chief
- Example: Lack of confidence is the primary cause of stage fright.
2. Perceptible
- Definition: likely to be noticed
- Synonyms: noticeable, detectable
- Example: We were hoping to see a perceptible movement in his body.
3. Persistent
- Definition: consistently putting efforts despite difficulties
- Synonyms: tenacious, persevering
- Example: She is a persistent sales person.
4. Prominent
- Definition: of prime importance
- Synonyms: important, well-known
- Example: He is a prominent doctor in that hospital.
5. Powerless
- Definition: without power or force
- Synonyms: impotent, ineffectual
- Example: The citizens were powerless in front of the dictators.
6. Purposeful
- Definition: having a strong sense of purpose
- Synonyms: determined, resolute
- Example: She is a confident and purposeful lady.
7. Pitiless
- Definition: having no mercy
- Synonyms: merciless, ruthless
- Example: He is a pitiless assassin.
8. Psychological
- Definition: related to the mind
- Synonyms: mental, inner
- Example: His psychological damage is too much.
9. Photogenic
- Definition: looking beautiful through the camera lens
- Synonyms: attractive, eye-catching
- Example: I don’t have a photogenic face.
10. Pitiful
- Definition: deserving mercy
- Synonyms: distressing, sad
- Example: He was forgiven because of his pitiful face.
Adjectives That Start with P – Hard Level
Let’s test your abilities more by describing words beginning with P, slightly harder than the previous ones. Yes, they are tough but nothing you can’t handle champ! So let’s begin the game!
1. Painless
- Definition: having no pain
- Synonyms: trouble-free, pain-free
- Example: This is a painless procedure.
2. Potent
- Definition: having an extremely strong effect
- Synonyms: powerful, formidable
- Example: I bought a potent supplement.
3. Picky
- Definition: fussy while making choices
- Synonyms: critical, selective
- Example: She is a picky girl.
4. Plausible
- Definition: seemingly logical
- Synonyms: credible, likely
- Example: He will demand a plausible explanation from you.
5. Personable
- Definition: appearing pleasant and presentable
- Synonyms: pleasant, nice
- Example: Our new boss is a personable young man.
6. Prized
- Definition: possessing great value
- Synonyms: adored, worshipped
- Example: This watch is my most prized possession.
7. Perceptive
- Definition: having a sensitive and deep insight
- Synonyms: insightful, sensitive
- Example: Her perceptive analysis helps us a great deal.
8. Pivotal
- Definition: at an extremely important position
- Synonyms: central, critical
- Example: Bob is a pivotal figure in this company.
9. Pious
- Definition: pure or sincere towards religion
- Synonyms: devoted, religious
- Example: My mother is a pious lady.
10. Purposeless
- Definition: without any purpose
- Synonyms: aimless, pointless
- Example: We are having a purposeless conversation, let’s end it.
Adjectives That Start with P – Expert Level
You are a pro at knowing P adjectives already! But we’re assuming you’re here because you want to be an expert. So for that purpose, we have more descriptive words beginning with P for you!
1. Philanthropic
- Definition: passionate about the welfare of people
- Synonyms: charitable, humanitarian
- Example: He is known for his philanthropic beliefs.
2. Poised
- Definition: having a sophisticated demeanor
- Synonyms: calm, composed
- Example: You are such a poised lady.
3. Pragmatic
- Definition: dealing with things in a systematic manner
- Synonyms: empirical, hands-on
- Example: This project needs a highly pragmatic approach.
4. Profane
- Definition: outside religious beliefs
- Synonyms: secular, non-church
- Example: Bold, unapologetic, and profane, he is a true internet sensation.
5. Polished
- Definition: possessing elegance
- Synonyms: refined, well-bred
- Example: This long training has turned her into a polished man.
6. Pithy
- Definition: concise and to the point
- Synonyms: succinct, terse
- Example: I have a brief and pithy question for you.
7. Permissive
- Definition: permissible or allowed
- Synonyms: indulgent, lax
- Example: Provide him with a list of the permissive activities.
8. Pumped
- Definition: very excited
- Synonyms: animated, aroused
- Example: I am so pumped for this event.
9. Porous
- Definition: having pores or holes
- Synonyms: absorbent, spongy
- Example: This soil is porous so you can plant anything.
10. Peculiar
- Definition: different than normal
- Synonyms: funny, curious
- Example: I was baffled by her peculiar look.
Positive Adjectives That Start with P
What a “pleasant” day! What a “perfect” time to indulge in “productive” activities! Yes, you got it right, we’re throwing around some positive adjectives that start with P, to set your mood right for the upcoming list.
1. Perfect
- Definition: without flaws or shortcomings
- Synonyms: ideal, flawless
- Example: Wow what a perfect painting.
2. Pure
- Definition: not contaminated; of great quality
- Synonyms: unmixed, unalloyed
- Example: His intentions were pure and innocent.
3. Precious
- Definition: greatly loved or treasured
- Synonyms: valuable, high-priced
- Example: She is very precious to me.
4. Promising
- Definition: showing benefits for the future
- Synonyms: good, auspicious
- Example: You surely are a promising candidate.
5. Praiseworthy
- Definition: deserving appreciation
- Synonyms: commendable, laudable
- Example: Madge was appreciated for her praiseworthy efforts.
6. Phenomenal
- Definition: having exceptional qualities
- Synonyms: extraordinary, outstanding
- Example: You are a phenomenal teacher.
7. Persuasive
- Definition: having the power to convince someone
- Synonyms: convincing, compelling
- Example: I felt better after her persuasive analysis.
8. Picturesque
- Definition: attractive and pleasing for the eyes
- Synonyms: striking, pretty
- Example: This is a picturesque view.
9. Pristine
- Definition: in original condition
- Synonyms: immaculate, perfect
- Example: He gifted me pristine copies of the album.
10. Perky
- Definition: jolly and happy
- Synonyms: cheerful, animated
- Example: Our elder sister is in a perky mood all the time.
Negative Adjectives That Start with P
Life isn’t always “la vie en rose” and at times it could be a dark cloud above your head! In both situations humans have the special ability to express themselves and what could be a better supplement than adjectives? So let’s take a look at some negative adjectives that start with P.
1. Poor
- Definition: having less or no money
- Synonyms: impoverished, beggarly
- Example: He is so poor that he could not even afford the rent.
2. Pathetic
- Definition: heartbreaking or miserable
- Synonyms: pitiful, pitiable
- Example: I cannot bear your pathetic tactics.
3. Pointless
- Definition: without a sense of purpose
- Synonyms: futile, useless
- Example: This is a pointless relationship, we should call it quits.
4. Petty
- Definition: not important
- Synonyms: trivial, unimportant.
- Example: Maria is tired of her husband’s petty behavior.
5. Pessimistic
- Definition: always focusing on the bad aspects
- Synonyms: gloomy, downbeat
- Example: Your pessimistic approach is making things hard for everyone.
6. Poignant
- Definition: sad and gloomy
- Synonyms: touching, saddening
- Example: How could you expect fun from such a poignant moment?
7. Pompous
- Definition: being boastful
- Synonyms: overbearing, domineering
- Example: Your pompous attitude repelled her.
8. Phobic
- Definition: being extremely fearing of something
- Synonyms: afraid, frightened
- Example: I am phobic of deep waters.
9. Petulant
- Definition: having a bad temper
- Synonyms: complaining, testy
- Example: Your child is petulant and hard to please.
10. Pigheaded
- Definition: stupid and stubborn
- Synonyms: adamant, obstinate
- Example: I cannot talk to that pigheaded man for long.
Adjectives That Start with P to Describe a Person
Finally, we have gathered some adjectives that start with P to describe someone, which you can use to jazz up your interactions. Let’s dive deep into these P adjectives to describe a person and use them the next time we are at a gathering.
1. Proficient
- Definition: competent or skilled in doing something
- Synonyms: skilled, expert
- Example: I am proficient in English language.
2. Paralyzed
- Definition: partly or completely incapable of movement
- Synonyms: disabled, immobilized
- Example: She was paralyzed with fear.
3. Polite
- Definition: showing respectful and considerate behavior
- Synonyms: well-mannered, respectful
- Example: We were greeted by a polite lady.
4. Painful
- Definition: filled with physical or psychological pain
- Synonyms: sore, tender
- Example: Their painful remarks made me cry.
5. Pretty
- Definition: pleasant to look at
- Synonyms: gorgeous, nice-looking
- Example: Your daughter is very pretty.
6. Proud
- Definition: feeling or showing pride
- Synonyms: satisfied, delighted
- Example: My proud wife couldn’t wait to meet me.
7. Peaceful
- Definition: free from distraction
- Synonyms: tranquil, pleasant
- Example: I cannot ruin her peaceful mood.
8. Placid
- Definition: doesn’t get easily upset or excited
- Synonyms: calm, tranquil
- Example: Her placid demeanor helped us a great deal.
9. Preeminent
- Definition: surpassing all others
- Synonyms: leading, best
- Example: We want to meet some preeminent doctors for the advice.
10. Pallid
- Definition: pale, typically because of poor health
- Synonyms: pale, pasty
- Example: Why is your face so pallid?
Adjectives That Start with P – Full List (1200+ Words)
After getting you acquainted with a variety of adjectives here is a complied list of adjectives that start with P, all in one place. Let’s see how many you remember!
- Powerful
- Positive
- Polite
- Patient
- Proper
- Precise
- Prestigious
- Pleasant
- Passionate
- Possessive
- Priceless
- Problematic
- Political
- Puzzling
- Principled
- Prosperous
- Potential
- Probable
- Playful
- Patriotic
- Primary
- Perceptible
- Persistent
- Prominent
- Powerless
- Purposeful
- Pitiless
- Psychological
- Photogenic
- Pitiful
- Painless
- Potent
- Picky
- Plausible
- Personable
- Prized
- Perceptive
- Pivotal
- Pious
- Purposeless
- Philanthropic
- Poised
- Pragmatic
- Profane
- Polished
- Pithy
- Permissive
- Pumped
- Porous
- Peculiar
- Perfect
- Pure
- Precious
- Promising
- Praiseworthy
- Phenomenal
- Persuasive
- Picturesque
- Pristine
- Perky
- Poor
- Pathetic
- Pointless
- Petty
- Pessimistic
- Poignant
- Pompous
- Phobic
- Petulant
- Pigheaded
- Peaceful
- Paralyzed
- Polite
- Painful
- Pretty
- Proud
- Proficient
- Placid
- Preeminent
- Pallid
- Platyrhine
- Procumbent
- Paleozoic
- Papist
- Porose
- Pale
- Part-time
- Prehensile
- Presentable
- Piscivorous
- Polydactyl
- Perplexed
- Postbiblical
- Proven
- Praetorial
- Pampered
- Preventable
- Prudent
- Plaguey
- Peremptory
- Putrefiable
- Punctual
- Popping
- Plaguy
- Popliteal
- Protecting
- Pelvic
- Penial
- Parthenogenetic
- Peristylar
- Palingenetic
- Presocratic
- Pandemic
- Permeant
- Pragmatical
- Pleochroic
- Pensive
- Premedical
- Polluted
- Priapic
- Pyroligneous
- Pathological
- Pillared
- Particular
- Pedestrian
- Purring
- Presumable
- Punic
- Pokey
- Precooled
- Primordial
- Pentasyllabic
- Polymeric
- Proofed
- Professed
- Puissant
- Phlegmatical
- Perfumed
- Prevailing
- Parabolic
- Pally
- Pierced
- Pied
- Pressor
- Propagative
- Participative
- Palmate
- Peachy
- Phantom
- Proven/Al
- Pureblooded
- Prestissimo
- Peruvian
- Prognathous
- Popeyed
- Pettish
- Plenteous
- Phosphoric
- Precedent
- Prehistoric
- Prohibitive
- Pennate
- Plumlike
- Phyletic
- Procrustean
- Puny
- Pyroelectric
- Public
- Promotional
- Parheliacal
- Pelagic
- Packed
- Pretorial
- Portly
- Peccant
- Prospective
- Petallike
- Personalised
- Plutocratical
- Positivistic
- Peruked
- Purplish
- Pinnated
- Polyphase
- Platitudinous
- Pinnatifid
- Phrenological
- Palpatory
- Parasitic
- Politic
- Penultimate
- Percussive
- Panegyrical
- Placoid
- Precocial
- Pucka
- Piebald
- Postpositive
- Peripatetic
- Preprandial
- Polyoicous
- Priggish
- Placable
- Profanatory
- Particularized
- Peripteral
- Ploughed
- Purebred
- Protean
- Prepubescent
- Plumb
- Providential
- Premarital
- Prepackaged
- Paintable
- Prewar
- Piagetian
- Propaedeutic
- Potbellied
- Polysyllabic
- Pantalooned
- Permanent
- Popish
- Permeative
- Pixilated
- Preferred
- Paranormal
- Preanal
- Pathologic
- Philippine
- Patchy
- Prescient
- Perinasal
- Ponderable
- Pertinent
- Procreative
- Princely
- Papistic
- Pebbly
- Prostyle
- Parenthetic
- Paid
- Protanopic
- Pederastic
- Postnuptial
- Peroneal
- Premeditated
- Pareve
- Plaid
- Polychrome
- Pilary
- Propitious
- Peltate
- Parve
- Portuguese
- Plangent
- Plumbable
- Precipitant
- Patricentric
- Peerless
- Pneumogastric
- Piscatory
- Pyrrhic
- Palestinian
- Peritrichous
- Proinflammatory
- Prospicient
- Peaceable
- Paediatric
- Physiotherapeutic
- Privy
- Perilous
- Paroicous
- Pleased
- Prejudiced
- Piteous
- Platonic
- Prohibitory
- Paschal
- Picayune
- Prototypical
- Pussy
- Pectoral
- Pricy
- Participial
- Pentecostal
- Pyrogenous
- Pudgy
- Pointillistic
- Prisonlike
- Purchasable
- Pilar
- Pliable
- Posted
- Purgative
- Perineal
- Pedigree
- Proximate
- Planktonic
- Processional
- Programmable
- Penal
- Provoking
- Poikilothermic
- Petite
- Pedagogical
- Postgraduate
- Pasteurized
- Photoemissive
- Prefabricated
- Premium
- Pediatric
- Porcine
- Preservative
- Potable
- Pleonastic
- Pugilistic
- Pent
- Preponderating
- Parturient
- Penumbral
- Postpartum
- Particoloured
- Pachydermous
- Prurient
- Polish
- Pitiable
- Perfervid
- Plus
- Postdiluvian
- Pestiferous
- Paradisiac
- Pneumatic
- Posthumous
- Parthian
- Poetic
- Pessimum
- Prakritic
- Pemphigous
- Petalless
- Plantal
- Primed
- Palpitant
- Proustian
- Pictural
- Practicable
- Populous
- Pornographic
- Pretentious
- Procaryotic
- Purblind
- Prostate
- Philosophic
- Pyretic
- Platyrrhine
- Parasympathomimetic
- Predaceous
- Precative
- Phonogramic
- Present
- Pulpy
- Pyramidic
- Proactive
- Pelecypod
- Postoperative
- Putrefacient
- Polemical
- Prognosticative
- Prepaid
- Parental
- Prize
- Pervasive
- Pasty
- Paying
- Peanut
- Prone
- Pleasurable
- Provencal
- Parky
- Precedential
- Percipient
- Puranic
- Peevish
- Psychotic
- Pericardial
- Pernickety
- Penile
- Polyglot
- Precedented
- Prime
- Prototypal
- Placating
- Postictal
- Parametric
- Podlike
- Premenopausal
- Proximal
- Phonetic
- Puff
- Perceptual
- Pink
- Prying
- Parvenue
- Precooked
- Paunchy
- Patronymic
- Polysemantic
- Pilosebaceous
- Pathless
- Ponderous
- Parietal
- Probative
- Plebeian
- Paperbacked
- Pearlescent
- Previous
- Pendent
- Pyrolytic
- Penniless
- Prolonged
- Pentangular
- Plenary
- Perfected
- Polarographic
- Palmy
- Pancreatic
- Philatelical
- Parasitical
- Posh
- Premiere
- Protractible
- Pilous
- Pseudo
- Pentatonic
- Painstaking
- Photic
- Prompt
- Photoelectric
- Peacekeeping
- Plane
- Proverbial
- Paleoanthropological
- Parenteral
- Patristic
- Puffed
- Prankish
- Plutocratic
- Prevalent
- Percutaneous
- Problematical
- Protestant
- Propellant
- Prerecorded
- Patronless
- Propitiative
- Predicative
- Paternal
- Precarious
- Perforated
- Pyrographic
- Panicky
- Prophetic
- Prejudicial
- Patronising
- Profitless
- Pacifistic
- Peripheral
- Pantropical
- Preoperative
- Piscine
- Predigested
- Plagiaristic
- Pudendal
- Pastelike
- Paternalistic
- Pelecypodous
- Protective
- Polygenic
- Peloponnesian
- Papuan
- Phantasmagorical
- Promiscuous
- Pyknotic
- Pavlovian
- Panoptic
- Painterly
- Petrified
- Pretended
- Panegyric
- Postindustrial
- Palish
- Presto
- Preliminary
- Palatial
- Pellucid
- Provocative
- Parhelic
- Patterned
- Plumelike
- Puritanic
- Physiological
- Periphrastic
- Persnickety
- Pronominal
- Perigonal
- Pertinacious
- Pianissimo
- Protrusive
- Positional
- PrimaDonna
- Planless
- Prehistorical
- Propellent
- Packable
- Pureblood
- Protracted
- Patristical
- Proletarian
- Plumbaginaceous
- Prenominal
- Prefatorial
- Perspicacious
- Personal
- Pleurocarpous
- Painted
- Photometric
- Prissy
- Polychromatic
- Pollyannaish
- Pardonable
- Paperlike
- Putrefactive
- Personalized
- Panhellenic
- Pass
- Poky
- Pliant
- Punitive
- Premier
- Polyvalent
- Pearly
- Pushful
- Preternatural
- Preoccupied
- Purple
- Paradisiacal
- Pedate
- Phreatic
- Passee
- Prefigurative
- Prenuptial
- Pinnate
- Phonemic
- Prim
- Prudential
- Phytophilous
- Piano
- Pyemic
- Protuberant
- Photochemical
- Piggy
- Professional
- Presumptuous
- Planned
- Perinatal
- Periodic
- Psychosomatic
- Puckish
- Pissed
- Proconsular
- Paleontological
- Polymorphemic
- Physicochemical
- Plaintive
- Professorial
- Pentamerous
- Preparative
- Pictographic
- Perianal
- Polar
- Passive
- Plausive
- Pricey
- Phantasmagoric
- Prodromal
- Pyramidal
- Passing
- Putdownable
- Placatory
- Participatory
- Partial
- Perversive
- Proterozoic
- Partitive
- Preconcerted
- Probing
- Postmodern
- Perpetual
- Perpendicular
- Premenstrual
- Prelapsarian
- Pyogenic
- Prostrate
- Punk
- Prevenient
- Propertyless
- Piratical
- Pyrotechnic
- Premature
- Praiseful
- Paradigmatic
- Pending
- Prefectural
- Postmodernist
- Pulmonary
- Poorly
- Pericardiac
- Puberulent
- Pyroelectrical
- Putative
- Postpaid
- Prefrontal
- Penurious
- Phonologic
- Postmenopausal
- Panoramic
- Polynesian
- Phoenician
- Paramedical
- Parsimonious
- Parasiticidal
- Polyoestrous
- Plummy
- Primeval
- Pyrectic
- Pedigreed
- Publishable
- Projectile
- Pulseless
- Phrenic
- Preserved
- Planographic
- Plentiful
- Piezoelectric
- Phallic
- Pleural
- Pinstriped
- Paleolithic
- Polymorphous
- Prefab
- Postganglionic
- Persuasible
- Pimpled
- Prepositional
- Perplexing
- Palmar
- Prandial
- Periodontic
- Parking
- Palatine
- Purported
- Polychromic
- Plastic
- Pendant
- Partizan
- Pietistic
- Planetary
- Pyramidical
- Prescriptive
- Pastoral
- Proprietary
- Permutable
- Postmortal
- Panoptical
- Practiced
- Pupillary
- Papillate
- Piscatorial
- Predictive
- Prognostic
- Photoelectrical
- Pestilential
- Priestly
- Patronised
- Peckish
- Portable
- Pharmacological
- Piddling
- Prokaryotic
- Pastel
- Punctilious
- Postglacial
- Patrilinear
- Petalled
- Peritoneal
- Pensionable
- Pietistical
- Postprandial
- Palliative
- Pressing
- Paleocortical
- Parous
- Practical
- Pteridological
- Peaky
- Presidential
- Perfoliate
- Pharisaic
- Plantigrade
- Primitive
- Pasteurian
- Phylliform
- Prerequisite
- Pockmarked
- Pictorial
- Prepupal
- Preemptive
- Prismatic
- Principal
- Paperback
- Patent
- Perforate
- Parlous
- Perverse
- Petalous
- Provable
- Pursuant
- Penitent
- Precipitate
- Phrasal
- Precipitous
- Pasteurised
- Parched
- Phagocytic
- Prepubertal
- Provisory
- Privileged
- Plagiarised
- Promotive
- Printable
- Provisionary
- Pedantic
- Preexisting
- Patrician
- Paraphrastic
- Predominant
- Perturbed
- Puerile
- Plumbic
- Pathogenic
- Pyrolignic
- Pessimal
- Pacifist
- Particulate
- Primiparous
- Perseverant
- Preservable
- Poetical
- Planar
- Polyestrous
- Passionless
- Preventative
- Persian
- Platonistic
- Photoconductive
- Pressurized
- Preconditioned
- Prox
- Parented
- Pectineal
- Pop
- Pineal
- Pinnatisect
- Prussian
- Penciled
- Photographic
- Postmillennial
- Pernicious
- Promised
- Pakistani
- Plump
- Prolusory
- Philharmonic
- Pituitary
- Perspicuous
- Punitory
- Petticoated
- Perturbing
- Penetrable
- Paradoxical
- Precancerous
- Patrilineal
- Pharaonic
- Parentless
- Presbyopic
- Periodical
- Phony
- Preventive
- Potty
- Porphyritic
- Paralytical
- Pointed
- Puncturable
- Preliterate
- Pyrogenic
- Payable
- Pythagorean
- Prepacked
- Pubescent
- Plagioclastic
- Prefaded
- Placeable
- Probatory
- Pyrogenetic
- Pentavalent
- Prodigal
- Picaresque
- Prickly
- Prescribed
- Pedunculate
- Permissible
- Preclusive
- Paneled
- Paranoid
- Preconceived
- Peeved
- Purified
- Paled
- Pyaemic
- Pomaded
- Preachy
- Perambulating
- Poisonous
- Plural
- Phoney
- Paederastic
- Putrid
- Photomechanical
- Perdurable
- Plantar
- Prosaic
- Paltry
- Pyknic
- Placative
- Profligate
- Prizewinning
- Past
- Prefatory
- Papery
- Proportionate
- Palatal
- Perishable
- Pronged
- Provisional
- Photovoltaic
- Plucky
- Perceivable
- Polydactylous
- Puritanical
- Pulverised
- Pedal
- Philistine
- Precatory
- Precipitating
- Protrusile
- Perirhinal
- Postulational
- Polemic
- Patriarchic
- Prodigious
- Petrous
- Predacious
- Persevering
- Parochial
- Puffy
- Polysemous
- Protozoic
- Persuadable
- Prostatic
- Profaned
- Predominate
- Preposterous
- Platyrhinian
- Predatory
- Pusillanimous
- Pilotless
- Protractile
- Phytophagous
- Planoconvex
- Platelike
- Puzzled
- Pregnant
- Planate
- Pet
- Pedagogic
- Pachydermal
- Papillose
- Physiologic
- Photosensitive
- Pouched
- Piecemeal
- Prolific
- Puerperal
- Progressive
- Punctureless
- Precordial
- Pneumonic
- Pappose
- Pilose
- Parvenu
- Piggish
- Platyrrhinic
- Profuse
- Planetal
- Paramount
- Posterior
- Protozoan
- Psychedelic
- Phylogenetic
- Palladian
- Prayerful
- Prescription
- Polynomial
- Postmeridian
- Pharyngeal
- Papal
- Peregrine
- Prima
- Preclinical
- Postdoctoral
- Proportionable
- Perennial
- Polygynous
- Plumaged
- Periodontal
- Prosthetic
- Partisan
- Preferable
- Productive
- Papillary
- Praising
- Papistical
- Primal
- Profitable
- Paramilitary
- Petaled
- Polemoniaceous
- Palmatifid
- Particularised
- Pectinate
- Putrescible
- Penitential
- Puppyish
- Paroxysmal
- Philhellenic
- Peccable
- Polyatomic
- Propitiatory
- Pert
- Proprioceptive
- Piercing
- Promissory
- Pungent
- Paradisal
- Pianistic
- Plumping
- Piquant
- Pat
- Prideful
- Pretorian
- Pentagonal
- Pustulate
- Perithelial
- Panamanian
- Petaloid
- Pistillate
- Pawky
- Paniculate
- Prolate
- Paranasal
- Profound
- Propulsive
- Polymorphic
- Parallel
- Partible
- Panduriform
- Positionable
- Peptic
- Pharmaceutic
- Premonitory
- Plutonic
- Palatalized
- Platyrrhinian
- Phrenetic
- Perfectible
- Pneumococcal
- Pachydermic
- Plumy
- Pervious
- Proto
- Philhellene
- Pantheistic
- Parliamentary
- Pyloric
- Phonic
- Polyploid
- Particularistic
- Ptolemaic
- Plainspoken
- Pleading
- Plushy
- Palatalised
- Pocketable
- Podgy
- Pushy
- Punishable
- Papilliform
- Pleomorphic
- Postexilic
- Praetorian
- Preferential
- Punky
- Protozoal
- Proof
- Prognathic
- Plumed
- Pizzicato
- Phytophagic
- Propertied
- Parotid
- Precognitive
- Patronizing
- Prodromic
- Placental
- Pursy
- Putrescent
- Passant
- Pronounced
- Plumate
- Pinchbeck
- Pleuritic
- Pimply
- Pacific
- Proximo
- Pukka
- Pharmaceutical
- Proteolytic
- Presentational
- Predictable
- Preparatory
- Precocious
- Patriarchal
- Pouchlike
- Parenthetical
- Particolored
- Peppy
- Pyrogallic
- Prohibited
- Polysynthetic
- Pubic
- Palaeontological
- Plain
- Psychiatric
- Parasympathetic
- Pupal
- Procurable
- Platitudinal
- Publicised
- Precautional
- Pugnacious
- Provincial
- Preexistent
- Portentous
- Padded
- Plush
- Provident
- Passe
- Peppery
- Proteinaceous
- Prudish
- Precast
- Probabilistic
- Postmortem
- Phlegmatic
- Pecuniary
- Palpable
- Polyunsaturated
- Parrotlike
- Phocine
- Puddingheaded
- Pressed
- Prejudicious
- Periwigged
- Prepossessing
- Palmlike
- Patelliform
- Plumbous
- Photometrical
- Postal
- Protrusible
- Paradisaical
- Powdery
- Precursory
- Pauline
- Prosthodontic
- Postnatal
- Period
- Poriferous
- Potbound
- Phosphorescent
- Patellar
- Pectic
- Prenatal
- Penitentiary
- Passerine
- Phyllodial
- Polypetalous
- Plodding
- Plumose
- Phalangeal
- Proportioned
- Prolix
- Popular
- Palpebrate
- Paraguayan
- Purulent
- Pocked
- Perfidious
- Paraboloidal
- Paramagnetic
- Palaeolithic
- Preset
- Passable
- Postural
- Polytonal
- Prophylactic
- Precautionary
- Pandurate
- Palatoglossal
- Porticoed
- Paradisaic
- Perfunctory
- Pointillist
- Predisposed
- Prototypic
- Postwar
- Pagan
- Permeable
- Pharisaical
- Priestlike
- Prophetical
- Puppylike
- Predestinate
- Pitchy
- Poetically
- Prepared
- Plutonian
- Preponderant
- Plastered
- Panicled
- Pinkish
- Pestilent
- Presumptive
- Pleasing
- Preferent
- Psychotropic
- Pesky
- Pharmacologic
- Prior
- Private
- Purposive
- Phosphorous
- Preceding
- Pendulous
- Parisian
- Predestined
- Potholed
- Primo
- Pontifical
- Prongy
- Paripinnate
- Pluralistic
- Petitionary
- Pantropic
- Pycnotic
- Possible
- Paraplegic
- Physical
- Poltroon
- Piffling
- Palatable
- Parabolical
- Playable
- Philosophical
- Primaeval
- Peninsular
- Penetrating
- Pulmonic
- Pluperfect
- Polyandrous
- Purgatorial
- Pyrochemical
- Procedural
- Pejorative
- Patented
- Proportional
- Preteen
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with P
We have provided you with all the necessary adjectives that start with P, ranging from the basic ones to the more sophisticated ones; those with positive connotations and those used in a negative light.
We have given you the right tools. Now you can go wild with them and use them in a variety of ways because that’s the best part about language!
These adjectives that start with P were systematically presented with the aim to aid our readers in the best possible way. Let us know which adjectives starting with P were your favorite among these?
We hope that at the end you’re leaving us with a better understanding of descriptive words that start with P! As we usually chant, happy learning!